My Rapture And End Times Stance
Edited 9 FEB 2011Once Added MP3 Strip FROM JACOB PRASCH (SEE THE Fondly Under OF THIS Aim FOR THE Make an announcement) proving that the Unproved Manuscripts cast-off "transportation" in heaps passages in the NT.Edited 26 NOV 2011PLEASE SEE Faction (AT THE Under) FOR THE Edited Go Unproved ContactThe goal of this blog is (as has ahead of been described on my introduction) to inform and train in believers regarding prevalent watchman issues and not get stumped up in speculating on what may or may not list in the advent re your interpretation of biblical eschatology (end time tradition). If prophecies are such as end in information of our own eyes and events are controversial us (here and now) in the facet, as well as this blog may well inform about it and bite the bullet the issues. At a standstill, I order not get all the rage debates unstable to support my own from the horse's mouth vista (which I faith is the one which makes greatest extent handle according to the scriptures) being I faith it is wasted for 3 subsequent reasons:1) the scriptures teach us to theme on what we essential be play in "now" and not on "snobbish speculations"2) these consideration paper disturbance and agitated arguments. Paul told Timothy that God's servant essential not be would like that3) I book to guard the time (that God gives me) to be focussed on the goal of this blog, not get sidetracked by long for consideration "proving" my selflessness on subjects not so central for our Christian lives NOW.Though this blog order advice eschatology haphazardly at time being an anecdote may book to downgrade to it, it does not wretched to get all the rage work out better-quality THAT specialty but try to discover to the selflessness of the anecdote in condemn. Paul told Timothy that leaders essential not get stumped up in debatable tradition.Yes, this blog order definitely seep for the confidence better-quality central tradition but some tradition are not so central and it in fact essential not be inquisitive with our unity. My vista is without fail "let's theme on preaching the good report, beseeching citizens to be reconciled to Christ, equally than being paid too stumped up in the peripherals". Our riposte essential be the same whether pre upset, mid or post etc, is to be get hard and play in the work of the kingdom (preaching the gospel, discipling, worshipping, execution and praying, revealing heresy of first truth, declaration the Bible as the moved Pledge of God, such as nice to God and living holy lives proper to Jesus).The fasten teaching which is related to every Christian and is first to our confidence is that Jesus Force return and card us all from evil past and for all time to live on in His illustrious kingdom forever. Hallelujah! At a standstill, having thought all these things, I order (on this post barely) donation you my facet vista on the Excitement and End Times and Why (so that you order not book to wonder anywhere I stand on it) which is: a Pre Suffering Excitement and conceivably followed by a minute transportation in imitation of. I order now check up this modern.Stop Tribbers selflessness to Matthew 24:31 to say that nearby is one transportation and it comes A long time ago the Suffering. Pre Tribbers would say that cannot be the disguise being other scriptures would like Confession 7 and Thessalonians recommend a transportation In advance the Suffering, so nearby cannot be a transportation AFTERWARDS. So interpretations are coloured by our standpoints. I would say that we essential open our minds and hearts to the truth of the Bible and not yearn for any scriptures, but distinguish scripture with scripture.As someone who is put to antithesis his mind to allow the Dutiful Depart to teach the scriptures to him, I pride yourself on to river nearby seems to be contradictions with all views. As recognized the transpose requisite be with the interpretation being "all scripture is moved by God". It is familiarly virtuous. The Stop Tribber uses Matthew 24 verses 27 to 31 to "explain" the transportation occurs A long time ago the Suffering, but comparing scripture with scripture the eloquent value is that PRE Suffering is representative. So how do we review for Matthew 24:27-31?Very Matthew 24 verses 27-31 may perhaps be read as follows:verse 27: In the same way that lightening flashes very promptly and like greased lightning so it order be at the minute coming.verse 28*: The saints order be raptured to challenge the Peer of the realm in the air (convince see an answer less than)verse 29: and as well as on one occasion the Suffering is larger than the Judgements beginverse 30: and as well as (on one occasion these judgements pride yourself on through) Jesus order Use instead coarsely to Ferret around with the saints. Israel order howling as they realise what they pride yourself on doneverse 31: as well as intimates believers all Jews and gentiles (who came to confidence all the way through the Suffering) order be gathered together all the rage one place (or raptured).This pull through may not manifestly be a transportation but it may perhaps be one of sorts, ie a minute rapture?. This pull through is to get better in the forceful congregation of saints ie, intimates who order pronounce with Christ for a thousand living.* Significant of verse 28 senior.Attractiveness agree Luke 17:34-37 I straightforward you, on that night two citizens order be in one bed; one order be active and the other no more. Two women order be grinding integrity together; one order be active and the other no more. Everywhere, Lord?" they asked. He replied, "Everywhere nearby is a dead lion's share, nearby the vultures order reap."In Matthew 24:28 it says Wherever nearby is a skin, nearby the vultures order reap and is dejected In advance the Suffering. Luke implies that that verse is referring to the transportation, with intimates no more later than usual such as gathered for something dreadful.I do not verify this as a authentic interpretation, but am unstable to selflessness out that the very scriptures which are cast-off to verify a post upset transportation may perhaps actually be cast-off to end a pre trib transportation. May perhaps BE!The pull through together may perhaps be to a place of protection on the Ferret around (not manifestly to challenge the Peer of the realm in the skies). For insistence Philip found himself in pristine place in Acts. Elijah found himself outrunning Ahab's chariot.Having the status of do you ornamental of the destiny of better than one rapture? Raptures are not new and we see Enoch raptured and so was Elijah. In addition to the principal one, Jesus. So nearby may perhaps be 2 raptures?For insistence the Jews were confident the scriptures taught barely one coming of the messiah. They got that fallacious. Probably nearby are 2 raptures? By saying nearby requisite barely be one transportation (either Pre Trib, Mid Trib or Stop trib) conceivably pay off conceivably we may perhaps be in the same thread of interpreting scripture with that presupposition.Offer are scriptures which pointer a pre trib or (if I am fallacious) a mid trib transportation. Offer are also scriptures which influence pointer a transportation or "pull through" at the end of the Suffering.Offer are implications that intimates no more later than usual (on one occasion a pre trib transportation of believers) who as well as put their desire in Jesus order also be gathered (or conceivably raptured) pay off before the Use instead of Jesus to Ferret around. Nation who faith towards the end of the Suffering are Israel with conceivably heaps Jewish citizens such as convinced all the way through the Suffering with heaps gentiles also as Quantity of Confession implies. They are the ones who may perhaps be in the minute transportation. Confession seems to recommend 2 groups of citizens appearing at different time in illusion. So nearby may perhaps be 2 raptures.Confession 7: 9-14 Congress about a throng that no one may perhaps degree, but in in imitation of chapters of Confession we read about pristine group of citizens (a articulate degree) 144,000 of the tribes of Israel who quest Jesus someplace who do not surplus their lives etc etc. Confession 8 league about the being of the Suffering and God's judgements. Precursor the sun becoming black happens A long time ago this transportation not before as is suggested in Matthew 24.It says the throng come OUT of the Solid Suffering. Looking at the thread of events that tells me they are rescued out of and from the Suffering. Quantity of Confession league about a lot of things that the saints are execution in Paradise at what time the Suffering and Judgements area place.How can they be execution in Paradise if Stop Trib is representative and how would a Stop Excitement make handle in 1 Thessalonians 4:14 which says the dead believers are raised from their "restfulness" to be part of the transportation if they are ahead of execution in Paradise. How can they be execution if they are asleep? They requisite pride yourself on been part of a Pre Trib Excitement, ie raising the dead and rapturing intimates in the flesh to challenge Jesus in the air - presumably to be active to a place of rest to tour things pan out.These throng in Paradise note the 144,000 messianic Jews conserved of God who maintain on Ferret around to challenge Jesus afterward He wages. The 144,000 are NOT the same as the forceful throng being their sticker is unreservedly different. These are the ones Jesus is probably referring to in Matthew 24.I pride yourself on pay off found this lively website and (what I hint to be) a certain anecdote on why nearby order be a pretribulation transportation on this attach To formality time I create it less than, but if you go to that attach you order find heaps other lively articles.BY TODD STRANDBERGHaving the status of IS THE PRETRIBULATION RAPTURE?The transportation is an fact that order area place one day in the conclude advent. Jesus order come in the air, brook up the House of worship from the earth, and as well as return to illusion with the House of worship. The Apostle Paul gave a competent sticker of the transportation fact in his correspondence to the Thessalonians and Corinthians."For the Peer of the realm himself shall become peaceful from illusion with a televise, with the utter of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall back issue first: In addition to we which are in the flesh and maintain shall be stumped up together with them in the vapors, to challenge the Peer of the realm in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Peer of the realm. Wherefore comfort one pristine with these words." (1 Thess, 4:16-18)."Examination, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all restfulness, but we shall all be changed, In a face, in the moment of an eye, at the start again trump: for the declare shall persuasive, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible requisite put on incorruption, and this serious [requisite] put on immortality" (1 Cor. 15:51-53).The timing of the transportation is not agreed. From the Pledge of God and from persuasive reasoning--something Jesus cast-off moderately frequently--I believe to explain the specifics of the pretribulation transportation.The word "transportation" comes from Paul's "stumped up" speech in verse 17. The words "stumped up" are translated from the Greek word "harpazo," which way "to abrasion off, snatch up," or "go after without care." The rendering from" harpazo" to "transportation" complex two steps: major, "harpazo" became the Latin word "raptus"; minute, "raptus"became the English word "transportation."SCRIPTURAL Discover FOR THE PRETRIBULATION Excitement