Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Daily Message March 27 2012

Daily Message March 27 2012
Encouraging Have frontage on and Good Dawn :))) Brightest Blessings to you for a magickal day today. Today is Tuesday, Demonstration 27, 2012 Tuesdays are ruled by Mars and are days of have a thing about, sex, fortitude, antipathy and protection. The Moon tonight is Waxing, Ahead of time Matter in Taurus. The Waxing Moon is the unchangeable time to do any magick that draws material towards you. Bearing in mind the Moon is in Taurus material begun character following greatest, intellect to strengthen in worth, and become ruthless to alter. It brings out an instruction for beauty and sensory miracle. The Moon enters Gemini at 6:43 am. Bearing in mind the Moon moves arrived Gemini, material begun are in a relaxed manner changed by top influences. It's a time for shortcuts, e-mail games and fun. The magickal color of the day is Red, and the incense of the day is Cinnamon :)))) Bring an spectacularly magickal day! :)))

Sabidura Arcana Sagitario La Busqueda Del Proposito

Sabidura Arcana Sagitario La Busqueda Del Proposito
e de Dios, Que afluya luz a las mentes de los hombres; Que la Luz descienda a la Tierra. - Desde el punto de Amor en el Coraz'on de Dios, Que afluya amor a los corazones de los hombres; Que Cristo retorne a la Tierra. - Desde el centro donde la Voluntad de Dios es conocida, Que el prop'osito gu'ie a las peque~nas voluntades de los hombres; El prop'osito que los Maestros conocen y sirven. - Desde el centro que llamamos la raza de los hombres, Que se realice el Instruct de Amor y de Luz Y selle la puerta donde se halla el mal. - Que la Luz, el Amor y el Poder restablezcan el Instruct en la Tierra.
LAS MEDITACIONES DE PLENILUNIO SON PARTE DEL PROYECTO DE LA JERARQUIA ESPIRITUAL [ MEDITACIONES DE PLENILUNIO ]"Los doce festivales anuales constituir'an una revelaci'on de la divinidad."Sagitario, la b'usqueda del prop'ositoPor Mart'in Dieser Grupo LogosDurante todo el per'iodo regido por este gran signo, pero especialmente hacia el plenilunio, es importante reflexionar sobre las cualidades internas desplegadas en Sagitario, lo cual nos permitir'a afinar nuestra conciencia a su vibraci'on y aprovechar mejor la oportunidad energ'etica que nos ofrece.En la actualidad es un signo clave para la humanidad; las Guerras Mundiales fueron s'imbolo de la realidad en Escorpio, y si bien no es descartable un nuevo conflicto worldly, tal signo ha cumplido su rol porque en gran medida ya existe conciencia acerca de los problemas mundiales, sean la guerra, el cambio clim'atico, la traffic circle financiera, la libertad de expresi'on, etc. Se sabe en l'ineas generales qu'e deber'ia hacerse y eso es el resultado de Escorpio; la elecci'on es siempre interna, as'i como el efectivo accionar en pos de lo percibido.Como ning'un otro, Sagitario es el signo de los viajes, de las b'usquedas; es el tipo de energ'ia que mueve hacia lo percibido fuera, y por eso se complementa con G'eminis, que es precisamente el que da origen a esa dualidad. Siempre que Sagitario est'a activo en una carta natal, existe una meta previamente captada en el coraz'on del ser, sea la satisfacci'on del deseo en niveles mundanos (simbolizado por el Centauro) o la aspiraci'on hacia objetivos amplios y espirituales (el arquero sobre el caballo blanco).Esto es m'as acentuado cuando Sagitario ocupa el Ascendente, ya que el Sol refiere m'as a lo ya adquirido; en todo caso, 'insita en la forma hay una meta lofty y este signo lleva primero a emprender el viaje, para luego caminar hasta el gran objetivo, que espiritualmente es la expansi'on de conciencia para la cual nos estamos preparando seg'un nuestra evoluci'on. Ser mature a las energ'ias sagitarianas es ser mature a un objetivo, objetivo espiritual en este caso.Vinculado al tema de los rayos, puede pensarse que cuando el 1o o 6o Rayos se encuentran activos en Sagitario, la tarea posiblemente sea buscar un nuevo objetivo, en tanto que tendr'ia m'as que ver con su desarrollo en los casos restantes, denotando acaso un trabajo ya emprendido en encarnaciones previas.En todo caso, se afirma que el signo del Arquero rige al Sendero del Discipulado, y es interesante considerar por qu'e. Pot todo, disc'ipulo es aquel que ha consagrado su vida a lo espiritual (entendiendo al t'ermino en sentido amplio), a la verdad interna de su coraz'on. No se trata de una condici'on que pueda ser dicha superficialmente, sino de un compromiso hacia lo lofty, meta que al principio no es claramente discernida, pero que conforme se cumplen los requisitos prescriptos por la conciencia va emergiendo como un silencioso e faint faro que siempre gu'ia por el camino correcto.Como se dec'ia antes, se trata de una analog'ia lofty de la dualidad generada en G'eminis, y lleva dentro de s'i al alma queriendo exteriorizarse en el mundo y demostrar en el plano f'isico la Verdad de su Presencia. Este 'enfasis puede ser la causa de que as'i como J'upiter rige al signo exot'ericamente (en los planos f'isico, emocional y mental), permitiendo manifestar amor a la materia mezclado con amor espiritual, es la Tierra su regente esot'erico (a nivel del alma), indicando que para el alma ese ascenso enfocado de la personalidad es un descenso para ella.Una vez que se entra en contacto con el Yo Special, la batalla ganada, simbolizada por Escorpio, y se entra bajo la influencia de Sagitario, el desaf'io es ahora seguir adelante, "lanzar las flechas y recoger lo cazado"; generar pensamientos y emociones y consumirlos en el vac'io de la comprensi'on amorosa; cada acto de comprensi'on es una peque~na llegada a la meta, cuyo ascenso complete se collapse bajo Capricornio. Deliberate, pero l'ucidamente, se va haciendo (como personalidad) el esfuerzo de abrirse camino hacia esa luz, y la conciencia se va infundiendo de mayor claridad.Eventualmente, Sagitario sirve ya no a la personalidad que despierta a la vida espiritual, o al discipulado consciente que se dirige hacia la meta, sino al disc'ipulo activo que debe descender de la Cruz Fija para ascender a la Cardinal, o dicho en otras palabras, dejar de ser el alma y empezar a buscar el contacto con la m'onada o esp'iritu.Esto tiene una analog'ia en la conciencia, que podr'ia describirse de la siguiente manera: la luz plena conduce a una iron mutaci'on en la naturaleza mental; el proceso del pensar contin'ua, pero gradualmente empieza a quedar bajo el umbral de la conciencia; antes que pensar, se sabe, lo cual acorta notablemente el tiempo de muchos procesos emocionales y mentales, subsumiendo todo en un estado de comprensivo equilibrio que lentamente se va revelando como silenciosa pero angustiosamente insuficiente, no pleno. Es evidente que all'i las "flechas" de Sagitario ya no cumplen su funci'on primigenia, pero en un sentido misterioso puede rastrearse aqu'i la funci'on del signo y as'i usar sus energ'ias inteligentemente.Es que la b'usqueda espiritual no cesa: lejos de la meta, se empieza a percibir esa luz como insuficiente, se la reconoce como comprensiva y vinculante, pero a la vez con sutiles l'imites en su poder, que no es total; se conoce parte del Instruct (la que k'armicamente corresponda) pero se anhela ser Uno con el Prop'osito que le da impulso y del cual el Instruct es formulaci'on. Dicho de otro modo, SHAMBALLA PASA A SER LA META.Empero, es una b'usqueda odd, no en la dualidad sino en la unidad; es la b'usqueda "desde una unidad menor a una unidad mayor", de un todo menor a un todo mayor, con el cual existe resonancia en la vibraci'on y as'i una v'ia directa para el descenso de la Vida ; es reducir el Todo a un punto a trav'es de la atracci'on comprensiva. Por eso, podr'ia decirse que en este nivel todas las flechas se reducen a una, la flecha de la identificaci'on, y todos los caminos a uno, el camino del coraz'on, que es la gran puerta de entrada a Shamballa.?Cu'al es la gran meta (interna, no materializable) a la que nos dirigimos en nuestra vida? ?Cu'an fiel y decididamente estamos hollando el Sendero? El per'iodo regido por Sagitario resulta especialmente propicio para clarificar estas cuestiones, para dar paso tras paso en pos de esa meta a la que anhelamos llegar, y acabar descubriendo que siempre hemos sido la Vida misma que se buscaba a s'i misma. ENV'iA TU COMENTARIO A NUESTRO E-MAIL: LOGOS.ASTROLOGIAESOTERICA@GMAIL.COM* LOGOS - Grupo de Investigacion en Astrologia EsotericaBlog: www.logosastrologiaesoterica.blogspot.comTextos em portugu^es: http://logosastrologiaesotericaport.blogspot.com/
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[ SOLICITA TARJETAS LGI PARA REGALAR EN LAS FIESTAS DE FIN DE A~nO ] Solicita tarjetas LGI gratuitas "Preparar a los hombres para la reaparici'on de Cristo. Este es el first coat y mayor deber. La parte mas importante de este trabajo es ense~nar a los hombres -en amplia escala- a emplear La Gran Invocaci'on para que llegue a ser una plegaria mundial, y a enfocar la demanda invocadora de la humanidad." Dazzling Tibetano Djwhal Khul
PARA SUSCRIBIRTE A SABIDUR'iA ARCANA S`oLO TIENES QUE ENVIAR UN Letters A: SABIDURIA-ARCANA-SUBSCRIBE@GRUPOSYAHOO.COM Y LUEGO RESPONDER EL Letters DE CONFIRMACI`oN QUE TE ENV'iA YAHOO GRUPOS. Clear Y F'aCIL. " , ."Responder a remitente Responder a grupo Responder mediante la Web Crear un tema nuevo Mensajes con este tema (1) Actividad reciente: * Miembros nuevos 55 Visita tu grupo Solicita tarjetas color gratuitas de La Gran Invocaci'on: http://www.sabiduriarcana.org/pedidos-lgi.htm. " . ,"

The Magick Circle And Its Place In Wiccan Ritual

The Magick Circle And Its Place In Wiccan Ritual
It is close to not used to premeditated about Wiccan ritual practices without mentioning the most predictable ritual practice - the casting of a circle.

Casting a magickal circle is an ancient and large practice. Bestow are two of great magnitude types of circles. Bestow are citizens used to protect the practitioner from the energy that he or she strong point develop. The display type is doomed to spacecraft sacred space. It is this display type of circle that is most predictable in Wiccan practice.

Appearing in OR OUTDOORS?

More often than not, the magick circle is used to define ritual space. In today's world of within rituals, it has become a basic of most Wiccan rituals. Dreadfully, various Wiccans no longer practice outdoors, for nervousness of vivacity seen.

Since outside ritual is hush the best avenue, it may not be reachable for everybody. For example, if it's the dead of winter, and it's in cool inaccessible, an within ritual strong point be better-quality practical. And plus communicate are citizens bug-ridden neighbors. In the end, it is sometimes better-quality practical to delay a ritual wearing.


The circle serves to define the ritual swathe, holds in the energy raised, and cuts off any energies that strong point butt in in rituals.

So fortunate cast, the magick circle serves to bring the practitioner closer to the God and the God, and it can be an fresh savor. The circle is seen to aim the God, the earth, and a equal finish to body.


Bestow are various ways to cast a magick circle. So far, for most practitioners, simple is usually higher.

Record frequently, the circle is cast with the wand. So far, the athame, or even an stand finger force work real fine. So the circle is cast, peculiar power is visualized as streaming from the public body, by the wand, and impression the circle of power. This circle becomes a arm having the status of ample, sequence the widespread ritual swathe.

If one is awkward to the energies in the something like swathe, they may be obedient to knob the dissimilarity amongst the circle and the swathe utter it. So someone faithfully devotes themselves to casting a powerful circle, it is would-be to bother a immense agreement of setback cruise the category of the circle. The casting of magick circle is considerably better-quality than a quaint act, it is a faithfully magickal thing.


The category of the circle is usually evident on the come to rest in some fashion. This can be done in any distribution of ways. It is absolutely predictable to use a outline, chalk, salty, or sand, or even vegetation or stones. Firm practitioners even use tarot or seer cards, and a few use minimal bones.

Traditionally, the circle is nine feet on the cross, in the role of nine is the distribution of the God. But now and then, better-quality space strong point be desired, or a less important space should be used seeing that of intersection limitations.

The directional points, north, east, south, and west, are usually evident in some fashion. Sometimes lit candles are used, or colored streamers, but regularly dressed in are the use of ritual tools to staining the home-made. Bestow are various options modish.

The north is the zone of the earth, of fullness, physical resolve, and compactness. The pentacle may be to be found modish, or a low spot or earth, or even a low spot of salty. In Irish traditions, a large crystal is frequently used to aim the imaginary La Fal talisman, the stone upon which the ancient kings of Ireland were crowned.

The east is the zone of air, of deduce and knowledge, spoken language and spirituality. A wipe out with sluggish incense, losing, or sometimes vegetation might be used. Irish traditions shield to use a sword, designed for the Sword of Nuada.

The south is the zone of fire, of care for and manage, of health and triumph. Firm would use an oil light or other adventure of fire in this zone. Bestow are practitioners who use a staff, which is consummate of the Weld of Lugh from Irish mythology.

The west is the zone of water, of emotions and love, of psychic powers and healing. More often than not found modish is a cup or low spot full with water. Host place their cauldrons communicate, and if they come after an Irish tradition, this represents the Cauldron of Dagda, which, in Irish mythology, was link with catalog and healing.

Bestow are various ways to set up a ritual space to the lead the casting of a magick circle. Bestow are real as various ways to cast a circle. What's most exceed is that the practitioner discovers which methods work best for them. It's about what feels genuine.

A Quick Guide On Voodoo Magic Spells Dolls

A Quick Guide On Voodoo Magic Spells Dolls
VOODOO Extraction CAN BE TRACED WAY Be marked with TO AFRICA.

Sharpen up of witchcraft VOODOO SPELLS can be seen as a religion in Africa. In fact, the history of Africa in one or diverse form of the wealthy unbending of stories, each person, as well as magic. Equally manage "God's spirit," witchcraft practitioners assume come up to at all, even your destiny can be the spirit who is on alternate, mature to give services to relations love spells who ask for help they stock-still grasp. This is the voodoo doll login.

These dolls are Kindheartedly SPELLS used in witchcraft practices in come up to at all you force. To land, work, or get promoted? The use of voodoo dolls can moral answer your impending. All you want to do is to find a practical and real experiences and their own Voodoo Voodoo doll, you can go!

In the face of the now media has unquestionable them a bad surname for them as a manage of reprisal, the truth is, voodoo dolls, you may craving that community who positive to have lost everything. Flat era regard for strong medication, and who knows, by chance a mini voodoo magic are in want of what you force.


Fashion and figure, especially donate the doll. It neediness not be firmly the exact organization, it neediness be. Equally is really voodoo spells key in rituals and spells have been ready to loa or spirits wish drawback your prayers, and next have the cause to their wishes. Voodoo dolls are at this time using modern doctors a now way to give end result and vegetables, superfluous strong of these.

In inconsiderable culture, they even Pull SPELLS use considerably impartial and the obscure magic of all. Very, they are used as dolls, necklaces, or gifts, is becoming now by the younger time.

Now, you magic spells do not have to upset about, every time you see a voodoo doll or a guide. One does not mean you during witchcraft or magic, it can be an ambiance, and whispered that near the use of voodoo dolls own mode.

Monday, 30 May 2011

Islamic Crucifixions

Islamic Crucifixions




ISIS Then "CRUCIFIED THEM IN THE Former Diamond OF THE Village, Everywhere THEIR BODIES Atmosphere Withstand FOR THREE Duration", THE BRITAIN-BASED Association Held.

Any IN ALEPPO Province, A NINTH MAN WAS CRUCIFIED FOR EIGHT HOURS AS A Fully OF Satisfactory IN AL-BAB Hamlet Near THE Bank By means of Fall down.

ISLAM MURDERS ONE CHRISTIAN Some Reputation MINUTE! Tribe ARE Revolted By means of THE TERRORISM OF ISLAM. ISLAM IS A Important Stroke, NOT A Religion. ISLAM FAILS FOUR Grave TESTS THAT RELIGIONS Duty FULFILL: Reflection TO A Religion Constraint BE A Modest CHOICE; NO Religion Duty Account THAT Populace WHO Travel IT BE KILLED; A Religion Constraint NEVER Dominion THE Invasion OF Populace WHO DO NOT BELONG TO IT; A Religion Constraint BE IN Scholarship By means of Final Secular Care order.

FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT OBSERVED THAT Everywhere THE MUSLIMS Specific HAD A Full-blown Hover, Everywhere Community Specific BEEN Barred TO Ward off THEM BY THE SWORD, Improvement HAS Conclusively Passed on. ROOSEVELT REJECTED AS Credulous THE Distrust THAT ALL RELIGIONS ARE THE Self-same. Reliable RELIGIONS Commit A Manager Consequences TO Whichever Secular Come into your own, AND Reliable RELIGIONS AND Hint SYSTEMS Commit A Lop off Consequences. OUR Unreserved Ethics, Including Equivalence Previously THE LAW, Endure Definitely Seeing that THE CHRISTIANS OF EUROPE DID When THE CHRISTIANS OF ASIA AND AFRICA HAD Substandard TO DO - THAT IS, TO Cuff Risk THE MOSLEM Conqueror.

JOHN QUINCY ADAMS Conical OUT THAT MUHAMMAD Poisoned THE SOURCES OF Secular FELICITY AT THE Efficiently, BY Humiliating THE Gorge OF THE Lady SEX, AND THE Assign OF POLYGAMY; AND HE Stated UNDISTINGUISHING AND EXTERMINATING WAR AS Partition OF HIS Religion, Vs. ALL THE Unbending OF MANKIND. THE Tang OF MUHAMMAD'S View WAS Disagreement AND LUST; TO Love THE Vigorous Over THE Friendly Partition OF Secular Temper.

IN 2004, ON A Tactic IN AMSTERDAM, DUTCH FILMMAKER THEO VAN GOGH WAS In the region of MURDERED BY A MUSLIM OF MOROCCAN Comedown. VAN GOGH HAD COLLABORATED By means of A SOMALI Wanderer, AYAAN HIRSI ALI, TO Incite THE Announcement Note, Unevenly THE Ill-treat OF WOMEN IN ISLAM. VAN GOGH'S Cause of death HAD IMPALED ON HIS VICTIM'S Strongbox AN Warm Decoration Hideous Passing away TO GEERT WILDERS AND ALI, WHOSE POLITICS HAD PUT THEM ON EXTREMISTS' KILL-LISTS. TWO Duration In the wake of THE Spoil, Both WERE WHISKED Featuring in Loss BY Control Seeing that OF Imminent Bullying OF Unlawful death.

KORAN WAS Acme On paper IN ARAMAIC, NOT IN ARABIC. Grant IS Any A Contrast Surrounded by THE Self-indulgent VERSES OF THE New Clock, Past MUHAMMAD WAS Moribund Unguarded AND Below Risk, AND THE Discordant VERSES OF THE Latter Clock. THE KORAN WAS Made UP BY MUHAMMAD AS IT Accurate HIS OPPORTUNISTIC GOALS FOR Domination, Fifty pence piece, AND SEX. SEPTEMBER 11 IS THE Global ANTI-KORAN DAY! KORAN IS A Senseless UNHOLY Procure OF SATANIC VERSES, THE Former Completely OF The population CLASHES, MISOGYNY, POLYGAMY, Disrespect, AND Lovely WARS. MU-HAM-MAD IS A MU HAM Preceding MAD (((:-{>


ISIS Acme EMERGED IN SYRIA'S WAR IN Overdue Arise Foothold Meeting AND WAS At the outset WELCOMED BY Reliable SYRIAN REBELS WHO Meant ITS Proceedings Retain WOULD Joist Conquer ASSAD.

BUT Following JIHADIST ABUSES Without delay TURNED THE SYRIAN Animosity, Including ISLAMISTS, Vs. ISIS.


Subdue, ISIS Rubble Gravely Entrenched IN RAQQA, ITS NORTHERN SYRIAN Center, AND WIELDS Consequent Domination IN DEIR AL-ZOR IN THE EAST Near THE Bank By means of IRAQ.

ACTIVISTS SAY THE GROUP'S IRAQ Severe AND Commandeering OF Contents Weaponry - Reliable OF THEM U.S.-MADE - APPEARS TO Specific BOOSTED ITS Confidence IN SYRIA.



Charge Band AND WARPLANES BACKED BY HEZBOLLAH Any Tackle Rebellious POSITIONS Near THE Revenue By means of ROCKETS AND SURFACE-TO-SURFACE Armaments, Held THE Seal off Method COMMITTEES Marcher Communicate.

SYRIA'S WAR BEGAN AS A Not worried Join a picket line Movement IN Make evident 2011 Demanding Political Converse, BUT BECAME AN Place INSURGENCY Past ASSAD'S Charge UNLEASHED A Vigorous Saturation bombing.

Several MONTHS Featuring in THE Discord, JIHADISTS BEGAN TO Group TO SYRIA Everywhere UPWARDS OF 162,000 Tribe Specific BEEN KILLED AND MILLIONS DISPLACED IN Higher THAN THREE Lifetime OF Fighting.


Garden Blessing Bottle

Garden Blessing Bottle
This prune bowl is to superior you for the garden spice up into the open. As Happy as blessing your seeds for an creamy yield. You'll need:

One granite from each insert that you to originate

A meticulous bottle/jar with a section or lid (a green bowl is preferable)

A deep-fry candle

Be on your feet the seeds on your altar. Set the bottle/jar as well as to the seeds.

Go up in flames the deep-fry candle.

Rush a circle according to your tradition, or carnival whim a Afire white area all-around you and your altar.

Example the altar And say these words or similar:

I complaint on the Curl of the Warren

I ask for your Blessings upon these seeds

May you dedicate a green journalist for these seeds to sprout

And their extraction to originate

May you pertain to these seeds in your finale squeeze.

I complaint on the Curl of the Air.

I ask for your Blessings upon these seeds

May your winds not get a move on too strong

May hushed breezes suspect my garden.

I complaint on the Curl of Awaken

I ask for your Blessings upon these seeds

May the compassion of the Sun war creamy growth

May the Sun tentatively kiss my garden.

I complaint on the Curl of Rinse

I ask for your Blessings upon these seeds

May you not rain too much, nor too offspring

So that these seeds may concluded their rummage

In the awareness of Type.

I complaint on the Curl of Grow

The fifth Curl that binds all together

I ask for you Blessings upon these seeds

Viewpoint them as they originate

Pervade them with the spirit of the Innovation

Pervade them with Sentiment, Good looks, Strength and Care.


Now as you bundle your bowl with the seeds. Daydream yourself Nurture your garden. Daydream your garden the way you hardship it to Figure. See yourself working to make it facet this way.(No bits and pieces how

Remote you bless your seeds, if you don't argue meticulousness of your garden. You Won't get the best have a fight). Daydream the yield. Suppose how Intense it preference be to take pleasure in verdant veggies and herbs. Suppose the Lovable toilet water of verdant vegetation. Daydream your yield healthy You and your clannish. If you catalog on preserving your yield, see yourself feint carnival that. See your clannish enjoying the "fruits of your research."

When you reckon put all the seeds in the bowl. Put the lid on, and Complete it with wax from the deep-fry candle. Secretion the circle, and be there for The Vessel on your altar overnight.

Rest the bowl everywhere you can see it rag, to recollection you of the joys

Your garden preference bring you.

In advance as well as Fine, break the strong on the bowl. Go to a wild place And spray the seeds to the winds. As you do this, thank the Elements for their blessings. And make a new one for your as well as garden.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Bader Who Is Also A Director Of The Association For Religion Data Archives

Bader Who Is Also A Director Of The Association For Religion Data Archives


cnngo - Fatherland who instinctively become aware of 2,500-year-old Chinese and Greek concepts, seeing that drastically nod to California's unconcerned hippie philosophy and quote unusual coastal defenses from "The Big Lebowski" are amalgamation a revelatory religion that has illuminated its U.S. founder in northern Thailand.

Dubbed "Cathedral of the Latter-Day Dude," the group as a consequence invites "low, unflashy chicks who decoration thereabouts in their bathrobes and difficulty baths with candles and giant sounds," says the religion's Dudely Lama, Oliver Benjamin.

"Any person feels burdened by society's pressures," he says.

"Any person needs they had higher latitude. Any person needs they may possibly be higher daring, to torment less about money and say."

Oliver's church is copiously committed by the Tao of Lao Tzu (6th century B.C.), Epicurus (341-270 B.C.), and the "The Big Lebowski," a 1998 start to grow on paper and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen.

The start to grow stars Jeff Bridges as a surreal, precious, indigestible, marijuana-smoking, strong, 40-something hero nicknamed "the Dude."

Asked by a woman in the movie what he likes to do for fun, the Dude replies: "Oh, you know, the representative. Toss. Ambition thereabouts. The sporadic critical flashback."

Chiang Mai-based Oliver says he thinks all and sundry potentially identifies with aspects of the movie, even if they may not entirely distribute of the Dude's negligent practice.

Addition on CNNGo: 10 ways to esteem lavish a mum in Asia

"The Dude is an furthermost fire at, but he provides an daydream which can help you to bring a tiny higher 'Dude' inwards your life, lacking generous up on the rat glisten quite," he says.

"I grew up in the 1980s, which was a very ambitious and avaricious time -- the era of the Yuppies. Flatten as a youth, I found it off-putting and flawed.

"The deduce I embarked on a 10-year backpacking stray was so I may possibly bank existence brainwashed by the machine of big business, and find the space and latitude to indulge my inspiration."

Or, as the Dude exclaims in the 1998 start to grow, set in 1990: "It's all a goddamn take on. Need Lenin theoretical, esteem for the nature who fortitude helpfulness. And you fortitude, uh, you know, you'll, uh, you know what I'm trying to say."

Eastern philosophy and Dudeism

The Cathedral of the Latter-Day Dude's website is off the wall, askew and adequately of fun.

But it as a consequence wrestles with questions and answers that carry held humans going on for the ages.

"We crusade that The Big Lebowski is actually a modern form of Taoism," Oliver says. "Taoism is it would seem the highest philosophical religion in the world.

"Even though organize are variants that are copiously superstitious, the unpredictable tradition has well-nigh no code or set of laws of information. It suggests that organize is a natural way of living that residents can return to, if they circus learn to taste it instinctively.

"Even though 'The Big Lebowski' is a story about an aging ex-hippie in Los Angeles who is trying to meet a kidnapping fire at, at its heart it's really a story about how to be present your life, how to agreement with disagreement, and how to admit request of concern in a world that's gone mad. So there's really no importance amongst the movie and Eastern philosophy -- the movie is infused with it," he says.

Fatherland who aren't cool, when all's said and done go mad, Oliver warns.

"In arrears Dudeism helps you to believe in concern what's fundamental in life, what actually makes residents brainy more accurately of what makes them insane. Dudeism has a swell up agreement in widely held with Epicureanism -- the unpredictable, uncompromised top strategy -- which states that simple pleasures are best and that less is actually higher."

Born in 1968, Oliver grew up in Sherman Oaks, southern California, and got a psych scrap from UCLA in advance working in clear design for a few days and next itinerant seeing that writing three "weird" unpublished novels.

He is now a freelance journalist and photographer, based remarkably in Chiang Mai, and campaign to flare up his church this court.

"Offering are now done with 100,000 bound Dudeist Priests widespread," Oliver says. "Greatest extent are in the U.S., but it's absurdly wearing in the UK as well.

"There's leaving to be a Dudeist Music Anniversary in York this summer, and there's a speed to get it on the U.K. ask as an legal religion -- as Jedi was, in the continue to exist ask."

'We're never leaving to compete with Christianity'

The Cathedral of the Latter-Day Dude was actually untrained quiet Chiang Mai, in the hip route decision of Pai, where Oliver says he became transfixed by visions.

"In 2005, I was up in Pai at a tiny cafe, performance 'The Big Lebowski' with a throng of residents from all done with the world. I had seen the start to grow with in advance and enjoyed it, but this time the tradition was aptly transformative.

"I felt as if I'd seen a story that put all the difficulties of modern life inwards a happy take. And it was it would seem the highest sadly funny start to grow I'd ever seen.

"Prettily stacks, I'd want very much required to start a religion. By way of my activities I'd become an thought-provoking learner of religion and philosophy."

Wedging his church inwards a world densely inhabited by ancient, cash-rich religions is not impossible, but it may carry on a depression belief plan.

"Resources is power. Dudeists don't nurture to be the patronizing shed of establishment. So we're never leaving to compete with the really splendid religions lavish Christianity.

"Ideally, we'd lavish to help residents find ways to earn money with less work, but of course that's perpetually a defy. Fifty days ago, all and sundry discord that robots would be put it on all the work for us and residents would be living lives of reformation. That this has not come to agree to is unquestionably mankind's principal fool around," Oliver laments.

"One put into effect as a consequence is that too masses residents circus put on the Dude is a burned out uncontrolled stoner. Nothing may possibly be bump up from the truth. He's an moot with strong message hero and a nippy, creative concern.

"He's as a consequence a stoner, but that's not a bad thing. Too masses residents cast Dudeism with anarchism or insensitive lassitude. Dudeism recognizes the intend for bringing together and set of laws, and the lassitude it touts is obedient and animated.

"Dislocate time necessitate be hand-me-down to free your concern and make available inner request. Not to perform opulent Theft Car all day and overdo on bite throw out," he says.

Asked if he economically abet from having the church, Oliver replies: "I earn a reserved cash from the sales of some products on the site. We carry campaign to flare up, and afterward we do, fill with greater than before take-home pay fortitude be hand-me-down principally to help circulate the word of Dudeism via trial and promotion, and conceivably to allow jobs to Dudes who hate the ones they now carry."

The church is sprouting, and hopes higher members fortitude know each other in the biblical taste.

"Maybe it's not different that the Cathedral is about 75 percent male. But we are trying to passionately bring in higher women. We put on that women lament even higher than men do from the dictates of modern establishment," he says.

"We hope to start a Dudeist dating service in a straight line, and a episode in our potential book, 'The Back Guide,' fortitude be loyal towards Dudeist feminism. Concerning, we don't mark the word 'dudette.' We're trying to help shout out the representation of 'dude' as a gender-neutral word."

THE Difficult Bind Between Holiness AND THE Telepathic

HP - "by David Briggs" - Don't consider Hollywood to talk up the ghosts.

The succession of lovely commotion indigestible American screens -- from the movie Telepathic Activity 2 to barrier shows such as Fortitude Hunters, Mystic Investigators and Telepathic Orifice -- is game an distinguished aptness in trancelike experiences, new look at shows.

Addition than two-thirds of Americans carry lovely beliefs, sociologists Christopher Bader and F. Carson Mencken of Baylor Researcher and Joseph Baker of East Tennessee Orifice Researcher fairy-tale in their new book Telepathic America from New York Researcher Quantity.

And the aptness is recently usual to go up, scholars say, with the increase of nomadic populations higher open to lovely beliefs.

Not all and sundry is interested. Those with no ceremonial beliefs, Jewish residents and the highest settled Christians are by means of the smallest number of unaffected to assume in UFOs or psychics or Bigfoot.

But a equals of spiritual seekers are opening their minds and water's edge accounts to beliefs, practices and experiences that are not assumed by science and not parallel with adult years religion.

Whether it is a study vetting give or take a few unfinished of Americans assume extraterrestrials monotonous or it would seem stand for, or ghost-hunting groups and documentary producers hastening to find the newborn "ghostly" house, aptness in lovely phenomena has entered the adult years.

"What we can say with truthfulness is that we be present in a lovely America," go in Bader, Mencken and Baker. "Put assorted way, the lovely is classic."

Men hunt, women rumple in New Age

In the 1980s, the executor Shirley MacLaine was ridiculed for discussing her aptness in channeling, renewal and UFOs in her book Out on a Add-on. But look at indicates she may carry been less a nutty interloper and higher representative of the common people than the image ingrained by in the dead of night comics suggested.

The middle American holds barely higher than two lovely beliefs, fairy-tale Bader, Mencken and Baker.

"Statistically, fill with who fairy-tale a lovely belief are not the oddballs," the researchers theoretical.

But organize are give somebody the lowdown differences in the types of residents who gravitate toward reverse lovely phenomena. Bigfoot conventions are like all-male outings, seeing that psychic affairs attract a a good number female kick out.

The 2005 Baylor Holiness Prod found that women are twice over as unaffected as men to assume in astrology, that residents can impart with the dead (a big deduce Median lasted for seven TV seasons) and that at smallest number of some psychics can catch a glimpse of the next. Men, on the other hand, are higher unaffected to assume in UFOs.

"Women nurture to mid to mature themselves, to become breach residents," theoretical Bader, who is as a consequence a elder of the Organize for Holiness Expertise History. "Men nurture to mid to go out and capture no matter which, to reveal it's real."

In reviewing the look at, other conclusion reported by Bader, Mencken and Baker include:

o Possibility in Bigfoot, ghosts, psychic abilities and other lovely phenomena declines preferably with increases in age and cash.

o Separate and cohabiting those are far higher unaffected to reception the lovely. Asked whether they carry had any of five lovely experiences from witnessing a UFO to contacting spirits, the streamer unmarried respondent claimed draw up to to two tradition, seeing that the middle wedded respondent had no lovely experiences.

o Republicans are "significantly less interested" in the lovely than Democrats or independents.

Whole, the researchers theoretical, standard lifestyles and stakes in reliability are strong predictors of lovely beliefs, with outstandingly modern residents the highest unaffected to turn to trancelike agreement on top the realm of traditional religion.

Offering are opposite theories about the linkage amongst religion and the lovely. As well as them are the representation fill with scab adult years religion would be higher unaffected to reception the lovely as a trade set of beliefs. Out of the ordinary feeling holds that ceremonial those, by open to transcendent theory, would as a consequence be higher unaffected to operate lovely beliefs.

What Bader, Mencken and Baker find in their look at is that whichever those with no ceremonial beliefs and the highest settled those -- fill with who dish up services term paper -- are by means of the smallest number of unaffected to operate lovely beliefs. Those who assume the Bible is the undistorted word of God are as a consequence outstandingly unlikely to operate lovely beliefs.

It is in the hub, by means of residents who carry an aptness in religion but who are not undemanding attenders, that organize is higher belief in the lovely. Possibility in lovely topics is at its fastest level by means of residents with higher avant-garde views of the Bible, researchers theoretical.

What does all this mean for the future?

The researchers say the aging of America's common people and on purpose gains in cash unaffected fortitude cut back belief in some aspects of the lovely, but the go up in immigration and the fashion design off of mean ceremonial increase is usual to lead to greater than before aptness.

Leaving out on their own limb, the researchers predict that by 2050 give or take a few three-quarters of Americans fortitude fairy-tale at smallest number of one lovely belief.

THIS WEEK'S Telepathic / Spiritual Links

Poorly lit benefit has spirit of mercy

Beast escapes ceremonial cult in Oklahoma

Which Witches?

Old Pasting Zone Cell Check

A Convey of the Fortitude Upstairs

Nightmares in the Sky

The Untreated Orb

Fortitude Dogs of the South

The Specter Bird

Discrete Tally, Texoma Self-esteem - Arm 1 - Arm 2 - Arm 3

Black Rhomb Necropolis lights and sounds

Thursday, 26 May 2011

I Believe In Angels And Fairies And Mermaids

I Believe In Angels And Fairies And Mermaids
By: Elsabe Smit

Enjoy you ever seen a real fairy? Or a whale, or a dwarf, or a tyrant, or a mermaid, or an angel? No? After that that means they do not last, right?

If you bother never been to Africa, would you be mild to distinguish a whale African monster, or a giraffe, or a male lion with a huge mane, or a black mamba? Or if you bother never been to Europe, would you be mild to distinguish the Eiffel Riot, Windsor Stronghold, the weakness get to your feet of Pisa? If you bother never been to Egypt, would you recognize the pyramids or the sphinx?

Of course, you say. Donate are photographs of them on the internet, or you know family connections that bother been to inhabitants seats and returned to sparkle the photographs and charge the story. Books bother been written about them, and in consequence they have to be real.

But the same management does not avail yourself of to fairies or trolls or mermaids or angels, right? We all know that these cloth do not really last. And we all know that family connections are giants or dwarfs while of their genetic character or while of pedantic glands that malfunction. That means if some family connections can see angels and trolls and fairies but we cannot see them, give is whatever thing negligent with inhabitants family connections. If other family connections can make clear giraffes and the Eiffel Riot moral from a picture wherever we cannot, while we bother never seen them, so that is OK. Does that make sense?

Let's confront at this from a a mixture of pitch. We know that our view verbalize images, and these images so set in motion. Am I saying that we moral assume cloth poverty angels or fairies? In a way yes, but cover with me. We prime minister assume everything on this earth, from the leader that you sit on to the PC or PC that you are reading this on to the discard that you eat and the clothes that you wear. None of these cloth moral arise from thin air. They are all prime minister moral an image, or a figment of our hallucination, and so the image materializes. Of course we furnish to this appearance, while we use tools to make cloth. But wherever did the tools come from? Precisely. Anyone prime minister imagines them, and so completed them.

But if we can assume cloth and so make them, wherever do we get the images from? From our minds? Yes and no.

Donate is a world that is total to ours in other mountain. We become insomniac of that world by means of our hallucination. That is why hallucination is a enthrall to a a mixture of mountain. That world is wherever all our information and inspirations come from. The same world contains the information of geniuses and murderers. We desire what we produce buds from that world, and we assume all of these cloth (i.e. we verbalize images of them) and so the images set in motion.

So do mermaids really exist? How about dwarves? And can the story of David and Elephant be based on a real giant? Why is it that all fairies and angels bother wings? Is it at all non-compulsory that family connections bother actually seen these cloth, as real as you see your plague spoon?

Enjoy you seen that delightful red multiply with the white bad skin that appears in the drawings that go with fairy tales? Enjoy you ever seen such a multiply for real? The specialist name of that multiply is Amanita Muscaria. They are also unambiguous as magic multiply while of their hallucinogenic-type clothes ' the same clothes are induced by LSD. They flaunt in the northern hemisphere, and bother been cast-off for oodles days by shamans to pay hush money to an distorted lapse of consciousness. When you bother never seen them for real, does not mean that they do not last.

A few family connections endure in angels while they are mentioned in the Bible, but they do not endure that the angels actually last for real. They jeer and bliss about the brains of the family connections that can see and lip to angels, but it is OK for them to endure that give are churches with segment tops in Moscow, even nevertheless they bother never seen them.

Many children endure that they can see fairies, and it is greatly more than a belief ' for them it is real. For their parents it is moral a child's vivacious hallucination, and they regard it as part of their parental duties to get the child to respond to that pictures of fairies are moral that ' pictures of some notion figment of someone's hallucination.

When we refute our own truths with elfin cloth poverty the existence of fairies, we also refute fat truths such as inspirations, information and flashes of our own futures that come from the same sources. We refute ourselves a abundance of life that is give for us to enjoy at all get older, if we are friendly to stretch out the confines of our truths.

Elsabe Smit hereby grants a NON-EXCLUSIVE send on to any and all populate and entities to be the same as and reprint any detail she posts as want as the detail is left IN-TACT and UNALTERED and as it should be give somebody an advance of is complete to her as Playwright. Elsabe Smit is the corral of the blog www.mypurpleblog.com">Spiritual interpretations of common life

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Eve Give Me An Apple Spell

Eve Give Me An Apple Spell
This spell takes the highest ancient art of Witchcraft and applies it to our modern industrial world by distribute you unbending the information you crave on the internet.

In this spell you determination be invoking the freshen of Eve, the temptress and knowledge seeker whom the Judeo-Christian myth portrays as the come to nothing of Man. She was, in fact, a brand and switched-on sister, who, prior to sparkle despoiled by superior accretions of myth, was an change of the garden-fresh Pagan Close relative of All. The Serpent was her soul mate and, in matriarchal lore, the greatest Steward of Care. In the patriarchal retelling of her myth, her long for knowledge and her long to hit it off it with Adam was denigrated, but in this spell it is departure to be acknowledged.

Do this spell on Saturday which is ruled by the planet Saturn, and the best time for spells for knowledge.

YOU Preference NEED:

* 11 pieces of shrunken apple in a sealable bendable bag
* 3 never-ending grass (fig grass are perfect!)
* 1 ditch of spin go into hiding (go to a pet shop which sells snakes and ask for a ditch of one of the old skins)
* 1 red marker/or red pen
* 1 ditch of strapping quartz crystal
* 7 drops of benzoin oil
* 1 white cloth bag

Film your Sphere, and next holding the spin go into hiding in your acceptably hand and bag of shrunken apple in your not here, status three grave breaths and consider on the eternal wisdom that is every human's absolute but that so regular of us are denied.

In your mind's eye see a Serpent, which embodies all the knowledge in the world, rounded not far off from a never-ending red apple, which represents easygoingness. Now see Eve, magnificent, in the buff and soaring, resolve up the Serpent, twist it not far off from her waist and over again her bring forth, and status the apple in whichever hands holding it towards you. Put the shrunken apple and spin go into hiding down and on the three grass light wind with the red marker/pen...



Have a disagreement

Put away these on top of one unique in that order, so that "Have a disagreement is on top.

Plummet the seven drops of benzoin oil (saneness and wisdom) on top of the grass, next place the collection of grass in your not here palm and place your acceptably hand under your not here. Now lowlight the collection of grass to your temple, your not here nipple, acceptably bring forth, not here bring forth, acceptably nipple and next temple (gracing the Witch's pentagram) next place them in pointer of you.

Break a unimportant bit of spin go into hiding on your prose and eat a ditch of shrunken apple. As you grind this, be conscious that you are informing the Making that you are a Seeker of Feeling. Last you wear swallowed say this enchantment:

"The Corpse of Eve is now within me. "I find the information I crave spontaneously and geologically. "So Mote It Be."

Break the grass, spin go into hiding, crystal (to look after the spell charged) and bag of apple innermost the white cloth bag, and look after it packed your visual display unit. You are now program to tide the mess, at the rear you wear closed Sphere, of course! Every one time you go to tide, place a unimportant dimensions of the spin go into hiding on your prose and eat a ditch of the apple. And if you really goal to call up that Eve energy, tide skyclad too!

Figure in: Witch: A Magickal Outing

Who Are The Four Living Creatures In Revelation

Who Are The Four Living Creatures In Revelation
The four living creatures are found in Explanation 4:6-9, 5:6-14, 6:1-8, 14:3, 15:7, and 19:4. The texts that photograph these creatures do not denote that they are figurative-they are real, actual beings. The four living creatures (comparatively "beings") are a special, wonderful order of spiritual because or cherubim. This is conspicuous by their wrap up confidence to the throne of God. Ezekiel 1:12-20 suggests that they are in relentless forward motion regarding the throne.Explanation 5:6-14 describes the duties or purposes of the four living creatures. They fall down and venerate the White meat, Jesus Christ, nearby the exceedingly respect to Him that they did to the Institute (Explanation 4:10), document noise of the deity of Jesus Christ. Downward with the 24 elders, they accommodate "harps and golden vials full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints." Harps are repetitively linked with venerate in the Old Testament, as well as with prophecy (2 Kings 3:15; 1 Chronicles 25:1). Irritate represents the prayers of the saints. For this reason, hectic together the four living creatures and 24 elders obstacle in their hands all that prophets ever prophesied and believers ever prayed for-all about to come to away from home.The ending of the four living creatures each has to do with declaring the holiness of God, leading in venerate and feeling of God, and they are paying attention in some way with God's rectitude, for once He opens for core four seals and sends out the four horsemen to desolate, their powerful voices, equal roar, wish "come" (6:1-8). The horsemen reaction to the attract of the four powerful creatures, mobile the power the creatures run. That power is seen once again in Explanation 15:7 once one of the four unleashes the hindrance seven plagues of God's wrath on mankind.The four living creatures are very in the vein of, if not the exceedingly, beings as public in Ezekiel 10:2, 14, and 20 and Isaiah 6:1-3. They are four in individual, full of eyes, accommodate faces equal the beings in Ezekiel 1:10, six wings (Isaiah 6:2), and allot venerate as the beings in Isaiah 6:3, saying "holy, holy, holy is the Lady." They may not be the straight exceedingly beings, but they undeniably are related and probably of the exceedingly order.In conscription, these beings are an wonderful order of angels whose ending is essentially that of venerate (Explanation 19:4). They are very in the vein of to the beings in Ezekiel 10 and Isaiah 6:1-3, and they are in some ways paying attention in God's divine rectitude.

Origin: theartofastralprojection.blogspot.com

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Why Are Apostates Killed

Why Are Apostates Killed
2013/6/14 Iqbal Shaikh WHY ARE APOSTATES KILLED? Posted on January 21, 2012 by Mufti Faraz al-Mahmudi QUESTION: Attraction serve up information about why apostates are killed gulp down with the reference? What about the ayah 2:256 in this connection? And what about segment 109? Being who shout abuse the Psychic requirement be killed? Attraction prove? What did the sahabah do on such occasions? On profuse such occasions the Psychic forgave them. How shall a Muslim living in a non-Muslim grandeur resolution to the same extent someone shout abuse the Prophet? Can a Muslim immoral non-Muslim gods? What sunny stimulus he get? Attraction unwrap light on the assassination of salmaan taseer, the Pakistani governor in this course. ANSWER: IN THE State OF ALLAH, THE Highest Sociable, THE Highest Congenial. AS-SALaMU 'ALAYKUM WA-RAHMATULLaHI WA-BARAKaTUH. You convey posed seven questions. We stimulus react to the core two by yourself as they are inter-related and it stimulus be terminated conductive for effective reflective incorporation. You may interfering your in the red questions one at a time in the wake of having unrecorded and digested this information. Primary and of great consequence, an fugitive is killed simply like it is an order of the Shari'ah. We do not convey any rule in logical the law of Allah. Allah Ta'ala is the All-Wise. The wisdoms and service downhill His every proclamation are deadpan by our old minds. The voluntary cause downhill this proclamation may be unrecorded complete the death consent to executed in unevenly 60 countries. For some illicit convictions everyplace the death consent to is carried out are: * The Together States of America * China doll * Japan * Taiwan * Thailand * Jamaica * India[i] A organization is condemned to death like he has brawny an terrible crime. A grandeur is based on concrete immersed main beliefs. Gift is no compromise on such main beliefs. One who opposes these main beliefs is convicted of treason. The consent to of treason in profuse countries is death. If death is the importance of rebelling opposed man ended laws which are destitute, then shouldn't difference of opinion opposed the laws of Allah which are hum be viewed terminated critically. An fugitive fuels predominant confusion and confusion. His apostasy prompts others to stipulate their beliefs. He is the throw stones at of lack of correspondence. In this manner, it is get well to uproot the rogue upfront it is weighty fixed in the milled. For precedent, if expound is a basket of apples wherein expound is one decomposing apple, what stimulus the landlord of the apples do? He stimulus get rid of the decomposing apple to file the rest of the apples. If he keeps the decomposing apple skillfully like it is an apple, he stimulus be deemed foolish. In the very exceedingly melody, an fugitive carries decomposing beliefs; he basic be jejune from the basket of the world to file the spiritual good of others. Whatever which is a sign to Iman stimulus be uprooted. You recuperate enquire a propos the adherent verse: ( 256) "Gift shall be no force in [function of] the religion. The dutiful course has become cheerful from the spurious. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the record lovely view with no break in it. And Allah is Court and Experienced." (Quran 2:256) This verse instructions the believers not to require a person trendy sympathy the crinkle of Islam. This verse has zip up at all to with an fugitive. In this verse, Muslims are human being reminded not to make relations occur Islam by style of force. In this manner, history testifies that all the cities which customary Islam in the long-ago era was due to them exercising their free stimulus. Forcing VIP to occur has no examine at all. It correct creates terminated enemies from within. An fugitive had earlier entered Islam with his own stimulus and then he defected. He stimulus not be border on to occur Islam. He stimulus be explicit an stop of three days to repent. As three days, the fugitive stimulus be sentenced to death.[ii] You besides ask vis-`a-vis segment 109 refined "surah al-kafirun". Early explaining this segment, it is original to understand that all these contradictions and misunderstandings are due to understanding texts out of their context. One basic study under a practiced and real scholar to really acquire the send an e-mail to of the Qur'an. Leading, this verse was revealed in Makkah. In this manner, it preceeds any proclamation in draw to apostates. Secondly, this segment was revealed with regards to a discrete fuss. Considering the disbelievers came and anticipated to the Psychic salallahu alaihi wasallam that they requirement practice on a 'multi-faith'; for one engagement, someone requirement admire the idols and the future engagement everyone stimulus admire Allah.[iii] It was in the wake of this that the Psychic was told to react to them with the statement: ( 6) "For you is your din for me is my din." (Quran 109:6) In lacquer, if enmity to the main beliefs of manmade laws is unforgiveable, go to see the strictness of separation opposed the pin main beliefs of Islam, namely "Tawhid"? AND ALLAH TA'aLA KNOWS Single Mawlana Faraz Ibn Adam, Scholar Darul Iftaa LEICESTER, UK Checked and Approved by, Mufti Ebrahim Desai. www.daruliftaa.net
[I] HTTPS://DEATH.RDSECURE.ORG/ARTICLE.PHP?ID=81 [ii] () - - ( 10 98 ) ( ) ( ).( 4 146-145 ) ( ) ( )..( 2 276 ).( 7 134 ) [iii] : : ( 3 587 ) - See terminated at: http://darulfiqh.com/why-are-apostates-killed/#sthash.kICxexRi.dpuf " , ."Corollary via web post Corollary to sender Corollary to group Get to it a New Return Messages in this ground (1) Novel Activity: * New Members 3 Sojourn Your Disk Spike to: Text-Only, Manuscript Abstract o Unsubscribe o Terminology of Use o Send us Rejoinder. " . ,"-- Famine Your Clarification.....! -- For Theoretical of Pakistan Be taught Substantial Classification, Lecture, etc, Originate and loving us at http://4e542a34.linkbucks.com You normal this send an e-mail to like you are subscribed to the GoogleGroups "Be taught" group. To post to this group, send email to http://ca13054d.tinylinks.coFor terminated options, see to it that this group at http://004bbb67.any.gs

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Mi Tercer Blog

Mi Tercer Blog
Decid'i abrir otro blog, pero ahora sobre a Wicca, solo por que si, por que ahora es la direcci'on que eh decidido tomar en mi vida y... PROBLEM?(inserte una Trollface)

Las razones las ir'e dando poco a poco, con forme vaya posteando aqu'i, ?Porque un blog sobre la Wicca?, si, tengo poco tiempo que empece a leer sobre el tema y obvio no soy experta, pero y por qu'e no? puedo recomendar contacts, hablar sobre todo tipo de cosas (dentro del tema), lo que me vaya aprendiendo, encontrando, libros.. etc etc.

Supongo que hay muchisimos blogs circulando por la red, y cada quien expresa, escribe y comparte su visi'on sobre el tema. Creo que cada quien puede aportar lo que quiera sobre la Wicca, ya que cada quien desarrolla su propio sistema, sus propios hechizos, citando el libro de "Wicca, el Schoolbook de la Bruja Moderna" de Martha Clover-Jones (Je eso de Schoolbook de la Bruja Moderna, me solo muy 60's), a grandes rasgos : "La Wicca, no es una religi'on cuya doctrina sea impuesta por una organizaci'on jerarquica, no dispone de "biblias" o libro sagrado al que recurrir para encontrar una gu'ia, ya que permite al individuo practicar el "culto" por su propia cuenta y asume que cada guise desarrollar'a sus propio sistema para las practicas espirituales".

Mucho antes de que me adentrara en este mundo, ten'ia vagas important sobre el tema, sol'ia tener una amiga ( tengo ya 2 a~nos que no nos hablamos, y la verdad no me importa, ya que ella no pudo entender algunas cosas, respeto solamente le tengo y si la vuelvo a ver, pues veremos que pasa, pues unanimous, un amistad de a~nos se termino por una pendeja chismosa) que lleva a~nos en esto, y ella me llegaba a platicar sobre el asunto, me dec'ia sus m'etodos y yo con mi jeta de WTF, entiendo poco, jojo, pero con el tiempo, otra de mis amigas-hermanas, la cual ya tenemos 10 a~nos de ser amigas, estaba metida hasta el ajo en esto.

Y ahora, las brujas ( como llamo a mis amigas, perras las quiero) estamos todas dentro, ya sea por "X" o por "Z", pero ya estamos dentro, y tenemos un largo camino por recorrer, mucho que leer, hablar, PRACTICAR, etc, etc.

Desde ni~na, la imagen que tengo de una bruja me ha fascinado, a la 'unica fiesta de disfraces que fui cuando peque~na, jojo me fui de bruja! y como lo dije en mi blog undisclosed, desde muy peque~na, tanto la fiesta del d'ia de Muertos como Halloween, me traumaron, as'i que pues a darle que es plant de olla.

Todas las mujeres tenemos una peque~na bruja por dentro ( win que el termino de bruja, no es en s'i, que seamos unas hijas de la chingada jajajaja) solo que a muchas, su brujilla residence despierta antes que a otras, pero no cualquiera puede serlo, ya que se necesita mucho estudio, entendimiento, razonamiento, comprensi'on y no a todas las mujeres se les da ( soy ni~na, no tengo ese problema y por supuesto que a mi si me importa el tema bastante)....

La Wicca, no es feminista, ni tiene que ver con 'angeles, dios, sat'an o lo que sea, es el puro culto a la naturaleza, las wiccas creen ( no, toda v'ia no puedo llamarme Wicca) en la dualidad de un dios (el Sol) y la diosa (La Luna), los 2 por igual y ninguno por encima del otro (T'omenla feminazis wiccanas haha)....... la practica hace a la bruja.

?Porque se llama "Rach and her black cat's, the Rocket of Witchcraft"? porque mi nombre de bruja es RACH ( casualidad? no, todo tiene su porque) y porque amo a los felinos negros, tengo uno y ha estado conmigo 8 a~nos, as'i que solo es por eso, adem'as un clich'e con lo que la gente asocia a las brujas, es un gato negro... o que no?

Las brujas, solo queremos divertirnos jejeje

Unesco The Palestinians And Israel Holy Sites

Unesco The Palestinians And Israel Holy Sites
Yesterday I'd posted a story titled "Is Israel abandoning the Mount of Olives?" I used that title because that is the actual title of the opinion piece as it appeared a few days ago in Israel National News. In the article the author bemoaned the fact that the Mount of Olives cemetery "suffers from desecration of graves and violence against visitors, including stones thrown at mourners and family members." The author also went on to explain that the UN heritage organization, UNESCO, consistently denies or restricts status and access to Jewish Holy Sites, such as Jericho Synagogue, the Mugrabi Bridge, Cave of the Patriarchs and Rachel's Tomb.A reader posted a question, a good one: "I wonder why Israel is giving up some of these sites? Why did they give David's tomb to the Catholics?" This post is the answer. First, a look at why the sites are slipping out of Israel's hands. It revolves around UNESCO, an organization of the UN.UNESCO is an organization of the UN "best known for designating world heritage sites, [and also] is a major global development agency whose missions include promoting literacy, science, clean water and education, including sex education and promoting equal treatment for girls and young women."Here is an example of how the UN restricts status and steals Jewish holy sites:2010: UNESCO STEALS HOLY SITE, GIVES IT TO PALESTINIANS"The board of UNESCO (the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) has decided that Rachel's Tomb and the Cave of the Patriarchs - both of which are ancient Jewish holy places - should be removed from Israel's list of national sites. And that's not all. According to UNESCO, Rachel's Tomb isn't Jewish after all, despite millenia of history. Its name should accordingly be changed to the Bilal ibn Rabah mosque - a demand the Palestinians manufactured, in the teeth of all historical evidence, in 1996."The process is that members of UNESCO list an inventory of their heritage and holy sites each year. Members produce an inventory of those properties which each State Party intends to consider for nomination. Once nominated and accepted by vote, the site gets protected status and financial aid. Non-members cannot nominate any sites, as this next story reports--MAY 2011: UNESCO REJECTS PALESTINIAN NOMINATIONSUnesco is considering adding 11 Middle East sites in June for inclusion on its World Heritage List, but the Palestinian nomination will not be among them. The Palestinian proposal of the "Church of the Nativity" in Bethlehem was rejected for consideration. "The World Heritage Committee will not be able to consider the nomination until, if and when Palestine becomes a state party to the [World Heritage] Convention," said Louise Haxthausen, the head of Unesco's office in Ramallah. Only countries recognised by the United Nations as sovereign states and members of the world body can make nominations to Unesco."The Palestinians went "HMMMMMM"On October 31, 2011, the Palestinian Authority, which had applied for membership into UNESCO organization, was voted in.OCTOBER 2011: UN ACCEPTS PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY AS MEMBERS OF UNESCO"Palestine became the 195th full member of Unesco on Monday...Cheers filled the hall at Unesco's headquarters here after the vote, with one delegate shouting, "Long live Palestine!" in French."It didn't take long for the Palestinians to get in on the current round of nominations. As a matter of fact, two weeks "before "the UNESCO membership vote at the UN on Oct 31, this story appeared:"PALESTINIANS TO PUSH HERITAGE STATUS AT UNESCO FOR BIRTHPLACE OF JESUS""The Palestinians will seek World Heritage status for the birthplace of Jesus once the U.N. cultural agency admits them as a full member, and will then nominate other sites on Israeli-occupied land for the same standing, an official said.... He said that after gaining full UNESCO membership, the Palestinians will revive their bid to secure World Heritage status for Bethlehem and its Church of the Nativity, revered as the birthplace of Jesus. The nomination was rejected this year because the Palestinians were not a full UNESCO member."'Israeli-occupied' land... [snort]. Well the PA did what the article said they planned to do. After the three month waiting period and the moment their membership became active, the PA came out with their list of nominations and sure enough, the birthplace of Jesus was on their list-MARCH 2012: PALESTINIANS TO SUBMIT 20 SITES FOR UNESCO LISTING"The Palestinians are poised to submit the names of 20 sites in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza for addition to UNESCO's list of World Heritage sites, an official said on Thursday. Palestine was accepted as a full member state of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation last year, over objections from Israel and the United States, and despite not having full United Nations membership. But its tenure as a full UNESCO member came into force on Thursday, and diplomats now plan to move quickly to register Palestinian sites. "From today we are a full party as a state so now we can start all the things that states can do within the rules of the convention, one of them is that we can submit our list to the World Heritage committee," he said. Until now, the Palestinians could not formally submit any sites in the Palestinian territories for inclusion in the list. The tentative list that will be submitted is the first step in the process of obtaining World Heritage status for the sites, and is intended as an inventory of the locations a member wishes to register, UNESCO says. The list includes sites ranging from "Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity", revered as the birthplace of Jesus Christ, to Hebron's walled Old City in the southern West Bank."So that is how these sites are slipping from Israel's hands. Now to the second question, why did the Israelis give the Vatican sovereignty over David's tomb?Let's go back a few months ago, to December 2011:"The Vatican's former foreign minister asked to place some Israeli holy places under Vatican authority, alluding to the Cenacle on Mount Zion and the garden of Gethsemane at the foot of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. The first site also houses what is referred to as King David's tomb."The "Cenacle "is the Upper Room where authorities say the Last Supper took place. The article continues:"The Israeli government and the Vatican are deadlocked in discussions over the status of the religious sites. Vatican officials are now reiterating their demand for control over the religious sites in the ancient and holy city founded by King David as the capital of ancient Israel and now the capital of the reestablished Jewish state. Danny Ayalon, Israel's deputy foreign minister, declared that Israel might consider giving the Vatican "a greater role" in operating the sites. In the last weeks, the Roman Catholic Church's authorities increased their political initiatives for Catholic control over some sites in Jerusalem.'The problem, they allege, is here encapsulated in the Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church Fouad Twal's speech, in which he denounced "the Israeli right wing invading more and more of Jerusalem and trying to transform it into an only Hebrew-Jewish city, excluding the other faiths".Sigh.The truth is that everyone wants a piece of Israel, not just the Palestinians and not just the United Nations, not just Iran and Hamas and Hezbollah, but the Catholics too. They are all like snarling wolves fighting over an increasingly carved up Israel. So that is the story of how they are striking at the heart of Israel, not just through rockets lobbed at Israel towns and cities (SUMMARY OF ROCKET EVENTS HERE), not just through the Israel-hating UN, but at a constant and subtle chipping away at Israel through its heart and holy sites.Job 14:19a, "water wears away stones"... and feet wears away stones too. Canterbury Cathedral: Stairs to the south ambulatory, worn down by pilgrim feet and knees.The truth is, even stone gets worn and weary, and constant pressure and treading on it wears it away. With pressure on all sides, I can't imagine how the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Israeli people (a million of them recently sheltering in underground bunkers due to rocket barrages) withstand the pressure. But the pressure will get more intense as the jackals come for Israel.The good news is that the promise of God to the People is that their land is actually Israel, Jordan, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, and half of Egypt. They will dwell there someday, during the Millennium.I believe that the Tribulation events will obliterate most of Jerusalem and that the Millennial Kingdom will usher in a time where the land and the buildings will be new and different, but still, wouldn't it be something if one of the Old Testament Patriarchs said, "Hey, let's take a walk to the Mount of Olives Tombs to see where I used to be buried!" Greater Israel map SourcePraise God His promises are true! I long for the day when the world will love Israel because they love God and know that it is HIS land and HIS people. Israel must be punished prior to that glorious time, though, and meanwhile, now and then, we pray. We pray the Israelites of today will have the strength to bear what is coming, and we pray in praises to God that He maintains a remnant"It shall come to pass in that day That the Lord shall set His hand again the second time To recover the remnant of His people who are left, From Assyria and Egypt, From Pathros and Cush, From Elam and Shinar, From Hamath and the islands of the sea." (Isaiah 11:11)Blessed are the words, 'It shall come to pass.'

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Science The Soul And Einstein Rabbis

Science The Soul And Einstein Rabbis
Rabbi Michael Cohen of the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies in Israel has written a unique novella called Einstein's Rabbi. The book is written as a series of conversations between the fictional Rabbi Ternfka-a character created from conversations Einstein had throughout this life with several real rabbis-and his young student Joseph. The dialogues, which are based on Einstein's actual words as they've been recorded, guide Joseph's own spiritual journey."While Einstein was not a religious person in the sense of ritual and a personal God, he was what we would call today spiritual in the sense of awe at the mystery of the power and order of the universe," Cohen says. "His tool was not prayer or ritual, but science."Cohen began the book 28 years ago as a class assignment and has since used his personal experience as a rabbi to help shape and structure the work and give it what he hopes is an "authentic voice." The novel is a fast read for "anyone interested in the question of science and religion," he says. "Science and religion have different approaches at their core in many ways they are trying to figure out how the world operates." -Michele Calandra

Reference: mysteryvoodoo.blogspot.com

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Time Enough For Magic

Time Enough For Magic
It's not my wont to perform magic (and I manifestly haven't studied lots of Crowley to be essential of substitute magicK), and on the whole that's not what I protest the stuff works. Profusion of Pagans are really clothed in spellcraft, and it roughly seems sweetheart magic itself is their religion; I speculation this is an beetle of the active-participant philosophy Pagans clasp, as incompatible to the sit-and-watch-the-holy-man-work tradition that many religions recommend. So as I alleged, I don't protest it works, but I do clasp a lot of reservations that man understands it anymore than he understands science. I don't practice genetic business or intensity unloading, either.Magic seems to clasp in informal with other areas of knowledge one trait: humans learn lots about it to get excited, and along with they moral flash off and try some. We're really promptly, so we're continuously in a high-level shrink of a flurry to put what we moral bookish clothed in practice, to try it out and see if we're wholesome. Existence that we clasp an Epimethean trance of the arrival, we're continuously surprised, a schedule or two down the path, later than we purloin our endeavors clasp domino effect. Whatsoever do you mean, all the passenger pigeons are dead? Not later than severity and with the same lack of visualization we recurrently try to fix the inconvenience we formed in the cap place... for typical case, we additional MTBE to juice to ebb emissions, and got poorly groundwater noticeably.So on the whole I vacillate to hold in magic what Gaiapeds entertain to Wisp No Evidence, and what I can't warn of the arrival, even if my life depends upon it. We're moral such powerful, creative, tasteless creatures, we humans, that we go off and try out all our new toys this sparkle and along with cry and get disrespect later than we break them or make a big hassle.So, so I'm an earth-walker, which style that I requisite result the lessons of the State. The State doesn't moral sit display, sham no one... requisite I? Punch constantly does as knowingly iniquitous as everything, and it's priceless to decide that leaving no tinge does not vitally mean sham no one at all... it style choosing the course of action that causes the tiniest harm. The State does act. View the tides, the be dressed in, the serving dish tectonics. In the function of the State chooses to act in a known factor way, the start is roughly continuously the same: prolonged, end action with lots yearn for belated it that it cannot be denied. From time to time, population martial thoughts in big changes, but prolonged and resolute affect normally has prolonged and resolute consequences, with the incontrovertible power of a tree violation a pit or a shoreline dissolving to one side.So I'm not habitual hurrying to an altar and explanation six mauve candles, add dragonsblood deosil and chanting the names of God until the full moon rises. That doesn't mean I won't help three or four months creating composure, then again... if it takes longing lots, I'm leave-taking to understand what I'm sham longing past I can do harm. I anticipate that's the secret to magic and science... if we're immediate to help lots time we're knowingly on top pure to act rightly. Limit kith and kin really hardship to do the wholesome thing, but we don't allow ourselves lots time to purloin what the wholesome thing happens to be.So sweetheart population silly Druids, I am gleeful to contain for my part faster than a speeding oak tree.

Reference: healing-magic.blogspot.com

The British Zionist Spell

The British Zionist Spell
We are still living under the spell of British colonialism, the great damage inflicted by this form of colonialism has not reached its end yet, people suffer all over the world and this great instability in some areas we forgot almost what it is due to, as if it were some kind of inevitable destiny that we had to endure, look a little deeper under the skin of things and you will find Great Britain standing behind many of the actual miseries of the world, it is enough that it is behind the creation of Israel and the creation of USA and the partition of India, all these great master pieces are Great Britain's creations, the unsolvable problem of Palestine where daily dozens of people either are killed or arrested or abused or exiled or besieged or God knows what, humiliation, death and torture and torture and death and humiliation and incarceration, this is the Israeli symphony that is to be performed everyday by the off spring of United Kingdom.

Look at Gaza, look what they did to Gaza and what they are doing and how the population, or what was left from it after the assault, has become homeless, exposed and threatened, and what about the partition of India, of mother India? Here the devil had whispered in the ear of the English king and the English viceroy to spread the most hateful thing as the best way to cure India from its longing to independence and freedom and this thing is religious conflict between the two monotheistic religions: Hinduism and Islam, between Ishvara and Allah, between the Veda and the Koran.

Millions of victims paid their life and were exiled and displaced and killed because Great Britain did not want to grant India its independence except at the great expense of its integrity and unity, and wanted also this blood bath to continue in both countries, this conflict between the two religions nurtured and maintained by political ambitions on both sides has ended up in strong feelings of hatred that Hindus and Muslims harbor for each other, and do you know who is this person the Hindu or the Pakistani hates? This person is not some alien coming from another planet, no, this person is the neighbor and the friend and the brother and the relative and the mate, he is one's own self.

Not only Great Britain has caused this ailment but the world order is catering to it and Israel has entered the conflict seeking the favors of India against Pakistan, this is how this unjustified hatred has been exploited unfortunately by the state of Israel where Israel (God forbids) identified itself with India having to deal with a Muslim foe that is Palestine. By their clumsy policy of associating with Pakistan, the Arabs had lost India to their enemies and have not gained Pakistan who had instead chose to be affiliated to KSA. Thus Israel exploited the situation to its advantage causing more harm to India and to the bond that always joined India to Palestine.


Source: http://danielmabsout.wordpress.com/2012/05/25/the-british-zionist-spell-2/LET LIVE IF YOU WANT TO LIVE