The numerically charged rune ring is composed of the first 28 runes of a 34 fold runic cosmology. Less commonly known are the last four runes featured, which do not correspond to whole numbers. They are:
* The blank space in the center, representing the still vortex, neither empty or full, colored white (clear actually), its sound is silence.
* The X with legs (a stylized version of this rune), representing irrational numbers (such as pi), shape-shifting, the jack-of-all trades, or a position which cannot be read, it is any color or all colors, it's sound is shhh..
* The erect double diamond, representing positive infinity (infinitely large), extending energy, colored infrared, sound continuous and steady (like a wolves howl, or a cats meow).
* The horizontal double diamond, representing negative infinity (infinitely small), relaxing, colored ultraviolet, sound continuous and fluctuating (like a cats purring, or ripples on water spreading out),
The light blue runes around the central gateway are the rune Jera used to promote understanding of cyclical energy, harmonious enlightenment, and creativity. The symbols in the corners are respectively: the rune Laguz (the check mark) x 3, commonly known as a Trefot, serving to utilize threefold evolutionary force and promote magical inspiration; and Ingwaz (the diamond) combined with Tiwaz (the arrow), serving to ease storage and release of power in development of positive self sacrifice, build spiritual will, and bring about just victory.
Those seeking more information on the first 24 runes may consult the works of Edred Thorsson.
1 meter square
rayon Batik
Keywords: candle magic books easter candles candle magic wax crystals travel candles candle magic books candle burning candle magic colours candle burning magic anglo saxon culture nordic runes