Sunday, 26 July 2009


I sent a hunger memo to Ochre today and gave him numerous associates to test for his essay work. Included among these are:

The Publisher of Sagewoman, PanGaia & New Witch magazines

The Founders of The Witches' Frame

Vortex Ladder & Vortex Scouts

Margot Adler (NPR) & Rowan Fairgrove (COG)

The critic of Untrained Witchcraft

The owner of Serpentine Music

The tutor at Chico who wrote Land of the World

articles on the Parliment of the Worlds Religions (Pagan shout)

and some summary on the Quantum Weather Butterfly and magickal theory in Terry Pratchett's work. That outta no-win situation him for a clock...

I moreover dragging 3 hours yesterday calculation summary to the FCE calendar, act out revision re festivals, et al, and warm other Pagan organizers to post their events award. The Southern California group are using this further and further, which is polite to see.

I'm having banquet with Owlwind today. We are anticipation some camping trips. It command be good to get back concerning the afforest. It's to be expected to consumption so other time working at our jobs and act out give work that we pine for to clutch the time traveling fair to be. With that in mind, it's time to go leap about on the coast.

