Image (c) Getty Images Many of our readers here at About Pagan/Wiccan are solitary practitioners, so I try to always make sure there are rituals which can easily be done by a single person, as opposed to a large group. While this ceremony is written for solitaries, if you've got a coven get-together, don't worry -- you can adapt it as needed to accommodate extra people!
At any rate, back when our ancestors had to count on the sun as their only source of light, the end of winter was met with much celebration. Although it is still cold right now in the Southern Hemisphere, the sun shines brightly above, and the skies are often crisp and clear. As a festival of light, Imbolc came to be called Candlemas. On this evening, when the sun has set once more, call it back by lighting the seven candles of this ritual: Imbolc Candle Ritual...