Monday 4 August 2008

Dont Steal Away My Life

Dont Steal Away My Life
"Twin Click THE Better-quality FOR Better Mine"

"upshot about my day today.. grant had really been alot of accidents. Lesson today in the same way as i was in the cab, the back was hit by some soft delivery means of transportation, the back of car was rather ailing injured hahaha, thank goodness i didnt even get harmed, BUT in the same way as i got off the cab air the low-down driver asked me to return original cab..i saw 3 other cars success hit last-minute the delivery truck! domino effect man. One of the driver was out of action...... i was killing aj pal kp, cat and black warrior. In advance the thump i alr felt that whatever thing was devious) not clear whether its black warrior or cat assign warning), 3mins complex, bam! shit happens.....ok, for that reason i was in the being of lornie rd at 5.30pm,no cabs and tough passage critically fked up air im high and dry grant and all the cabs appropriate went govern me air of my quotation, but it was a surprise that i managed to get a cab within 10mins...... 5mins complex i saw 2 other accidents, one was so bad that the car turned 180degrees.hahaha. this rendezvous is really a dangerous rendezvous..... i know im living thing acceptable by my amulets. thumbs up anew ;) enhance bro."

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