Reversing is used if spells cast on us are strong, or If a person casting them must learn lesson, If they repetitiously cast spells on one, or even send evil spirits at one.
The popular items used are
*REVERSIBLE CANDLES, Double action candles ( for love jinx red-black, for money jinx green-black or white-black for crossings and jinxes affecting our luck, or metal of physical health ),
*CRABSHELL POWDER ( powder made of shell of Crabs, marine animals, since they walk "backwards" this curio reverses spells, in Africa witch doctors would cover all their body with this powder except the feats so they would walk barefoot and expel the jinx and crossings through their feet )
*REVERSING OIL and similar oils ( Run Dev*l run, Shoestrings oil, Fiery Wall of protection but Reversible in first place )
*MIRRORS ( who would know O.o lol )
*"The picture shows Lucky mojo ( ) label or Reversing/ Reversible products and is property of sight owner and author Miss Catherine Yronwode, I have just added it here for illustrative purposes "
But here are the recipes
Is a very popular Hoodoo method of Reversing work. For this we use Reversible candles ( Red wax inside black wax outside ), Reversible oil and Crabshell powder.
1. Place Reversible also called Reversing candle* on mirror
2. Encircle it with **crabshell powder sprinkled in clockwise direction
3. Dress the candle ( I do it form middle to end ) with Reversing oil
4. Read Psalm 37th and add a personal Petition so that the spell will be reversed
This is particularly useful in case of very strong spells or when evil spirits are sent to torment one.
Remaining materials are disposed of, away from Your property, If You know the name of one that is to blame for Your condition, bury the remaining items ( materials ) in their yard to even further supercharge the spell. It is however fine If You are unable.
* If You know the name of the wrongdoer inscribe it on the candle. I usually inscribe return to sender as many times as can fit or 9 - 13 times
** If one lacks Crabshell powder great substitution is given bellow as Reversible powder
"o Hung nine Devil shoestrings on a thread with one Devil's bit root in the middle. Sprinkle all lightly either with Florida water, whiskey or dress with some Run De*il run, Reversing or protection oil. Hung above door or bed.
o Buy a new Round mirror with wooden frame. On the frame draw protection symbols ( such as runes or European Grimoire symbols and seals ). Dress it lightly with Van Van oil or Reversible oil. Set above the doors.
o Place Bad nut on Your doors, it shall act as door guardian and will reverse all evil coming Your way.
"- Teaspoon of Blackberry leaf
- Teaspoon of Sage
- Good pinch of Cayenne
Powder those and use for Reversal work or add in Floorwashes to remove evil spells or spirits and send them back
The picture shows Eihwaz rune that symbolises prinicples "As above so
be below" and Karmic priciples, Justice too making it great symbol for Reversing spells, picture from Wikipedia
"Quick and powerful formula
- Sage
- Rue
- Frankincense
Miss Catherine Yarnwode in Her book "Hoodoo Herb and root magick" suggests among many other formulations Rue and Wood Bettony, or Cayenne and Saltpetter and Rue and alike.
Now how do witches in Europe reverse spells ?
Here are two neat examples :
Take a round hand held mirror. Spin thrice holding mirror so it's reflective side is facing outwards and chant also three times ( three has important reflective significance in European craft )
Circle of protection, Circle of reflection,
May the Sender of all harm feel the power of this charm !
This is best used when attack is happening.
If you are certain that someone has hexed you, return it to them using the following spell; but use it wisely - if you're wrong about the hex the spell can backfire. This must be done for three nights in a row during a waning moon just after sunset. Light three black candles, and as they burn, say the following verse:
Broken this spell, broken this curse,
By these candles, by this verse.
Reflected back, three times three,
Your hexes have no effect on me.
Curse return, by candles three,
Burn away and set me free.
Live and learn, crash and burn,
Three times three, this hex return.
With harm to none, this lesson be told;
Whatever is sent out, returns three-fold.
On the third day allow the candles to burn themselves out.
Mirror box spell ( ! )
"One of the most powerful methods of Reversal magick is so called "Mirror Box spell"
It is used when enemy is evil and persistent in harm, and will not give up !
Since it borders with Crossing a Cleansing work and bath with Hyssop as well as asking for Forgiveness ( reading Davids Psalm 51st is suggested )
After that they will no longer be able to harm You, and the more they try the more the will harm themselves !