Friday, 26 November 2010

Basics Of Elemental Magic Spells

Basics Of Elemental Magic Spells
This row is a quick glance at at elemental magic and its preside over basics. Innumerable who yearn for to practice or do practice magic use elemental spells for routine wellness, be full of and protection. Important symbols that are used for magic, natural magic or magic studies can illustration in alchemical, magical and folk magic writings as commonly four types:

* Gnomes, Den, Manure
* Nymphs, Water, Crystals
* Sylphs, Air, Unhappy
* Salamanders, Stimulate, Candles


This is the element that stands for grounding/earthing personal effects by means of all forms of type, money, prosperity, growth, rules/laws and payment. If you yearn for to lead to earth on your altar, you can use a pentacle, stones, or a indentation of earth or marble brackish. For earth spells, crystals and herbs are consistently used while they are natural items fine from the earth.

* EARTHING is an essential part of all ritual and magical work. We use it to return any scum energy raised but not uncontrolled fashionable our work, and so allowing persons energies to be returned to the powers of the Den and the Interim.
* Groundwork is a way to isolate with the Den. We use it to egg on energy from a substantial spring. We furthermore use it to rinse energies we egg on from ourselves and from other sources.


Water energies are consistently used in spells for love, resonance, friendship, healing and have forty winks. But spells don't consistently name for actual water. Crystals when aquamarine and moonstone make evocative "water" embellishments, as do herbs when lilac. A chalice is the customary altar tool to lead to the element of water. If you do use water in your water spells, try to use as usual unruffled pour.


The personality that air represents engage in philosophy, stimulus, creativity, cleverness, travel, liberty, new early years and mental crispness. If you yearn for a spell for any of these philosophy, you requisite make the addition of air hip your magic. Stuff when lay down, bells, incense and quartz all conduct air attributes.


Candle spells are the upper limit pleasing promising of witchcraft spell, and are a good illustration of using fire. Stimulate requisite be used for spells involving be fond of, energy, acuteness, creativity and bother. Stuff for fire engage in candles as well as volcanic rocks or pane and the athame. Stimulate spells usually worry candles, but not ever.

* An ATHAME or atham'e is a maintain double-edged dagger.

This row is held to initiate you in the preside over basics of elemental magic. INPHO does not practice or subscribe to any occult practices. Use information provided in the vicinity of upon your own risks.