Wednesday 2 December 2009

Celtic Buddhism Buddhism In Pre Christian Britain

Celtic Buddhism Buddhism In Pre Christian Britain
Pages from Buddhism in pre-Christian Britain by Donald A. Mackenzie, published by Blackie and Son Ltd, Glasgow and London, 1928

Snap images to add to

Saint Origen wrote that Buddhists and Druids coexisted in pre-Christian Celtic Britain

So did Ashoka's missionaries finish the Celts and program Buddhism as far west as Britain?

Is the meditating character on the Celtic Gundestrup Bowl the Buddha of the West, Virupaksha?

Celtic Buddhism? Points to ponder...

* The Indian queen Ashoka sent out Buddhist missionaries to the West as far as Macedonia. This would clutch diligent them well within the Celtic cultural position (the Celts at that warning lengthened eastward to Galatia in what is now Fall down)

* So conceivably the Druids were sure by or adopted the Buddhist wisdom they encountered.

* The Druids were pan-Celtic and travelled unhampered from one end of the Celtic world to the other, ie from Galatia in the east, westward through Balkans, Austria, Helvetia, Gaul, Galicia, Britain and Ireland.

* The pitch Druidic college was in Britain on the Coral island of Anglesey. It drew teachers and students from Ireland, Britain and Continental Europe.

* Origen ascribed the perfunctory and open upsurge of Christianity in Britain to the foundations laid by the wisdom of the Druids and Buddhists.

* The Gundestrup dip, a charismatic allocate of pre-Christian Celtic craftsmanship, seems to take a meditating Buddha.

* Triskeles - classic Buddhist symbols - also stand up in pre-Christian Celtic designs.

* Celtic mystical art steadily displays elucidate knotwork designs, which personify the interconnectness of all phenomena. Equally Buddhist philosophy is caught up largely with interconnectness. In fact, it is the relatives, the interdependencies that are the being, in the function of objects or subjects are nothing but their contact to other objects and subjects.

* The Celtic theologians Pelagius and Johannes Scotus Erigena state under oath an understanding of possible appearance that has larger than in shared with the Buddhist view of bodily Buddha-mind humid by delusions and misdirected inner self, than with the Christian doctrine of defilement of the central by Individual Sin. Pelagius may clutch been sure by the Druids or a Druid himself.

* The Buddhist teaching on Subject Correlation states that phenomena attitude in three initial ways. Pioneer, phenomena attitude by dependence upon causes and conditions. Secondly, phenomena depend upon the joint venture of the whole to its parts and attributes. Thirdly, and most in its entirety, phenomena depend upon mental imputation, charge, or lobby group. According to John Michael Greer, Druid philosophy has a seal separate happening three 'elements' which are familiar in old Welsh as Gwyar (undo, causality), Calas (process) and Nwyfre (consciousness).

- Sean Robsville

Linked Articles:

Cauldron, Mug and Grail Symbolism in Buddhism and Celtic Wicca

Magic Symbolism - Pagan, Buddhist and Christian

Celtic and Buddhist Symbolism - Triskeles and the Three Hares

C J Jung, Buddhism, Tantra and Alchemy

Buddhism, Shamanism and the Use of Entheogens (Psychedelic agents)

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