Tuesday 2 August 2011

Gayatri Mantra An Most Powerful Chant For Protection

Gayatri Mantra An Most Powerful Chant For Protection
Especially powerful and traditional tune arrived which utmost Hindu Brahmins are initiated is the Gayatri Tune. It is said to be the destroyer of all afflections and Karmas. It is very purifying and assuaging. It is overly a Moksha Tune or Quiver of Liberate for spiritual seekers. Its vibrate is very sweetOM BHUR BHUVAH SWAHA; TAT SAVITUR VARENYAM BHARGO DEVASYA DHEEMAHI DHIYOH YONAHHH PRACHODAYAT Act - Let us meditate on Ishwara and His Glory who has produced the Establishment and who is fit to be Hyped. Who is the remover of all blemishes and stupidity. May He decode our Intelligence.In the better earthly spheres of life current are overly mantras and techniques for edifying daily matters. For increased intelligence, bumper and power of speech, the Goddess Saraswati may be invoked using the tune OM SARASWATYAI NAMAHA. This tune is overly functional for writers, poets and linguists as Saraswati is said to directly Vak, or speech whose part is the words and whose power is vasya or beauty.

Source: pagan-magic.blogspot.com