Punjabi - Satguru Arjan Dev Ji stresses that God looks after me and saves me from Kalyug in which Greed dominates
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In Jesus, we have been moved from the brick-built Synagogues made by human hands for the Rabbi, a Priest of Moses or teacher of the moral laws, to the Temple of God made by Nature where the Christ, our Royal Priest greater than John, the Baptist, Prophet Elijah, called Innerman is sitting in your heart that leads your life to Salvation through Preaching Gospel. Thus, with Christ in our hearts, we are solitary capable of entering into the Vineyard of our Father where the True Vine Christ Jesus is Planted by our Father. This Vineyard has a Narrow Gate for the solitary and through grace you find this Gate. In Jesus, we have Fellowship of Royal Priests and those who employ Hireling Dog-Collared Priests in Moses for Prayer and fasting, the old rituals in Moses are Anti-Christs annulling the Sacrifice of Jesus as the Lamb of God. Technical help needed.
Origin: ceremonial-magic.blogspot.com
It is not doctrine/dogma similarities which tend to hold the many diverse pagan groups together, rather, it is the common ideals and feelings expressed by the Pagan peoples themselves. Here are some examples:
The Wiccan Rede: "An it harms none, do what thou will." is almost universally accepted amongst the groups.
Most groups tend to be polytheistic, animists, pantheists, et. One is not "converted" to Wicca, rather, the new comer feels a sense of "coming home", or, more poetically, "The Goddess calls to her own".
Nature plays a big part in most traditions, either as direct personification of the God/dess, or as aspects of them. There is no counterpart to the Devil, as such, in the Pagan religions... no personification of 'all evil', rather, the choice is there for all to make.
However, there is the Law of Three Fold Return, which states "That which thou dost send out shall return three fold", so good begets good, and evil befalls those who are evil (a horrendous understatement / simplification, but true).
Origin: spells-and-chants.blogspot.com