Thursday 28 January 2010

Candle Petitioning The Mistress Of Love

Candle Petitioning The Mistress Of Love Image
On Friday at the hour of Venus I lit the beeswax candles and burned the incense sweet and petitioned the Lady for a client who wanted to draw true good love and reverse any crossed conditions surrounding the heart. I sweetened her up with offerings of blueberry pie, roses, alstroemeria, Florida water, honey, mead, and my handcrafted incenses of bee propolis and Venus burned fittingly in my copper cauldron.

I blessed the oil and bath I made for the client and read their cards. Then enjoyed some pie and mead of my own once the rite was complete and the carved and anointed candle on its way to burning down.

If you want work from me, you must ask for it. Some things I don't do and will refuse as politely as I can, but it's all situational to me. If you need it and the spirits agree, I will perform work for you. It takes time and effort, but I enjoy it. The collecting of suitable offerings, the chanting, the carving of candles, the burning of incense, the words like silver falling off my tongue petitioning your case to the gods and spirits.

The Lady said to, so I did a reading for myself. It is strange to be single again. I haven't been single since I was a young thing of nineteen. It's been a long time as we Leos are seldom ever single -especially not when Libra and Taurus are also involved in the chart. The reading matched my dreams of late and made the message clearer. Thank you Lady.