~Masculine, Mercury, Air
Organic Whole leaf Garden MINT (Mentha sachalinensis) This Mint (Lebanese) is edible as well as Magickal.
Mints are very Aromatic Herbs and used very extensively is Middle Eastern Cookery. The ancient Greeks used Mints to scent their bath water. It also had a reputation for curing sexually transmitted diseases like gonorrhea, and for whitening teeth and healing sore gums. This might be credited to its ability to mimic a local anesthetic.
Mint has long been used in healing potions and mixtures, and the fresh leaves rubbed against the head is said to relieve headaches. Mint is also used in Travel spells and to provoke lust. Its bright green leaves and crisp scent led to its use in money and prosperity spells. Fresh mint laid on an Altar will call good sprirts to be present and aid you in magic.
~~ Lisitng is for ~ one 2 X 3 resealable bag for freshness ~
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Keywords: hoodoo candle magic candle spell love candle spell candle magic for beginners candle magic for beginners wicca candle magic wiccan candle magic candle magic for love