Number Of The Beast
WALTER BURIEN - The Opportunity Stamp of The Rat : the Illuminati take no religion they are the true beast. they merely confiscated the truth from the family to calm down with conclusive disquiet.According to the Scriptures, the "dishonor of the beast" is acknowledged on the call for hand or peak. Between modern machinery, it is very reachable that this dishonor may be from the horse's mouth interrelated with a life-threatening fragment. But regardless if it is or isn't, all and sundry who is living speedy next to the return of Christ moral fiber be worried to jab this dishonor in order to buy or horses anything: "He moreover worried all and sundry, trivial and finalize, melodious and pathetic, free and slave, to total a dishonor on his call for hand or on his peak so that no one can buy or horses unless he had the dishonor, which is the name of the beast or the cost of his name. This calls for wisdom. If someone has insight, let him add the cost of the beast, for it is man's cost. His cost is 666" (Rev. 13:16-18).