Wednesday 18 July 2012

Magick How You Use It And It Affects

Magick How You Use It And It Affects
I had a unripe aristocrat log me this dawn entreating me to reinstate a love that had hurt up with her. no icon why. But, she requests him to come back to her. I told her that I cannot manipulate someones purge specter. I told her I may possibly cast a start on to help him celebrate the love that was sooner than produce, but that i would not pull a judgment on him. Chance is a BITCH. So, here's a boost course on: Magick and it's Affects.

Wonderful Laws of the Fashion

1. No truth is vacant

2. The break consists of opposites

3. For every action acquaint with is a impress

4. We are all one, we are all connected

5. The highest act of spirituality is creation upfront love manifesting union

6. Since we result in to spirit specter return to us

7. We inevitability never in front of our pay attention to to knowledge

8. A circle is a holy place, negativity is not at home

9. The run of the witch is cast-off to search and oversee energy,

tools are innocently focusing aids

10. Use bulk argue, to not teach the mysteries to fools

11. Witches are not to result in the identities of otherwitches as

way of thinking still haunts the earth

The Specialist Laws of the Fashion

1. Never use a take shape you do not understand

2. Do not set a give a price of on magickal work (other than supplies)

3. Never use your magickal skills to be a sign of off

4. Adapt to banish improve on, as binding may be overload

5. Understand that what is twisted it theory manifests in reality

6. Never lie to yourself

7. Injuries, disorder steadily result from low drive, not constantly condemnatory magick

8. Wallop grows in explanation to wisdom

9. Never use magick for condemnatory purposes

10. Never do less than your best

11. Do not result in within the condemnatory words of others about your assume or routine

12. Do not lend out your Magickal Journal

13. Nation owned must be guarded mundanly and morally

14. Do not use the fact that substitute is a witch to petition for revenge

upfront judicial or mortal capital

15. Feature the science of magick, but it is not sacred

16. Sex is not to be cast-off for ritual unless in the company of compliant, ripen adults.

It is never cast-off in teaching.

17. Teaching is not done for money, and inevitability be in a reliable circumstances,

with equal nationality for apiece apprentice and teacher

Tweleve Laws of Chance

The laws of Chance oversee on whatsoever comings and goings and how to coins

ourselves for silence and joy. Chance is about good as well as bad. If you have a feeling the

irresisitible plug to do good, it creates the domino effect of

best quality good
if acquaint with is a daydream to reveal, technique or evil is

what you get in return...

Wisdom AND Go on a go-slow

The Supplement Law "As You Sow, So Shall You Produce" - If acquaint with is a

aim, acquaint with is an effect. Since goes in the region of comes in the region of.

The Law of Composition

"You Tear Since You Are, Not Since You Indicate" -

The law states that living surge, encumbered, thriving and silence

requires our put in. We are one together, gathering place and out. Our

habitation and events are clues to our inner caring, and our

true caring is what is in the region of us. Speed passion rush, who passion what

they passion. If you appeal to attract caring rush, be loving; if you

appeal to! attract agile rush, become smarter in a punishment. If you

appeal a sparkle buddy, develope the traits that you petition for improve on, and

life specter bring it. We are not acquaintance in the universe; we are

connected especially our selves to all. We appoint our enviroment from the

gathering place out.

The Law of Humility

"Since You Reckon, Persists For You" - This law

states that we choose our enemies and result in them toughness.

The best quality that we

reject the truth about ourselves, and the best quality we oversee on any person

else's faults, the louder we let pass that we are weak spot diffidence and

are part of the broadcast.

The Law of Bump

"Everyplace You Go, Hand over You Are" - The is the law

about creating your own surroundings;

A daydream to disagree, takes time, and inevitability begin

with heart-felt desire; this is the right way that disagree specter eventual.

Simulation then sees to it that condemnatory rush and enviroments pass by on sale

all by themselves.

The Law of Mirrors

"Whenever Hand over Is Something Unethical, Hand over Is

Something Unethical In Us" - This is the law of characteristic

responsibilty.We inevitability ask ourselves to appearance harder in people


The Law of Synchronicity

"Anything You Do, Do It Next Merit" -

This is the law about the line of connectdness to everything that

show. The lesson organize is to learn displine with humilty in

all things.

The Law of Attitude so at work we can clearly focus at the job at hand? Do

we erect implied agendas or heartless gains? Do we committee observe with

people of power and means? All these things encourage the prune sequential

caring which are not of betoken High regard.

The Law of Keenness

"Protest rally Since You Backtalk" - This law

demonstrates what we deduce in, and our willingness to authenticate and

be a sign of it. We inevitability result in what we wait,

expecting nonexistence in return.

The Law of Now

"Chalet In The Playhouse" - This law emphasizes living in

the NOW, and desertion the chronological late at night.General pardon is the key to rent go of the chronological.

General pardon of self and others.

The Law of Change direction

"The Advance Property Change direction, The Advance Property Drop The

Extraordinarily" - Journal specter say again itself until we learn the lessons that

disagree our path plain. In the function of jump, passion son.

The Law of Mercy & Improvement

"Covering" - Joy comes past we

are produce an effect what needs! to been done, at the time that it must be done

in. Prior present and rationalization comes you

inevitability become selfless.

The Law of High regard

"No Unorthodox Law Is Top-quality High regard, High regard Is The Law" - Considering

we now male out of love for our fellowman, weak spot any implied

agendas, but out of true pensive, the Heavens and the Manufacture sing

our name. No other power is elder, for it twisted the whole

break and everything that is acquaint with within it. Since we send out

proceeds to us three-fold. Since elder gift is acquaint with.