On-Line Ritual Facilitators:
Keymaster -- Priest
Otterkin -- Priestess
(8-13,Shadow Hawk) Hello all, Blessing Be among Thou.
(8-3,John & Karen) Hi.
(8-5,keymaster) Ok we are ready now.
(8-10,Jehana & Jeff) ready here.
(8-4,Tapestry) Ready.
(8-3,John & Karen) ready
(8-12,Frodo) I'm here, dunno for how long.
(8-6,Grey Owel) ready
Tonight we celebrate the Sabbat Samhain, the eve of the New Year.
This is the time when the Goddess in her aspect as Crone veils Her face and the Horned One takes His throne. It is a time to reap the good and to banish the bad. To this end, we folded paper with that which we would banish written upon it. With the old year dying and the new year yet to be born, it is also the time when the dead may be invited to leave Caer Arianrhod and join us in the ritual and the feasting afterward. During the feast, the Lord of Misrule reigns and is free to inflict his Puckish like humor on us all. Welcome all, and let us begin.
Take a deep breath.....and let it out slowly...
Relax, and visualize the link between us...
Scattered to the winds are we, but we are here together....
We enter a grove amidst tall oaks, lit by a waning moon and a circle of torches.
It is a warm indian summer night with little wind, and an aura of expectancy flickers like the flames. Our altar stands at the North, decorated with apples and pomegranates, nuts and corn. There is an empty plate and a hand-thrown earthenware bowl filled with fresh water. A chalice holds the wine. The cakes are slices of pumpkin bread with raisins, and oatmeal cookies. The small cauldron of cleansing is of old polished brass with a handle for carrying. A large, black iron dutch-oven stands on its three legs in the center of the circle. Wisps of smoke rise upward and tongues of flame reach beyond it's rim.
Four unlit torches lay near it. Here the callers of the Guardians will light their torches, to place them in empty sconces planted in the earth at the North, East, South, and West. There are small buckets of water beside each sconce.
Because we are modern pagans, the Priestess has brought a boom-box with appropriate music. Listen inside yourself and you will hear it.
Focus on the water in the chalice. A symbol of cleansing and rebirth. I add a dagger-tip of salt to represent the aspects of the earth. Great Mother, bless this cup that we may be cleansed. (The chalice is passed clockwise, with each of us sprinkling ourselves.) (When this is done, I return the chalice to the altar.)
The incense we have chosen for this night is juniper and myrrh. It burns with the charcoal in the small brass cauldron. Breathe it in, and think of fire and air together. Let the strength and joy they represent become a part of you.
Great Father, bless this fire and air that we may be purified as it passes over and through us. (Cauldron is passed clockwise around the circle, by its handle)
(When all have breathed it, the Priest returns it to the altar.)
The ground beneath us has been sprinkled with ginger and swept to remove all negativity from this space. Let us join together and in the names of Danu the Great Mother and Arianrhod the White Lady, and of Cernunnos the Hunter, I cast and consecrate this Circle. (I draw the invoking Pentagram in the air with one hand and then, with a long stick from a hazel tree, draw the circle deosil, North to North.)
Let the caller of the Guardian of the East, step forward.
Lords of the East, Masters of inspiration, intelligence, new beginnings, and the wind rattling my windows this night, Hail and Welcome. (Light Torch & place in sconce)
Let the Caller of the Guardian of the South, step forward.
(8-10,Jehana with us. Hail & Welcome (Light torch & place in
Let the Caller of the Guardian of the West, step forward.
(8-3,John & Karen)
Lords of the West, guardians of the dark ocean and the lands beyond be with us now in this time between the worlds. Hail and welcome. (light torch and place in sconce)
Let the Caller of the Guardian of the North, step forward.
Lords of the North, Masters of the Earth, the hills, the valley, and forests -- join us now in this time of great joy (light torch and place in sconce)
(8-7,Otterkin) (Facing the center)
The Circle is bound. This is a time that is not a time, in a place that is not a place, on a day which is not a day, and we are safe between the worlds. So mote it be.
(8-5,keymaster) So mote it be!
(8-12,Frodo) So mote it be!
(8-3,John & Karen) so mote it be!
(8-11,wanda) So mote it be!
(8-10,Jehana from
bane, good; from death, birth!
(I then place my piece of paper into the fire)
I banish the pain of past relationships,
(8-7,Otterkin) (I step to the fire in the cauldron.)
of my bitterness,
I banish the pain in my childhood memories, but not the memories themselves.
(I throw my paper into the flames.) (Each in turn comes to the fire to throw in their paper, saying aloud their banishment or not as they choose.)
I banish the tensions and uncertainties that have been plaguing my life as of late.
(8-10,Jehana & Jeff)
We have banished (toss)
(8-3,John & Karen)
We have banished! (toss)
I banish depression and anger from past relationships
(8-11,wanda) (stepping to the fire)
I banish my deep sorrow from loves past...and embarrassment from words spoken too hastily. (toss)
(8-6,Grey Owel)
I banish the quickness of temper (toss)
(8-5,keymaster) (I go to the altar, and lift my hands above the cakes and wine)
All life is your own
All fruits of the Earth
Are fruits of your womb
Your union,
Your dance. Lord and Lady,
We thank thee
for blessings and abundance.
Join with us,
Feast with us,
enjoy with us!
Blessed be!
(8-7,Otterkin) Blessed be!
(8-11,wanda) Blessed be!
(8-12,Frodo) Blessed be!
(8-4,Tapestry) Blessed Be!
(8-3,John & Karen) Blessed be!
(8-10,Jehana & Jeff) Blessed be!
(8-6,Grey Owel) Blessed be!
(8-5,keymaster) (I now pass the wine clockwise around the circle) (Everyone takes a drink)
(8-12,Frodo) ->gulp!munch.<
(8-10,Jehana libating; (nibble)
(8-4,Tapestry) (take piece, crumble a bit onto the ground and eat the rest.)
(8-11,wanda) (breaking off a small piece and savoring it)
(8-3,John & Karen) Breaking off a piece, sharing it, nibbling
(8-7,Otterkin) My cat has cut her own door into the Circle, and I share my bit of cake with her.
(8-6,Grey Owel) (consume heartily)
(8-5,keymaster) (breaking off a piece, eating it, grokking its fullness) (I replace what is left of the cakes and the wine, near the altar, for the Sidhe to enjoy)
Will the Caller of the Guardian of the East, step forward and release the Guardian.
Lords of the East, thank you for your assistance. Hail and Farewell.
(take torch and plunge it into bucket of water.)
Will the Caller of the Guardian of the South, step forward.
(8-10,Jehana of Fire and of Will, we thank you for your assistance -- Hail and farewell! (Plunge torch into bucket of water.)
Will the Caller of the Guardian of the West, step forward.
(8-3,John & Karen)
Lords of the West, we thank you for your assistance. Hail and farewell!
(Plunge torch into bucket of water.)
Will the Caller of the Guardian of the North, step forward.
Lords of the North, Masters of the Earth..we thank you for your assistance and joining us this eve -- farewell! (grasping torch and placing it into the bucket)
(8-7,Otterkin) (I draw the banishing Pentagram in the air.)
Merry meet and merry part,
and merry meet again!
Let the Circle be open but never broken.
I hereby name............
Lord of Misrule.........
Let the Feasting Begin!
Keywords: wicca candle magick wicca candle magic candle magick candle spell for love wiccan candle magic white candle magic candle magic flame meaning the witches tarot