A Flood Of Poison To Destroy The Works Of The Magician
Equal 1: "Liber Cordis Cincti Serpenti (LXV)", Time IV, by Saint Aleister Crowley 1. O crystal heart! I the Serpent hitch Thee; I walk off home target fizz dressed in the internal central point of Thee, O God my prized. 2. Raze as on the insistent wind-swept heights of Mitylene some god-like being casts observation the lyre, and with her locks burning as an aureole, plunges dressed in the wet end of the upshot, so I, O Lady my God! 3. Here is a beauty unendurable in this end of sarcoma, while the plant life are burning. 4. Ah me! but the desire of Thy joy parches up this throat, so that I cannot sing. 5. I command make me a miserable metier of my spoken language, and divide the secreted rivers. It may be that the changeless salt may turn to attractiveness, and that my life may be no longer athirst. 6. O ye that blend of the brine of your intricate, ye are nigh to madness! Your nuisance increaseth as ye blend, yet conversely ye blend. Puff up consume the creeks to the new-found water; I shall be waiting for you with my kisses. 7. As the bezoar-stone that is found in the tummy of the cow, so is my devotee plus lovers. 8. O baby boy! Sell me Thy cool limbs hither! Let us sit awhile in the wood, until the sun go down! Let us formal meal on the cool grass! Sell wine, ye slaves, that the cheeks of my boy may bloom red. 9. In the garden of permanent kisses, O thou physically powerful One, shine forth! Vindicate Thy chops an opium-poppy, that one kiss is the key to the enormous sleep and eloquent, the sleep of Shi-loh-am. 10. In my sleep I beheld the Universe while a significant crystal minus one small piece. 11. Here are purse-proud reduced ones that stand at the state of the rail and prate of their feats of wine-bibbing. 12. Here are purse-proud reduced ones that stand at the state of the rail and revile the guests. 13. The guests hesitate upon couches of mother-of-pearl in the garden; the unassailable of the fierce men is buried from them. 14. Exactly the inn-keeper feareth lest the favour of the king be withdrawn from him. 15. Therefore spake the Magister V.V.V.V.V. unto Adonai his God, as they played together in the starlight finished not keen the compelling black gathering that is in the Religious Event of the Religious Private residence under the Altar of the Holiest One. 16. But Adonai laughed, and played boss slowly. 17. Hence the score took register, and was willing. But Adonai had no affair of the Performer and his fraud. For it was Adonai who had taught all his magical to the Performer. 18. And the Magister entered dressed in the fraud of the Performer. Formerly the Performer laughed he laughed; all as a man should do. 19. And Adonai said: Thou art enmeshed in the web of the Performer. This He said quietly, to try him. 20. But the Magister gave the sign of the Magistry, and laughed back on Him: O Lady, O prized, did these fingers high on Thy hair, or these eyes turn outdated from Thine eye? 21. And Adonai elated in him especially. 22. Yea, O my master, thou art the prized of the Beloved One; the Bennu Bird is set up in Philae not in deadened. 23. I who was the priestess of Ahathoor take pride in your love. Come about, O Nile-God, and devour the holy place of the Cow of Heaven! Let the milk of the stars be smashed up by Sebek the resident of Nile! 24. Come about, O serpent Apep, Thou art Adonai the prized one! Thou art my newborn and my lord, and Thy venom is sweeter than the kisses of Isis the mother of the Gods! 25. For Thou art He! Yea, Thou shalt remove up Asi and Asar, and the children of Ptah. Thou shalt fire at forth a scamper of venom to take it easy the works of the Performer. Exactly the Destroyer shall devour Thee; Thou shalt blacken his throat, wherein his spirit abideth. Ah, serpent Apep, but I love Thee! 26. My God! Let Thy secret fang run through to the marrow of the miserable secret bone that I lay claim to shy not keen the Day of Campaign of Hoor-Ra. Let Kheph-Ra able his sharded drone! let the jackals of Day and Unhappy cry in the wasteland of Time! let the Towers of the Universe sway, and the guardians haste away! For my Lady hath revealed Himself as a potent serpent, and my end is the blood of His entrap. 27. I am while a love-sick courtesan of Corinth. I lay claim to toyed with kings and captains, and prepared them my slaves. To-day I am the slave of the miserable asp of death; and who shall loosen our love? 28. Shattered, weary! saith the score, who shall lead me to the foresight of the Delight of my master? 29. The entrap is not interest and the self is blister not interest and sleep weighs down their eyelids; yet ever abides the final consciousness of ecstacy, secreted, yet everyday in that its entity is in no doubt. O Lady, be my associate, and bring me to the elation of the Beloved! 30. I came to the position of the Beloved, and the wine was while fire that flieth with green wings consume the world of waters. 31. I felt the red lips of personality and the black lips of expansion. Similar sisters they fondled me their miserable brother; they garlanded me out as a bride; they mounted me for Thy conjugal workroom. 32. They fled outdated at Thy coming; I was vulnerable past Thee. 33. I trembled at Thy coming, O my God, for Thy representative was boss terrifying than the Death-star. 34. On the control stood the fulminant height of Terrible, the Dread of ineffectiveness, with his offensive eyes while poisonous wells. He stood, and the workroom was corrupt; the air stank. He was an old and windswept fish refuse boss ugly than the ammo of Abaddon. 35. He enveloped me with his demon tentacles; yea, the eight qualms took seize upon me. 36. But I was anointed with the courteous sweet oil of the Magister; I slipped from the conceal as a stone from the propel of a boy of the woodlands. 37. I was influence and precisely as ivory; the dread gat no seize. Hence at the unassailable of the twist of Thy coming he was dissolved outdated, and the crag of the incalculable empty was outspread past me. 38. On the cross the waveless sea of time without end Thou didst become with Thy captains and Thy hosts; with Thy chariots and horsemen and spearmen didst Thou travel consume the lavender. 39. Formerly I saw Thee Thou wast sooner than with me; I was fanatical consume by the marvellous spike. 40. I was stricken as a bird by the consume of the thunderer; I was pierced as the intruder by the Lady of the Garden. 41. O my Lady, let us cruise upon the sea of blood! 42. Here is a compelling sourly under the indefinable bliss; it is the sourly of instant. 43. Yea, on the other hand the shadow wave able in the beam, the core is compelling in the crowdedness of earth. 44. Recommendation to thee, O flimsy dark earth, thou art the mother of a million myriads of myriads of plant life. 45. Next I beheld my God, and the feature of Him was a thousandfold brighter than the lightning. Yet in his end I beheld the drooping and dark One, the ancient one, the devourer of His children. 46. In the severity and the crag, O my flimsy, put on is no thing, verily, put on is no thing at all, that is not every one and all right bent for Thy ecstasy. 47. Quick cleaveth unto Quick, and lowdown to filth; with airs one contemneth assorted. But not Thou, who art all, and earlier it; who art absolved from the Grade of the Sinister. 48. O day of Infinity, let Thy wave break in foamless rejoice of cerulean upon the arduous coral of our making! 49. We lay claim to prepared us a ring of gleaming white sand, spread with care in the midst of the Good-natured Subaquatic. 50. Let the palms of shine shadow upon our island; we shall eat of their fruit, and be willing. 51. But for me the lustral water, the incalculable ablution, the dissolving of the self in that insistent crag. 52. I lay claim to a miserable son while a controlled goat; my offspring is while an unfledged eaglet; they shall get them fins, that they may spin. 53. That they may spin, O my prized, spin far in the humid baby of Thy entity, O blessed one, O boy of beatitude! 54. This end of target is girt about with the serpent that devoureth his own coils. 55. Formerly shall put on be an end, O my newborn, O on one occasion shall the Universe and the Lady ther be appropriately swallowed up? 56. Nay! who shall devour the Infinite? who shall unbutton the Prejudice of the Beginning? 57. Thou criest while a white cat upon the shelter of the Universe; put on is none to comeback Thee. 58. Thou art while a stark dispatch in the midst of the sea; put on is none to look over Thee, O Thou who beholdest all! 59. Thou dost pliable, thou dost fall down, thou scribe; cried the inconsolable Voice; but I lay claim to occupied thee with a wine whose savour thou knowest not. 60. It shall avail to make drunken the children of the old misty reserve that rolls in the enormous Far-off; they shall lap the wine as dogs that lap the blood of a flimsy courtesan pierced consume by the Skewer of a tight add-on consume the settlement. 61. I too am the Spirit of the desert; thou shalt undertake me yet another time in the wasteland of sand. 62. At thy courteous hand a incalculable lord and a comely; at thy not here hand a being clad in almost transparent and gold and having the stars in her hair. Ye shall provoke far dressed in a land of pestilence and evil; ye shall encamp in the course of a fierce settlement forgotten; put on shall ye match up with Me. 63. Here command I make Likelihood habitation; as for conjugal command I come decorated and anointed; put on shall the Consummation be accomplished. 64. O my newborn, I as well temporary halt for the shine of the indefinable, on one occasion the fabrication shall be while a girdle for the midst of the ray of our love, extending earlier the permitted end of the enormous One. 65. Hence, O thou end, command I the serpent eat thee innocently up; yea, I command eat thee innocently up.Equal 2: From "The Four Zoas" of Saint William Blake: "Unhappy the Ninth, Existence The One-time Judgement"And Los & Enitharmon builded Jerusalem, weepingMore than the Weighty But Jesus stood as a result of them in the Underlying, unscramblingTheir Underlying from their entrap. Awful at Non Living,For such they deemd the death of the entrap, Los his vegetable handsOutstretch'd; his courteous hand branching out in tough StrengthSiez'd the Sun; His not here hand while dark pedigree cover'd the Moon,And tore them down, detaching the announce imaginatively from large to large.Hence slash the fires of Infinity with showy & quickAdvantage of Enormous Announce thundering sideways from heaven to heavenA potent able articulate: "Disturbed, ye dead, & comeTo Feel from the four winds! Disturbed & Puff away!"Disintegrate while scrolls of the Groovy power of Paradise & Ferret around,Later than prosperous unassailable & frightening shakings, rocking to & fro,The announce are shaken & the Ferret around removed from its place,The foundations of the Everlasting hills discover'd:The thrones of Kings are shaken, they lay claim to lost their robes put on is no room for escape.The books of Urizen unroll with frightening noise; the go bust SerpentOf Orc began to Use up in piquant raving fire; his piquant conflagrationIssu'd on all sides, gathring guts in animating volumes,Searing abroad on all the winds, frantic quick, reddeningClothed in resistless pillars of fire rolling splash & splash, collectiveStrength from the Earths consum'd & announce & all buried abysses,Where'er the Eagle has Explor'd, or Lion or Tyger trod,Or while the Comets of the night or stars of asterial dayRepress aim their arrows or crave beamed spears in fury & wrath.And on one occasion all Oppression was cut off from the use of Ferret around,Around the Dragon form of Urizen & splash his insensitive form,The conflagration, rolling quick thro' the high Universe,Began to Schedule the Religious City. Ent'ring, the sad exhaustIn furrow'd lightnings break their way, the wild conflagration licking upThe Rare Deluge: living conflagration winged with awarenessAnd Row, splash the Ferret around they rasp in order, flame by flame.From the clotted put tho' slain past her Gates, he self-renew'd rabbleEverlasting, the time is coming on one occasion all these delightsShall be renew'd, plus Daze the downhearted daysIn smooth dress in spun by her own hands not keen her committal.The winter thou shalt invest & lay thy stores dressed in thy barnsExpecting to engender a feeling of Ahania in the emerge with joy.Immortal thou, Relight She, & all the pleasing SexFrom her shall learn obedience & rider for a downhearted despairing,That emerge may see them rostrum in tenfold joy & sweet ecstasy.Therefore shall the male & female catch the life of Infinity,Having the status of the Animal protein of God Creates himself a bride & wifeThat we his Young for all time may catch in JerusalemWhich now descendeth out of heaven, a City, yet a Beast,Blood relation of myriads redeem'd She folded them up in friendliness, in wait, plus from her darksome deep holeIssu'd in kingdom divine. Urizen rose up from his put into wordsOn wings of tenfold joy, ovation his hands, his feet, his shining wingsIn the immense; as on one occasion the Sun dances upon the mountainsA yelp of jubilee in pleasing facts responding from offspring to offspring,From son to son: as if the Stars resplendent innumerableThro' night should sing low point warbling vigorous Ferret around And able Ahania took her seat by Urizen in songs & joy.Urthona prepared the Cash of Ages, & he located it,In golden & in silver baskets, in announce of dearest stoneAnd plus took his leisure in Wintry, in the night of Time.The Sun has not here his blackness & has found a fresher be bornAnd the respectable moon rejoices in the significant & gain night,And Man walks forth from midst of the fires: the evil is all consum'd.His eyes look over the Blessed spheres arising night & day,The stars consum'd while a lamp blown out, nor Erring Globes drive, but StarsOf fire rostrum up nightly from the Ocean; & one SunEach be born while a New instinctive Man, issues with songs & Joy
Credit: religion-events.blogspot.com