Sunday 1 May 2011

Yule Ritual

Yule Ritual Image

(This ritual copyright 1991 by Arani. Permission is given for use in private and public ritual, with acknowledgement of sources (see last page). Publication permission is reserved - for information contact B. Widerski, c/o PO Box 45454, Somerville, MA 02145, or


By Arani

(Setup: incense, bowls of salt and water, two candles (lit), unlit
taper candle for each person, anointing oil, sun mask, veil, crystal (all on altar), holly and ivy decorations, old yule log in fireplace, fireplace matches, new yule log under altar)

(All celebrants are in the ritual space, meditating prior to the start of the ritual)



The Priestess consecrates the water and salt:

" I exorcise thee, o creature of water, that thou cast out from thee all impurities and uncleanliness of the spirits of the world of
phantasm, in the names of the Mother Goddess and the Horned God."

"Blessings on thee, o creature of salt. Let all malignity and
hinderance be cast out hencefrom, and let all good enter herein.
Wherefore do I bless thee, that thou mayest aid me, in the names of the Mother Goddess and the Horned God."

The Priest casts the circle:

" I conjure thee, o circle, that thou may be a meeting place of love and joy and truth, a shield against all evil and wickedness, a
boundary between the world of men and the realms of the Mighty Ones, a rampart of protection that shall preserve and contain the power that we shall raise within thee. Wherefore do I bless and consecrate thee in the names of the Mother Goddess and the Horned God."


Priest anoints Priestess with oil. Priestess anoints Priest. Priest anoints a covener, who anoints the next celebrant, etc.

Covener 1 carries salt water around the circle, sprinkling, and then sprinkles celebrants.


(all face each direction in turn and hold out their right index finger or athame as the invocation is made. All speak the last line of each,
simultaneously drawing an invoking pentagram)

Covener 1 invokes the East:

Guardians of the East, Powers of Air
Winter gales, cold caress
Sweep clean our minds
Prepare us for the ideas of the new year
(All) Guardians of the East, Welcome!


Covener 2 invokes the South:

Guardians of the South, Powers of Fire
Slumbering volcanos, hearth fires of winter
Purify our hearts
Prepare us for the challenges of the new year
(All) Guardians of the South, Welcome!

Covener 3 invokes the West:

Guardians of the West, Powers of Water
Crystalline snowflakes, sparkling ice
Let our emotions flow
Prepare us for the feelings of the new year
(All)West, Welcome!

Covener 4 invokes the North:

North, Powers of Earth

Snowcapped peaks, silence at the heart of midnight
Grant us stability
Prepare us for the tasks of the new year
(All)North, Welcome!


(Celebrants stand in a circle, facing the altar. Priest and Priestess stand in front of the altar facing each other.)

Priest invokes the Goddess:

We call to thee, beautiful White Goddess,
Most regal Queen of Winter,
Whose glistening jewels glitter about us.
Shining empress whose crown is of the arctic stars
And whose mantle is the icy fire of the borealis,
Be with us now!
May we know thy cold and shining beauty
And feel the warmth of thy love.


Priestess invokes the God:

O ancient God of the Forest,
Regal stag of seven tines
Whose icy antlers sparkle in the sunlight.
Mighty Hunter in the winter sky
Whose horn sounds through our midnight dreams,
Be with us now!
May we know thy sharp joy
And share the warmth of thy hearth fire.


Priestess: Tonight we celebrate the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. The Sun King has reached the end of his reign, and now bids us farewell.

(Priestess takes up the Sun King mask and places it on Priest, and gives him the crystal)

Priestess: Our brother, "represents the Sun King for us tonight.
Let the energy we raise pass through him harmlessly and disperse into the earth.

Sun King: I am the sun of the old year, sinking now into darkness to my rest. Stay not my path, for it is ordained as the Wheel turns to Winter. But ere I depart to my sleep, I offer to perform one last
service for thee. If there is anything with which you have finished in this cycle, be it emotions, habits, or workings, give these to me now, and I will take them with me to the Summerland, there to be returned to the cauldron of rebirth. Let any who have such come forward now.

ALL CHANT: The light was born, the light now dies.

(repeat as each celebrant who wishes may approach the Sun King, who is holding a crystal in his cupped hands. Visualize the work, emotion, etc. you are releasing, hold your hands over the crystal, and will the

energy of the thing into it. Priestess goes last)

Priestess: The Wheel turns, the year is flown. Rest now, my son, in the dark of the night.

(Pushes Sun King by shoulders to the floor, and covers him with veil).

Covener 1: The sun is gone! The earth is cold!

Covener 2: How will we survive in this darkness?

Covener 1: Yet, did not the Sun King speak but of resting?

Covener 2: Yes, and of the Cauldron of Rebirth?

Covener 1: But when will he awaken? How long must we wait?

Priestess: The Sun King will be reborn through the Goddess. Let us aid his passage through her and back to the light by chanting and dancing.

(All gather in a circle around the sleeping Sun King, facing deosil.
Each person places their right hand on the right shoulder of the
person in front of them. All move deosil around him while chanting. On the last verse, all stop, face inward, raise their right arm forward and up, visualizing the release of energy upward.)

All Chant:

The night is dark, the sun is gone,
Yet we know the wheel turns on.
Through midnight's hour, solid dark,
Within our hearts remains a spark.

Queen of Heaven, Mother of all,
Hear us as our voices call.
Send your fire back to Earth
As we will the Sun's rebirth.

The night is dark, the sun is gone,
Yet we know the wheel turns on.

Through midnight's hour, solid dark,
Within our hearts remains a spark.

Who will light the sacred fire,
Bringing back our heart's desire?
Sacred fire, kindled bright,
Leads us back into the light.As the flames around us glow,
So may love within us grow
Waken Sun King, be reborn!
Bring us light this Yuletide morn!

(Priestess removes the veil from the Sun King and raises him up)

Priestess: Welcome, Lord. You who have died are now reborn. Lend us your light and warmth through the winter months as we await the spring.

(Sun King and Priestess move to altar and pick up unlit white candles)

Sun King: My thanks to you all for your care and devotion. To bring good fortune to your hearths for the new year, let us now light the Yule log and pass the flame to each of you. Once having burned with the Yule fire, these candles will contain the luck of the log for you to take home to your own hearths.

(All sing "Lord of the Dance" while the Sun King lights the log, then lights each candle. Priestess passes a candle to each celebrant. When all have a candle, Priestess and Sun King return to circle, Priest removes Sun King mask, and singing finishes on last chorus.)

Lord of the Dance (tune aka "Simple Gifts")

I danced in the morning when the world was begun
I danced with the moon and the stars and the sun

I was called from the darkness by the song of the earth
I joined in the singing and She gave me birth
Dance, dance, wherever you may be
I am the Lord of the Dance said He
And I'll lead you all wherever you may be
And I'll lead you all in the dance said He

I sleep in the kernel and I dance orain
I dance in the sun and through the waving grain
And when you cut me down do not think I am gone
For I am the dance and I still go on


We dance ever slower as the leaves fall and spin
And the sound of the horn is the wailing of the wind
And the call of the hunter as he rides cross the plain
While the whole earth sleeps til the spring comes again


The sun is in the southlands but the days lengthen fast
And soon we will sing for the winter that is past
'll live in you if you live in m
I am the Lord of the Dance said He


Priest: Though we must now extinguish these candles, carry their flame in your hearts until you may light them again in your homes.

(All extinguish candles, and sit in a circle. The new Yule log is
brought out and placed in the center of the circle.)


Priest and Priestess consecrate cakes and wine, and all partake of
them, sharing Yule songs.


(When Cakes and Wine are done, each person takes a slip of parchment, and writes on it something they wish to accomplish or manifest during the coming year. The slips are attached to the Yule log. When all have done this, Priest picks up the wine chalice, and all kneel around the log, extending their hands over it.)

Priest: We toast the new year,

(pours a small libation onto the Yule log)

Priest: and in token of its promise we consecrate this sacred wood, as a focus for the energy through which we accomplish our tasks and
manifest our desires during the next cycle.

(All will energy into the Yule log, with a wordless "om" sound. When the sound passes away, hands are put down, and all stand.)



(Quarters are dismissed, starting in the East. Again, hold up right index finger or athame as the dismissal is given. All speak the "Hail and Farewell", drawing the dismissing pentagram in front of them.)

Covener 1: Guardians of the East,
We thank you for your gift of clarity
And for your presence in this circle
(All) Hail and farewell!

Covener 2: Guardians of the South,
We thank you for your gift of purity
And for your presence in this circle
(All) Hail and farewell!

Covener 3: Guardians of the West,
We thank you for your gift of empathy
And for your presence in this circle
(All)Hail and farewell!

Covener 4:Guardians of the North,
We thank you for your gift of stability
And for your presence in this circle
(All) Hail and farewell!

(Priest opens the circle)

Priest: The circle is open, but unbroken.

All: Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again!

Notes: The crystal used by the Sun King should be buried or placed in running water.

The new Yule log may be kept under the coven altar during the year to absorb and direct energy towards the intentions, then burned at next Yule.



Goddess invocation adapted from Finch, Ed, "Magical Rites From the
Crystal Well"

"The Light was born..." chant adapted from Starhawk, "Spiral Dance"

"Lord of the Dance" words adapted by Brian Reddington-Wilde from
several folk versions

Element and God invocations, "The Death and Rebirth of the Sun King",
Consecration of the Yule log by Arani.

Commands: Use arrow keys to move, '?' for help, 'q' to quit, '

Keywords: candle magic  magic spells rituals  powerful black magic spells  black magic curses  meditation mats  candles for magic  at home love spells  ashra love spells  making voodoo dolls