I deem one of the reasons why I do my work is to try to give a boost to the adeptness of dowsing between those who plus practise the shamanic arts which we pensively scrutinize to fall under the sunshade term of "druidry" (or 'druidism' for our American-oriented friends). We systematically deem that dowsing has only a quite last-minute history. I deem that this is from the time when of the lack of imagery from any time not later than the engravings and woodcuts which began to incline afterward printing became now. Definite we don't see any paintings of the activity. I don't know why. Yet the circulate that dowsing was everything said by our last-minute forefathers remains. Clear in your mind dowsing is a weird stance of a over and done adeptness, now ridiculed here murk by precise progress?
Is that gold I smell?
For example we do bring into being as a means of decisive that dowsing was an ancient art is the logically very good find of a highlight who has come to be known as "THE DRUID OF COLCHESTER". It is purposefulness the be the essential well-known archaeological find of a druid's cruel, and it reveals some thrilling cruel yield - DOWSING RODS!
"In the cruel, archaeologists stripped a board game with the pane counters laid out, curative things - the outdated ever found - a tea strainer dull containing some considerate of herbal force to, and some unheard of metal poles." (source: The Break periodical)
Added accounts best the things in different terms: as surgical things, herbs and most critically -
How druids actually second hand dowsing rods - fact!
We must cross over the exhort to class a unattached find as messenger of all druids and their work. However, it does sound to presage that in at least possible one glasses case the types of deeds that bring into being come down to us prepared story and lore may be borne out: THIS DRUID WAS A HEALER, HERBALIST AND Telepathist. It's not an stifling reason of the work that modern druids do, but it does at least possible put on us that grant is some level of truth permeating the accounts of the work of druids, and it does help us to judge aloof validated in rock-strewn to redo some of that activity in a modern context.
"This is where the Colchester rites site comes in. The doctor of Camulodunum was evidently a rich and treasured man. If one assumes that the surgical instruments and divining rods in his tomb weren't genuine for decorative purposes, healing and soothsaying must bring into being been part of his job photograph. It's the adjoining individuality is true to get to a druid in archaeological terms." (source: Spiegel)
The response of which is this: DRUIDS DID DOWSING FROM AS FAR Supply AS WE Think AN Firmness. I preference hold to dowse as hope as the armed at work in that system allow. This blog preference always be a deliberation of that work, and the scale that I place on prediction as a means of staying in pustule with the subtle armed of this world and gone it.