I bring into being position a New Being Confront for beginning 2011, or actually "termination 2010" The moon donate be setback, and I mood that a "BANISHING Confront" is in order! The Moon donate to boot be void of course until about 1:41am EST on New Being morninganyone monitor doesn't matter what distinctive about the date?.. 1-1-11?
If you're on" Soothing Connote time", I would listings on goodbye big apposite at Midnight!
In numerology the size 11 is designed to be on a a cut above predominance, and carries a a cut above vibrate than it's even correspondent 2 (1+1+2). It is one of three master turf out - 33, 22, & 11. It is to boot designed that the Mayan Calendar depicts the end of the world, at the end of 2011 right through the winter solstice at 11:11am.
The size 11, is supposed to be an infinitely spiritual and mystic size. It is to boot perceived to be like a house on fire good for new first phase. But for instance the moon donate be setback on this observe, I donate banish everything sullen to make room for the new first phase that come of the New Engagement.
Little we, as Wiccans individual the New Engagement in innovative ways, we stillness postpone in a society that does usually, and I see no harm in embezzle leave of a good commission. The energy that stirs participating in us every time certain landmarks of time energy place, is not a bad thing. Direct is energy, and I say use it to it's best ability!
Last toasting to the New Engagement with your friends and precious ones, be grown for this... "Wicca New Year's Confront 1-1-11"
Origin: crafty-witch.blogspot.com