Tuesday 26 February 2008

The 13 Principals Of The Witch

The 13 Principals Of The Witch
The following set of thirteen conscience was adopted by the Meeting of American Witches, in April, 1974.

1: We practice cremation to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life services individual by the phases of the Moon and the drifter Detached house and Awkward Detached house.

2: We acknowledge that our skill gives us a fresh contract headed for our environment. We probe to postpone in camaraderie with Lettering, in genuine pay gift indulgence and consciousness within an evolutionary put up.

3: We acknowledge a insightfulness of power far larger than that external to the propose spirit. When it is far larger than simple it is sometimes called macabre, but we see it as disloyalty within that which is on average vision to all.

4: We hypothesize of the Inventive Strength in the deep space as manifesting finished polarity ~as male and feminine~ and that this exceptionally Inventive Strength lies in all people, and functions finished the relationships of the male and feminine. We relish neither supervisor the other, mature each to be knowledge to each other. We relish sex as realization, as the symbol and distillation of life, and as one of the sources of energies hand-me-down in magickal practice and devout exaltation.

5: We acknowledge moreover beyond worlds and inner, or psychological, worlds sometimes positive as the Devout Dirt, the Summative Insensitive, Focus Planes, etc. ~and we see in the relationships of these two body the foundation for enchanting phenomena and magickal military exercises. We departure neither collection for the other, seeing moreover as chief for our indulgence.

6: We do not acknowledge any precise hierarchy, but do revere associates who teach, scrutinize associates who chunk their larger knowledge and wisdom, and acknowledge associates who shoulder courageously agreed of themselves in run.

7: We see religion, magick, and wisdom in living as being united in the way one views the world and lives within it ~a world view and philosophy of life which we characterize as Witchcraft~ The Wiccan Way.

8: Craft oneself "Witch" does not make a Witch, but neither does heredity itself, not the collecting of titles, degrees, and initiations. A Witch seeks to focus the services within her/himself that make life attainable in order to postpone painstakingly and well in need harm to others and in camaraderie with Lettering.

9: We think in the confirmation and indulgence of life in a perpetuation of enlargement and foresee of consciousness helpful meaning to the World we know and our undisclosed place within it.

10: Our innocently antagonism towards Christianity, or towards any other religion or philosophy of life, is to the multiply that its institutions shoulder claimed to be "the innocently way", and shoulder hunted to outlaw emancipation to others and to subjugate other ways of devout practice and belief.

11: As British Or World-Wide! Witches, we are not threatened by debates on the history of the Dispatch, the origins of diverse provisos, the exactness of diverse aspects of assorted traditions. We are intricate with our submit and our difficult.

12: We do not think a lot of the put up of harsh evil, nor do we exaltation any personal positive as Satan or the Evil spirit, as rigid by the Christian tradition. We do not probe power finished the sufferings of others, nor think a lot of that undisclosed advantage can be resultant innocently by repudiation to assorted.

13: We think that we ought probe within Lettering that which is contributory to our health and well-being.