In my successive hunger to supervision every schlock movie I dear as a child, I dead a good part of tonight surveillance the 1964 British Schlock effort "Witchcraft," which specifically hand-me-down bits from Gardner's media appearances to balloon the disorder magic, British Diabolism and Satanic Shake its very injudicious storyline is based upon.
I couldn't help but provoke as I imagined Ms. Curott surveillance a movie everywhere the "bad witches" are meant to practice the "old religion" and practice at the aristocratic sabbats of "candlemas, roodmas (which they present as May Eve), beltane ("at Midsummer"), and "Halloween-the night the Witches make their sacrifices" Everyplace the symbol of the "Witches' Tighten with the devil" is a sealing octogram based on one of the Solomanic Pentacles and a guy stabs what looks hard by a pencil throughout the van of no matter which bathed in a cloth which as well as squirms *after death.*
Of course, we in addition to get the flaxen tied to the altar and the intend, dear other flaxen who is wedged at home the Witch cult, seeing that her old Saxon domestic is witches, and granny who is pushed down the stairs by a witch from additional the ascetic and has fallen and she can't get up...
Yvette Rees is a hair-raising undead witch appliance lady:All the in view of the fact that, you wish these people'd been handy to supervision Spirit... NEVER Jog THE GRAVESTONES BUT NOT THE BODIES!
Correspondingly, surprise that all British Dwindling Old Ladies know the truth about bad witches and can be counted on to help in the end...but how did they get this knowledge....hmmm? And what's so special in the old lady's hut, hmm?
Area Scooby-Doo, part Satan's Instruct for girls and all schlock, Witchcraft unreservedly gets two green warty thumbs up... and anyone who disagrees with me is departure to find their poppet "A devil doll!" in my cauldron....