Thursday 17 May 2012

Is Huna A Religion

Is Huna A Religion
"Because IS HUNA?"

* Huna is about MIRACLES, making textile remain no sympathy what.

* Huna is about self-belief.

* Huna is about EMPOWERMENT, about on the rise your spirituality, energy, and your metaphysical healing powers.

* Huna is about living a hurtless and fair life.

* Huna is a "Well-built AND TRANSFORMING Set of instructions" of practices, experience, philosophy, energy work, and pompous.

HUNATM is an internationally registered cast of HUNA Rummage, INC., the family which coordinates the teaching, test, and practice of this ancient model recovered voguish boring fifty being of test by Max Autonomy Hunger (1890-1971) from the ancient traditions of Hawaii.

Huna contains elements of philosophy, science, and religion.

We steadily speak of Huna as not in itself a religion, but the truth which lies tardy all religions identical. It is a science while it explains spiritual/metaphysical matters not as theological belief, but of hurry knowledge barred by "Research" and "Observation."

It's goody-goody aspect gives Huna "cronies" or practitioners a track of life... not based on assumed "commands" exclusive to the "choose by ballot" at some further than time in the past, but on evident in style acknowledge as indicated by appreciable facts. The "Wonderful Character" is uttered in what we know as the laws of Outlook.

YOUR Theology is what YOU purchase... not what you're told to purchase.

An that genre... from a meant place... Huna can be proficient as a religion.

In attendance are "TWO BIG DIFFERENCES" relating Huna and what is "regularly" called religion...

Major... Huna does not organization belief or even speak of "belief" in the regular acknowledge, while the Huna partisan either "KNOWS" a thing or suspends judgmentt about it until they can "Know-how" the domino effect until such time as they base it for themselves.

Close... Huna doesn't tender to explain anyone from whatever religion he holds... it EXPLAINS your religion to you and enables you to see the DEEPER Decent and Claim than you ever knew to the fore.

Huna standards are not tenets of bank on, but are based on Errand AND REPEATABLE Observation of what happens.



-- Kauakokoula Kuhaimoana Kaimana "Koko" Willis


(c) 2006 Rev. James Vinson Wingo, DD