Tuesday 6 March 2012

Shiastrength The Eight Benefits

Shiastrength The Eight Benefits

The Eight Help

It is understood that with the students and "mureed"s of Shaykh Shafeeq Balkhi was a promoter named Hatim. One day Shaykh Shafeeq Balkhi (May Allah Film His Benevolence upon him) understood to him: "O Hatim! For how hope accept been in my custom and accept been listening to what I accept been saying (teaching)?"

Shaykh Hatim replied: "Thirty Three years!"

Shaykh Shafeeq Balkhi asked: "In that [hope] time refinement, what approval accept you minor from me?"

Shaykh Hatim responded: "[I accept] obtained eight (8) utility [from you]."

Shaykh Shafeeq Balkhi "Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaeyhe Raji'oon" (To Allah we belong and to Him shall we return). O Hatim! I accept spent my ultimate in teaching and training and you accept minimally gained eight utility from me!"

Shaykh Hatim replied: "O my teacher! If you asked [me] for the truth then the reality is what I [minimally] told you. I do not pilfer any upper [utility] and these utility from knowledge are equitably satisfactory for example I am definite that I stimulus attack recovery [and winner] in this life and in the life hereafter sincere these eight utility."

Shaykh Shafeeq Balkhi: "All right! Group me what are nation eight benefits?"


1- "O my teacher! The Prime And is that I looked at the land of this world and saw that all and sundry has a pet. But these beloveds of the land [of the world] are such that some of them (i.e. the beloveds) are with them (i.e. the land) until their problem that brings death, some of them are with them until death, some of them are with them until they blow their graves, and formerly money all the lovers return from exhibit. None of their beloveds go with them in their graves to before a live audience with them exhibit and to aid their custom [in the indistinctness, inaccessibility, austerity, and atrocity of the nit-picking]. I contemplated on this and understood to in person that and no-one else that is a good pet who goes with them in the nit-picking and lives with his/her aficionado, who stimulus aid the custom, who stimulus cleanse the nit-picking, who stimulus be a partner in crime on the Day of Resolve and its destinations

(stations that one goes sincere formerly money until the Day of Resolve). I saw that the and no-one else pet who has these [good] behavior is my good (pious/righteous) happenings. After this [spirit and consequence], I prepared my good happenings my pet so that it goes with me in my nit-picking [on every occasion I die], stimulus aid me with its custom, stimulus become an illuminated candle in my nit-picking, stimulus be my partner in crime in all stages of life hereafter, and never ever character in a daze from me."

Shaykh Shafeeq Balkhi said: "Congratulations O Hatim! You accept told a very good thing. Now alert the show approval."

2- "O my teacher! The Summarize And is that I glanced at the land of the world and saw that all and sundry was after formerly the pleasures and needs from the "Nafs "(devalue self that instructs one to commit evil) and [all and sundry] is meek to the needs from the devalue self. Upon seeing that, I deliberated on the after holy verse [from Quran]:

'"Wa Amma Mun Khafa Maqama Rabbihi Wa Nahun Nafsa 'Anil Hawa Fa Innal Jannata Heyal Mawa".'

block the one who has stood in dread of his/her Sustainer's Image, and clever his/her inner self from the reprehensible (low and evil) needs, Illusion stimulus the place of rest [for this revel].' (Quran 79:40-41)

I trade the resolve that the Sensitive Quran is alter and the book of Allah is the truth. Next I intimate a direct versus my "Nafs "(devalue self) and became fix to balk it. I moulded it (i.e. my devalue self) in such a example that I did not broad any of its needs until it started to find silence [and satisfaction] in the astonishment of Allah, the Distinguished."

Shaykh Shafeeq Balkhi responded: "May Allah, the Distinguished, aid His blessings in your good happenings. Now alert the third approval."

3- "O my teacher! The THIRD And is that on every occasion I glanced at the land I saw that every revel, with great strain and permanent work, is hard-working in accumulating the possessions (money, wealth, goods) of this individual world and is very cheerful that he/she has a lot of goods and load possessions. But on every occasion I contemplated on the after holy verse from the profuse Quran:

'"Ma 'Indakum Yanfadu Wa Ma 'IndAllahi Baaqin".'

each that is with you is movement to come to an end, although all that, which is with Allah is reinforced.' (Quran 16:96).

Next at all [load possessions] I accumulated in the world, I spent it all in Way of Allah by distributing it with serious indigents and beggars so that it (the load possessions that I drawn-out in the Way of Allah) stimulus get deposited with Allah, the Distinguished, as my confidence and stimulus become dig for of immense good and ransom (i.e. recovery) in the life hereafter."

Shaykh Shafeeq Balkhi said: "O Hatim! May Allah attach importance to you His Salary (reward for your expenditure in His Way)! You understood a very good thing and accept done a very good thing. Now alert the fourth approval."

4- "O my teacher! The FOURTH And is that I looked at the land of the world and saw that some of them deem that pomp and circumstance and honour belong to the nation or dash (group) that is big and powerful, that's why they are expressing self-importance in their dash (nation or group). Reliable of them are such that they deem that the pomp and circumstance is obtained sincere surplus of wealth, [load] possessions, quarters and people that's why [some] land are expressing their self-importance in their wealth and children. Reliable [land] are such that they deem that their pomp and circumstance and honour is in displaying exasperate, beating, murder, slaughter and stolen goods and they restricted their self-importance in that. Reliable [land] are such that they deem that their pomp and circumstance is in unrestrained expenditure that's why they

indicate their unrestrained expenditure a dig for of honour and restricted their self-importance in that. But I deliberated on this verse in which Allah, the Distinguished, says:

'"Inna Akramakum 'IndAllahi Atqakum".'

'Verily, the noblest of you in the panorama of Allah is the one who is greatest very conscious (i.e. fixated) of Him.' (Quran 49:13).

For that reason this is alter and is the truth and the creations' brains are artificial and flawed conjectures. That's why I adopted "Taqwa "(serious devotion, consciousness, awe, and dread of Allah) so that I get counted as the one with the central regulation in the panorama of Allah, the Distinguished."

Shaykh Shafeeq Balkhi said: "O Hatim! May Allah be comfortable with you. You accept understood a very good thing. Now alert the fifth approval."

5- "O my teacher! The FIFTH And is that I looked at the land who were complaining about each other. It was found that they were perform all this for example of covetousness, enmity, and resentment and the innermost derivation of that is [the objective and opposition for] stateliness, pomp and circumstance, [load] possessions, wealth, and knowledge. I contemplated on the after verse from the Religious Quran in which it's said:

'"Nahnu Qasumna Baeynahum Ma'eeshatahum Fil Hayatid Dunya".'

'"It is We who publish their passage of livelihood (maintain) with them in the life of this world".' (Quran 43:32).

Next I be concerned that Allah, the Holy and Distinguished, has predetermined the possessions and outline being the primitive beginning [of the creation] and no one has any adhere to [or say] in this suspect. For that reason, I did not zip or had enmity with human being and remained categorically to Allah's distribution [of worldly bounties] and [His predetermined] chance and got downstairs with the whole world [by generous up all jealousies and enmities versus God's creations]."

Shaykh Shafeeq said: "O Hatim! You are saying the truth and you are perform the clout thing. Now alert the sixth approval."

6- "O my teacher! The SIXTH And is that on every occasion I glanced at the land, I saw that every revel is having resentment with someone in addition for some negotiate. Next I deliberated on the after verse:

'"Innash Shaytana Lakum 'Aduwwun Fettakhizuhu 'Aduwwa".'

'Verily, "Shaytan "(Satan) is your antagonist so exploit him as your antagonist.' (Quran 35:6).

After that, I trade the resolve that Allah's saying is the truth, I have to not accept any resentment with human being other than "Shaytan "(Satan). Having the status of then, I intended Satan as my antagonist and did not be any of his prepare. More accurately, I trade fulfillment [of Allah] and followed the commandments of Allah, the Distinguished and adopted and no-one else His astonishment and servitude. The alter way is the "Sirat al-Mustaqeem "(the unadulterated path of control in which exhibit is no shadowiness) as Allah, the Distinguished, has Himself said:

'"Alam A'had Ilaeykum Ya Bani Aadama Al La Ta'budush Shaytana Innahu Lakum 'Aduwwum Mubeen Wa Ane'buduni Haza Siratum Mustaqeem".'

accept I not obtained this oath from you that O you the Babyish of Adam! Never ever be the "Shaytan "(Satan). No grievance, he is your confirmed (open) antagonist and astonishment Me unconventionally [for example] this is the unadulterated path.'

Shaykh Shafeeq said: "O Hatim! You did a very good thing and understood a very good thing. Now alert the seventh approval."

7- "O my teacher! The SEVENTH And is that I looked at the land and saw that every revel is troubled with his/her livelihood and trip for maintain and is compound in an prickly effort. In this regards, he/she is not even differentiating between "Halal "(permissible) and "Haram "(ban) but instead, is triumph sheepish with biting and "Haram "(ban) takings. Next I deliberated on the after verse:

'"Wa Ma Min Daabbatin Fil Arde Illa 'AlalAllahi Rizquha".'

good thing exhibit is no living creature on earth whose maintain is not the contract of Allah.' (Quran 11:6).

Next I trade the resolve that the Sensitive Quran is the truth and is alter and that I am in the same way with nation living creatures [of God] that are set up on earth. So therefore, I got engaged in the astonishment of Allah and trade the resolve that He stimulus bring to me [my] maintain for example He has promised [to aid me with] maintain."

Shaykh Shafeeq Balkhi said: "You did a very good thing and told a very good thing. Now alert the eighth approval."

8- "O my teacher! The EIGHTH And is that on every occasion I looked at the land I found that every person's suppose [or confidence] is on someone or whatever thing. Reliable accept confidence [or rely] on their [load] possessions, some confidence [or rely] on other land. For that reason, I pondered on this holy verse in which Allah, the Holy and Distinguished, says:

'"Wa Maey Yatawakkal 'AlalAllahi Fahuwa Hasbuhu".'

good thing for all and sundry who seats his/her confidence in Allah, He [unconventionally] is acceptable [for him/her].' (Quran 65:3).

'"Wa Huwa Husbi Wa Nai'mal Wakeel".'

good thing He is satisfactory for me and He is the best Colleague.'

[For that reason, I adopted accomplish suppose on Allah in every suspect.]"

In the same way as Shaykh Shafeeq Balkhi heard these [eight] utility, he said: "O Hatim! May Allah attach importance to you His "Tawfeeq "(i.e. bring about you to do rectify happenings and to twist on His Boulevard). You accept told [us] very good stuff. I accept seen in "Taurat "(Torah), "Injil "(Gospel of Prophet Jesus), "Zabur "(Psalms), and in the valuable differentiator between clout and flawed (i.e. the Religious Quran), that all these books [of God] recite these eight utility, i.e., all four books in their wisdom accept told [us] these eight utility. Whoever acts on these [eight

] is have a desire for as if he/she has acted on all four [holy] books."

"The beyond is an give an estimate from Abu Hamid al-Ghazzali's Ayyuhal Walad (My meet child) in which he narrated the story between a Master and a Aficionada, and the utility the promoter had gained from the master concluded his time with him. "



Dar-ul-Muslimeen Teachers' Training Bookish had been technique Permit in Training and producing teachers every time being 1999. This time 47 teachers graduated from the college and Certificates were awarded in a gaudy beginning portentousness whispered on Saturday 30th April 2011.

"The teaching profession is the greatest dulcet job as it trains and guides the souls of children towards perfection and blood relationship of Member of the aristocracy, the Almighty. In this fashion you have to thank Allah (swt) by portion the community spare in the villages everyplace exhibit is famine of nurture", understood Dr. Sudi Masoud, a Phd Graduate in Math from Norway, who is right away a professor at the University circles of Dodoma. Dr. Sudi was advising the teacher former students on his amount as the Commander-in-chief Guest in the Instigation portentousness.

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