For simple prayer candles that I will light each night, the ritual is equally simple. I like to inscribe my candles during a new moon ritual. I will ask the Great Spirits to help me empower the candle for the desired purpose and to guide my hand in marking the candle with whatever symbol it is I have chosen. Depending on the purpose, I might invoke the element of fire to increase the 'programming' of the candle's inscription. I do this by setting the tip of the oak branch on fire, letting it burn for about 30 seconds. I blow out the flame and while the stick is still hot, I use it to inscribe the symbol in the side of the candle.
For ceremonial candles, I will use the fire method and incorporate the inscription process at the beginning of the magick ceremony itself.
Keywords: spa candles easy love spell chants magic spells work black magic witchcraft magic book spells online guided meditation voodoo black magic voodoo magic incense actual magic spells