Sunday 7 February 2010

Mantra For Less Intelligent Children

Mantra For Less Intelligent Children
This is a Mantra Sadhana especially for those children with less or underdeveloped intelligence. Sometimes the mental growth in some children is slow as compared to their peers. This can be due to numerous factors; including genetic ones. In the trying times of today with loads and loads of burden on kids and their parents; the parents of a less intelligentchild; find themselves in an unenviable position.The Mantra Sadhana is really most simple - Take a piece of Kapur[ Camphor] in a plate and chant the mantra I have given here 3 times while rotating the plate from top to bottom each time you chant the mantra. This has to be done 3 times each in front, 3 times from the right and three times from the left side of the child.This MantraSadhana has to be done for 3 consecutive Wednesdays and Sundays.Related Articles * Ghost capturing Mantra ( * Mantra Sadhana to win money ( * Hanuman Mohini Mantra 2 ( * Vishnu Laxmi Mantra ( * Mantra to know sounds made by Pigs ( * Mantra for Precognition and ESP ( * Jaya - Vijaya Yakshini Mantra Sadhana ( * Mantra - Yantra for Skin Problems ( * Mantra to control snakes ( * Simple Meditation Mantras (