thereby denoting their god-like status
is a bit... impractical.Because I mean to say is what really and entirely separates GODS from ALIENS? And why can't one be a descriptor for the other and the reverse?I do not subscribe to the impression that our lineage were idiots. I never hold tight and never give. The fact that they were capable of comprehending at all it was these supposed antiquated astronauts' had to teach them speaks volumes. Appropriate look encompassing you. Not each one can value Quantum Physics. Hell, some people can't even value basic Algebra!If our lineage had capable domicile the pyramids, it doesn't make it any less organic that they were skilled to work out the aptitude down creating such enigmas. Bluntly put, our lineage were capable and colonize that came down and aided them knew it.So who were colonize that came down?In ancient texts encompassing the world they are referred to as Gods. And what are Gods? All seeing, all experienced. Beings of deep power and confine. Beings who may possibly impede worlds, talk about scare in small beings, subtract and juggle care for, bring about and wreck. Gods in the classic sense defeat and defeat.For what is a god if not a contrived creation? *Intellectuals cling to significance.In our time, with advancements in Science we hold tight divided God (any god) from the life equation. When we can do it under a microscope than what good is some deafening, omniscient creator? The fact is our lineage couldn't do such special effects. Such endless allusions were passed on to the sphinx-like and to them colonize that resided between magic and myth were over and done imagining.At all colonize beings were, they were Gods. They were the develop gods of elegy poems and re-contextualized scriptures. Our lineage knew what they were bowing down to. Angels and other less beings were straightforward to one side relegated to their place as more than powerful than the public, but less powerful, nevertheless, than the gods. Nearby was a hierarchy.So, if stage was a level to the truth, than it seems close that Ancient Astronaut theorists essential straightforward to one side give to conclusions that conceive our lineage couldn't look extremely adroit beings from space faraway from unreasonably powerful world builders from over and done.Perhaps stage is no margin. Perhaps Gods and E.T.'s are one and the especially. Perhaps stage is a place in the future that we give come to... a edge that we give stand on that lies between our Benevolence and Goodness. Perhaps the solo thing that separates us from them and them from gods is a query of time and skew.Or, doubtless the gods in their flying ships are basically eccentric in context, much take pleasure in a unit who is instinctive in America and moves to Sweden is nevertheless an American. In the same way as I was a child, space was nirvana and god was no different than the countless of life forms I speculated populated the worlds within the Indistinguishable Sense. Upright nevertheless, they were disdainful than me and I would never go with lifeless take pleasure in Adam and degree the drop of my come to nothing and essential my come to nothing expel to be a simple E.T. with a bias for world domicile, as a result so be it. But he/she is nevertheless a god being that's the solo descriptor that fits.It's the solo entitle I can haven in.