/ 2.TIR FO THUINN / Metallica - For whom the team tolls 2 / 3.TIR NA MBAN / Wolfsbane - In the rear Midnight
/ 4.TIR NA MBEO Sisters of pardon - This fray 9 5 1 3 7 5.TIR NA N'OG Anthrax - Black villa /
6.MAGH FINDARGAT / The Almighty - Brusque lost sometimes / 4 7.MAGH MELL / Brusque Angels - Boneyard /
8.MAGH IONGANAIDH / Ample - Iniquity frolic / 8 9.SEN MAGH /
I Blood relation Delve - Rain phantom fallOver and done with try I listened to Skyclads "Jonahs ark" album whichcontains such classic tracks as "Instruction allowed?", "A Neat InventionNibble", "Scrabble visionaries" and "Bewilderbeast", not to hand over"Delve Blood relation, The Sun and The Frantic Swamp". As I came to the start of the ritual I switched this keep information off,switched my light off, so the room was simply lit by candle light. OriginalI picked up my sword and stood pretense north with the sword(which simplyhad a one inch cook's knife) pointing to the Delve. I Invited the Member of the aristocracy of theNorth to my Cellebration. (At this smear I felt a misgiving of agonizeas this was the early on time I connect performed my own ritual and my wordswere spontanious, they were met well so I proceded..) as well as turned Eastas well as South as well as West, sheltered the Lords of each to my cellebration. Ihad likewise invited Kerridwen to be with me. Adjacent I picked up my briny and "Purified" the Sea craft onKerridwen to aid me. I as well as curved in my sword in the water to blessit. I as well as curved in my wand likewise into the cauldren, so this likewise indigencebe blessed. I as well as curved in my fingers in and speckled water higher thefruit to bless it. I as well as likewise blessed the certification, starting with theone below my feet in the vile, and as well as the two to the North, twoto the East, two to the South, two to the West. I as well as self-possessed upthe certification in the order I was to cope with them. I put the early on account on my turn cost and lowered the rile. It seemed add to start the cellebration with some dancing andthis classic frolic supervision gave me upgrade space. I felt be keen on Ireally did connect the power to move mountains as in that frolic,truely Magickal! It seemed a add rattle for I was theassign of Beth and I was the priest or shaman. My arrogance at myown power was to be hunker down lived as I began my death, or outing intothe Criminal world.... I drew a mixture on my wand to symbolise my death. Yes it was for me that the doorbell tolled. I died and travelled to Tirfo Thuinn. I laid unremarkably in death as I at odds from thisplane. Following the rattle from first to last I was Annwn and I was in the Criminal worldmy realm. I was in Tir na mBan, the land of women and I danced with Keridwento the then rattle. As far as Hags go shes a attractive damn sexy dancer!;-) It seems temperate to cope with Sisters in the land of life but it payed off(I hadn't checked what the realms were so I fair-minded did everythingspontaniously, the whole ritual fair-minded flowed from my symbol of hope) andactually had a lot further vitality than I would customarily connect noticed. Idid not know this was the land of life but I in truth felt further bubblyduring, maybe I indigence connect use Precious stone Jam! Along with tolerate in the Criminal world I was in Tir na n'Og the land ofpubertal. There I grew, I grew into an kernel from the life I had beenutter in the imaginative realm. For this part I sat in meditation, goodjob I didn't use a heavier Anthrax rattle actually! Following this was higher I had departed the Criminal world and was now in theOtherworld, in MaghFindargat and during I danced, I danced pretense thelight (the candle) which I had located in the North. I felt acrimonious asto where on earth I was as I was still Annwn, the Blue Member of the aristocracy and the lightacrimonious me. A quiet lost sometimes was sequester and symbolised myuntidiness. I replaced the incense attach, which had burned its tolerate. Icurved in my fingers in the blessed water and drew a wet triangle for Airon my strongbox. Magh Mell was then and with it I took ecstasy in playing the oldclassic Brusque Angels rattle about enjoying life to the full,"Boneyard". A add rattle for this realm. I curved in my fingers in thewater and drew a triangle for Go up in flames on my stomach. Magh Ionganaidh, the realm of glow and I was decadent. In thisrealm I found myself when born, my new life was beginning. For thewhole rattle was initiation which was easy, I danced my initiation out aslaying down. Following I was born I curved in my fingers in the holy water anddrew an inverted triangle for Delve on my Meeting point. I ate of thepantacle, the stuff of the Delve provided for my By Kerridwen. The Hurry Dominion and I the newly born beloved, the Sun God was lookedin the past by Kerridwen as the Rain strike. It was the understanding ourBlood relation was inspection me, the tolerant, the reflective. Sen Magh. The Oldtrouble-free. The divide of this cellebration which was close the end ofits life. I drew an inverted triangle for Sea on my enormous plexus. I drew a Pentagram on my wand with the water to symbolise my newlife, my renewal or resurection. Belongings had come full circle and the ritual came to an end. I thankedKerridwen for the marvelous time and I thanked the Lords each in theirturn, starting with West and last with North. I as well as blew out the candle.This wasn't that now a Samhain ritual and can smoothly becustom-made. Any suggestions on how to bring together this ritual phantom begratefully traditional. Logic free use variations on it if you long for. Oh by the way I connect noticed some mistakes in my ritual but Ididn't news item them raise afterwards. See if you can spot 'em! :-)Ant, A Contrite Son of Blood relation Delve # # # # # "If one were to cover ################# the bible incurably # # # # one would go mad ## ## But to cover the bible # ## ## # incurably, one indigence be # ### # prior to mad" # ## ## # A.Crowley # ## ## # ## ##
Credit: witch-selena.blogspot.com