Monday 8 February 2010

The Seven Wanderers In Western Esotericism Part One

The Seven Wanderers In Western Esotericism Part One
The seven pattern planets seized tallness to ancient astronomers since they were the honorable stars to public walk from the general ring-shaped course of the rest of the celestial surround of constellations. These seven were memorable as planets, a name less important from the Greek word 'planetes', which course at a loose end.

Acknowledged attributes clasp been assigned to these seven bodies in western esotericism wherein they clasp been portrayed symbolically accompanied by iconographical elements, as well as with sigils and signs that typify them graphically.

The planets are commonly depicted as a brand of pattern deities from the Roman, Greek and Latin traditions, but besides may dowry aspects of large planetary gods from Babylonian or Chaldean traditions. These in turn those the supposed magical images of the planets, which are to be found in nearly opening astrological, hermetic and magical texts. These gods are commonly accompanied by zodiacal symbols choice which the planets stick rulership according to the principles of astrology, as a result Leo the Lion is attached with the Sun. The Sun and the Moon, regarding are seized to be the Sovereign of Day and the Emperor of Sad respectively and this kingdom designation is carried choice trendy alchemy where the planets besides have a hold over choice the seven metals.

The days of the week are besides assigned specific planets.

The aloof outline shows the signs used for the planets, the basic elements of their make up as well as how inhabit elements fit together to make these signs. Each one of the signs are finished up of a combination of elements vetoed in red which consists of a crescent and circle and a take in. These three symbols are assigned to the moon, sun and the elements. Chiefly these frequent to astrophysical concept of time and space but that lies apart the considerations of the plan post. Passage to the information simulcast that the sun and moon stick their own signs and lend them to the other signs. Subsequently the signs of Saturn and Jupiter are finished up of the crescent and the take in, period the signs of Mars and Venus are less important from the take in, conjoined with the circle. Mercury, the prefigure of the gods, is the honorable sign serene of all three elements of take in, circle and crescent. On the used up of the figurine these compositions are puffed up to make it intense how the elements fit together to make the signs. It is to be remarked that Mars is vetoed with the take in noticeably of the scurry commonly represented on the planetary sign, this relationship is specific to alchemical planetary symbolism, which notwithstanding utilizes the traditional iconography of the planets as we tendency see truthful in an drawing from Stefan Michalspacher's "Cabala Kunst und Natura".

The Michaelspacher drawing depicts the seven planets standing of the slopes of a pile surmounted by a well in a garden choice which Mercury presides. The relationship of the information on the pile follows the solar/lunar designation of the planets according to the production of their respective sigils. All the planets with the planetary circle in their sigil are on the mountainside with the Sun and all the planets whose signs are serene with lunar crescents are attending Luna on the other outlet. Anew Mercury with all three signs is presiding on the top.

The zodiacal arch which frames the pile does not simulcast the normal order of the zodiacal constellations in the midst of which the sun makes it course, noticeably they are solidify according to their specific planetary attributions.

Concentrating on the metaphors facts to planetary iconography we can see on the used up outlet of the mountain; the Sun: crowned, kingdom robed and holding a scepter; Mars: reinforced and elation a sword and shield; and Venus: with mirror and a on fire central. Meanwhile on the differing outlet of the pile can be seen horned Luna: with a horn and a lance; Jupiter: kingdom robed and with scepter; and Saturn: holding a scythe and a child which he intends to eat. Mercury crowns of the peak of the pile, winged, wielding his caduceus and holding a star. These attributes are the exact to be found in other images of the planets, Hans Sebald Beham's set of images central part a wonderful example.