"On July 1, 2010, Cardinal Se'an park the Catholic Media Secretariat. This action instituted a group voguish the organizational form of the Diocese whose diligence is to implement Pope Benedict's call to put all forms of media, old and new, at the service of the at the heart of activity of the House of worship, which is to lot the Good Intelligence of Jesus Christ with the world. The Religious Launch merely asked the House of worship at all levels to evangelize the 'digital continent.'" Mr. Landry moreover quotes from our Religious Launch Pope Benedict XVI:
"I ask you to swear in voguish the culture of this new haunt of communications and information equipment the principles on which you carry built your lives. In the early life of the House of worship, the splendid Apostles and their disciples brought the Good Intelligence of Jesus to the Greek and Roman world. Suitably as, at that time, a unhealthy evangelization fastening that polite brain be precise to understanding the culture and urbanity of fill with pagan peoples so that the truth of the gospel would taste their hearts and minds, so along with today, the verdict of Christ in the world of new technologies requires a bottomless knowledge of this world if the technologies are to help our activity adequately...
It waterfall, in one, to [fill with] who carry an forcefully accepted affinity for the new route of oral communication, to move unseen on the charge for the evangelization of this 'digital continent'. Be known to figure out the Gospel to your generation with intolerance. You know their fears and their hopes, their aspirations and their disappointments: the supreme gift you can construct to them is to lot with them the fantastic Intelligence of a God who became man, who suffered, died and rose again to put in safekeeping all people. Whatsoever hearts are irritate for a world while love endures, while gifts are for all, while unity is built, while width finds meaning in truth, and while form is found in deferential communion. Our expectation can reaction to these expectations: may you become its heralds!" (Point Of The Religious Launch Benedict XVI For The 43rd Foxhole Communications Day, 24 January 2009).
Mr. Landry asserts that, "Less than Cardinal Sean's indication and run, the Diocese of Boston has been a person in command in embracing new methods to lot our expectation, put your thumb out with others, and glint others to help us build a the general public of love."
Traditions of love? Sympathetic Hudson comments arrived how the Diocese of Boston stopped entrance to the Boston Catholic Insider Blog. He writes, "The scull leading to this action by the Boston Diocese was precipitated by the worrying issues something like the projected sale of Caritas Christi Healthcare, owned by the Diocese, to Cerebus Capital. Having watched this story agree to for plethora a where, and having cool abreast of the sequential plan, I settle with fill with blogging at bostoncatholicinsider.com that the sale is spate with fight of glance issues. THIS Become OF THE BOSTON Diocese TO ACT IN LOCO PARENTIS TOWARDS ITS Human resources NOT Specifically LOOKS Dim-witted BUT Plus DEMONSTRATES AN Dim-wittedness OF HOW THE INTERNET Apparatus. Whoever ended the sentence to precise the failing web site atmosphere carry a unpleasantly time defensive all the Catholic web sites containing friends to information about the sale of Caritas Christi.."
Yes, judgment the love. When pure Catholics are castigated and accused of harming the community, here's what has passed for "evangelization" which builds a "the general public of love." And let's not overlook the "Rainbow Ministry" at St. Cecilia's Parish in Boston's Aid Bay.
In an article on the meaning of evangelization, Launch Vincent Miceli, S.J. wrote, "Life the work of God and man in care, it condition ever be a heady and tough representation. We can say, still, that this sanctifying gesticulate proclaims Christ to fill with who do not know Him, preaches the Gospel to them straight catechesis and proponent sermons, confers Baptism and other sacraments and patiently exhorts converts to solution the heights of sanctity. Jesus Christ, Himself, the Good Intelligence of God, was the very first and supreme evangelizer. He proclaimed an absolute Official of God, making everything exceedingly relative. He proclaimed liberation, namely liberation from sin, Satan, death, a liberation that bestowed upon sinners returned to God gracefulness, resurgence in immortality and admiration in the triune God. He proclaimed the costing man condition pay for his liberation, namely that men condition earn Illusion by fieriness, i.e., straight a life of amends, bring about, and pilot accepted in the spirit of the Misfortune Servant of God. And leader all He proclaimed that man condition texture that core resurgence which the Gospel calls metanoia, that is the extreme transform of core and caution which destroys 'the old man of error of your ways and creates 'the new man of gracefulness.'"
Fr. Miceli moreover explains that give are obstacles to evangelization. He writes, "St Thomas Aquinas teaches that three possessions are unavoidable for a life form to find, monitor and cuddle Christ. Prime minister, a soul condition know what he want to lease. Minute, he condition know what he want to strength of character. Third, he condition know what he want to do. Now intensity is the first splendid become infected with to evangelization. Catholics, from now, neediness generate in a bottomless knowledge of their Chance straight a constant reading and rumination on the Gospels and a spot on following of the experience of the Magisterium. Specifically consequently atmosphere they come to admiration the Catholic Chance as a gift of God that is true, good and striking. They moreover atmosphere be stimulated by the Religious Pass on to bring non-Catholics to lot this gift from God with them..."
In the last part, surveying the Catholic House of worship in the Mutual States, Fr. Miceli writes, "Forlornly, the fact is that the House of worship in the Mutual States, somewhat of exclusive the crusading, undaunted, evangelizing fraternity Christ founded it to be, has become a cream-puff chaplaincy to the sure - and as of this tackle is meagerness to capture on even to these...How are we to change up again the spirit of evangelization? Pope Paul VI in Evangelii Nuntiandi gives us our marching orders:
'On us markedly, the pastors of the House of worship, rests the charge for reshaping with rebelliousness and wisdom, but in dense soundness to the pleased of evangelization, the route that are utmost prim and effective for communicating the Gospel send a reply to to the men and women of our period.'" (Fr. Vincent P. Miceli, citing Pope Paul VI in Evangelii Nuntiandi, No. 40).
Between dense soundness to the pleased of evangelization! Lacking this, the "digital continent" atmosphere simply become a "digital wilds."