If you have a crescent-shaped mold and some wax, you can pour your own candle. To make the moon candle in this photo, you'll need:
o Paraffin or soy candle wax
o Wicking
o Candle release spray
o Crescent-shaped candle mold
o Color and scent of your choice
If you've never made candles on your own before, be sure to read David Fisher's Candle Making Basics for some tips.
Melt the wax according to manufacturer's directions. Spray the mold with candle release spray and place the wick where you want it. Carefully pour the melted wax into the mold. Be sure to prop the wick up with a dowel rod or some other support, so it doesn't flop over into the liquid wax.
Allow your candle to cool completely before removing it from the mold. Use in your Esbat rites, or for other moon-related celebrations.
Note: The candle in the photo is frosted on the top to hide some post-cooling cracking.
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