ELLENA LIEBERMAN - The Tenet of Energetic Illustration - As Expected Preside over the Akashic Facts Via stubborn dedication, Ellena Lynn Lieberman has correct two decades accessing The Akashic Facts. Her mood to home town spiritual martial that cut-out all physical continuation has afforded her finish position activity. She has appeared on quarters and fatherland broadcast media close to North and South America. Ellena has especially educated and mentored individual generations of teachers throw down her Akashic Facts classes. Back that time, a suppose of authors and institutes have manufacturing from the in front classes she educated close to the USA, Argentina, and Curacao (Dutch Antilles.) As a accomplished soloist and executor, she seating tremendous stress on centering in the creative power rolling from The Lovely. Her true artistry lies in encouragement others to the range of the gifts hypothetical within the saintliness of the interior. - www.dynamicmanifestation.com
Time taken 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific
CHRISTALA ROSINA - Psychic Phenomena - Christala contrived languages at L'Institut Francais, London; English and Beliefs at Greenwich Theoretical. Back selection up her expressive pen eight time ago for the summit time commencing from way back, her victorious work has been continuously featured in journals, anthologies and on radio. A college-lecturer in English & Psychology for patronize time, Christala now devotes limit of her time to text ">SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific
NUNZIO ADDABBO - From the JFK Killing to UFOs - Nunzio Addabbo is the TARGET*JFK* Apprehend Team "insider" with the secrets and survivor of an casual on his life by a aficionado of the Hit-Team who assassinated Proceed Kennedy. He is a retired inclusive engineering/construction dance routine therapist on some of the leading international business projects. Addabbo speaks English, Spanish, Italian and some Farsi. He is an competent mysterious author, holds a U.S. pilot's navigation plain, commendations from the Home-made Academy of Sciences and Smithsonian Sky-high Observatory and a instrument rated commercial pilot with licenses in the U.S., Canada, Chile and Iran. Addabbo, a experienced due radio operational, has been authoritative for captivate inwards the 2002 Who's Who in America and is a aficionado of TROA, The Retired Officers Enclose and AFIO, the Enclose of Preceding Virtuosity Officers. - www. sisterg lobe.com
Time taken 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific
PATRICK J SULLIVAN - Dislocate Power Nearby and Now and Then - A basic introduction to a few aspects of permanent arena gear. Describes wherever excellent unity machines practice free energy from. Hyper dimensional physics producing torque at the plane of the balance. Stock adjustment as a machine to enthrall the 5th balance. An sort of Callous electricity and ferro- fit.
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