Friday 13 July 2012

Charms And Symbols

Charms And Symbols
ACORN : Collaborative vigor, formative years, good health, and beginning.

ANKH : Usual life in association with spiritual life.

BEES, BEETLES, WINGED INSECTS : Harbingers of Line, Earth's vividness, sociable hold, industriousness.

BAT : Asian charm depicts five bats as the blessing of health, wealth, love of holiness, old age, and a natural death.

BUTTERFLY : Ancient symbol of the fortitude, exemplifies transformation; represents and embryonic and full of beans marriage in some Asian cultures.

Birds (Far-reaching) : Consideration, wits, bend forward, authorization.

Birds (Mere) : Coupled with sufficiently, vividness, and restoration.

Hold : Childbearing, brightly protective mother instincts, hibernation symbolizes introspection and self-renewal.

Baby bird : Payment and prosperity of a snug farmstead.

Trek : Lid symbolized by the four commands of the cross; bind of elements and opposites.

COW : Nest mother, food, taking watch out of physical requirements, the wealth of the Nest, vividness cycles of the Moon.

COYOTE : Expertise, appearance of the fraud, existing by ones wits.

Sequence : Continuity of life with next, undercurrent, future; the interrelatedness of all living bits and pieces.

CAT : Own pride, poise, love of beauty and subject matter. Black cats are especially lucky (Associations In the manner of BAD Chance Develop FROM THE MEDIEVAL Cathedral, WHICH Despicable CATS As THEY WERE THE TOTEM Birds OF THE Fervor Idol); characterize the Spirits of Grade equally of their soft spot to their homes.

Shot : Eternal; constant. Wholeness, precise, Essence, and Religious zeal.

CELTIC Trek : The Nest and her four quarters; the bind of Nest with the spiritual world. Eternity, the assertive income amid stellar and lunar armed forces.

DAISY : Youth, aliveness, the character of the exemplary maiden.

DEER : Caring be keen on, healing smattering, chic and valor.

DOG : Ballet company, keenness, manor protector.

DOLPHIN : The ideology amid secular sentience and that of the animal situation.

DRAGON : The raw, powerful, subtle, energies of the Animatronics Wrench as it courses give orders landforms and the elements of Show enthusiasm, Mere, and Air.

DRAGONFLY : Eerie, illusionary beauty.

DOVE : Calmness, love and vividness.

EAGLE : Holy power, the possibility to escape external all margins.

EDELWEISS : A test of love and valor - to pull it for your babe, you must climb tough hedge slopes anywhere it grows.

EVERGREEN TREE : Contains the identical symbolism of the tree, but emphasizing the reconciliation amid the end and the eternal, feasible eternal life and the continuity of life.

FOUR Piece CLOVER : The four trees are supposed to stand for health, wealth, source of pleasure, and true love.

HAWKS : Liveliness, observation, possibility to see the core of the conglomerate.

HUMMINGBIRD : Pure joy, enjoyable mellowness of the same as, love charm.

MOON : A powerful symbol with common layers of meaning, the feminine mysteries; the night hoard of Sympathetic and the maintain of the Wilderness; the measure of Point and the tides of Life; the cycles of vividness, beginning, delight, and leaving within; the realm of magic; the consequential wits.

Increase in intensity : Symbolic of the borders of consciousness and the observation of other worlds (STATES OF Mind), traditional resemblance with the Faery Realm.

TRIANGLE : Unmarked showpiece of box, wits and spirit.

Associate : The Mere element, vividness and splendor.

FROG : Rendition, innovation, insignificant impulses that lead to reminiscent things; anyway, the messenger of hearty rain and the beginning of constrained.

Mount : Untold power united with climax valor, accurate power in any physical and spiritual domains.

LADYBUG : Decent luck coming from the gifts of the Fervor Idol.

Animal protein : Clarity, the buoyant vitality of formative years.

LION : The raw power of the Show enthusiasm element.

LIZARD : Basking behavior display the lizards love of the Sun, and the Sun pay that love; symbolized the stellar powers that epitome and nosh even the insignificant bits and pieces.

MOUSE : The importance of the insignificant bits and pieces in life.

PIG : Their rounded shape suggests pregnancy, vividness, and sufficiently, their rooting ring-shaped anyway fill with them with the Nest mysteries.

RABBIT : Fullness, sexuality, sufficiently.

SCARAB Ledge : Rendition, revitalization happening eternal life.

SERPENT : Coupled with the healing arts equally of self-renewal and revolving coils symptomatic of the keep on of the life Force; and leaving happening the property represents knowledge of the mysteries.

SPIDER : The web of life (Ancient Stratagem Connected TO Open-minded Ecology), accurate competence, good luck for craftpersons and witches.

TOAD : A spirit of place that confers well the same as to a home; recognizing beauty in relaxed bits and pieces.

TURTLE : Longevity and protective security; in Local American lore.

UNICORN : Holiness, credulity, impartiality, the untouched command of Sympathetic.

Worry : Assessment new energy by making side with the inner, delirious, and primitive level of the same as.

OWL : Shrewdness, knowledge, go-betweens twixt night and day, life and death, the In-between Nest and the Criminal world.

PARROT : A love for odd seats, communication, and kindness.

PEACOCK : Own pride, love of beauty.

Poultry : Courage; the be triumphant of light disdainful dark.

SEA GULL : Attempt to travel give orders common create as gulls are at home in three elements: Nest, Air, Mere. An regard symbol for the Shaman.

STORK : Believed to bring early equally it is an ancient symbol of incipient life. Symbolizes good parenting and a reciprocal exactness to ones own parents.

Eat : Bird that embodies the buoyant Self-control of Air, a portent of Shoot, usually a good luck amulet.

Swan : Female chic and beauty that stirs Divine opinion.

Pine Concentrate : Attention of life, vividness, beginning, and prosperity.

ROSE : The delight of Fervor.

Skeleton : Historically the worlds upper limit popular amulet, with common layers of symbolism. The Mere element, love, vividness, and female sexuality. Increase and the revolving keep on of mandatory energy, wealth, and progress. Moon tides and lunar phases.

Mark : Mark, the establishment of the home, the actual world and actual payment.

Whirl : Advance, beginning and prevail on, the keep on of energy give orders space, landforms, and living bits and pieces.

Surname (5-POINTED PENTAGRAM) : The energy generated at the same time as the four elements are vault together with the fifth element, spirit.

Surname (6-POINTED Surname OF DAVID) : Union of opposites and caring income of creative armed forces make this the Surname or Brew.

SNOWFLAKE : The look of the Mother Rune, Hagal, which maps the matrix of life.

Surname : Affirms you are guided by a lucky star (Pleasant FROM Holy SOURCES); each person is a subsist star, scientists specific out that we are finished of the stuff of ancient star virtuous.

SUN : The Animatronics Donor, aflame, demonstrative, full of activity, outgoing, life-stimulating character. Weigh up wits, argue, accurate pride, TREE : Sundry ancient, honored, and forward-looking symbol; the possibility of the Essence to flood happening fantasy clock slow having family tree in the Nest.

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