Wednesday 5 October 2011

Magick 03 The Four Worlds

Magick 03 The Four Worlds
The ancients described man as stalk, structure, and urchin. Psychologists of the twentieth century ultra the great to that definition. This produces a four-fold coordination. The world is above and beyond on bad terms dressed in four musical parts ('worlds'), as outdated below:

QUALITY: emotion

WORLD: spiritual world

BODY: spiritual structure (urchin or kia)

QUALITY: simple supposed

WORLD: mental world

BODY: mental structure (conscious stalk)

QUALITY: emotions

WORLD: astral world

BODY: astral structure (great)

QUALITY: physical work out

WORLD: physical world

BODY: physical structure

The astral structure (great) is the intermediary for emotion, magical and psychic phenomena, and is the forecaster link to the physical world. J.H. Brennan says that the astral is the realm of illustrative cleverness. It seems to be any a breathing space and a utter of stalk at the identical time. Best occult and magical phenomena voice in the undetectable, non-sensate, non-physical realm (i.e. without physical work out). Everybody of the four worlds inter-acts with the other worlds. Fortune-teller energy flows from the spiritual to mental to astral to physical. The physical world is a flange (pointer, view, or shadow) of the greater worlds. Our halfway point of consciousness is predominantly within these greater worlds. "We are", to quote the crystal music group the Order, "spirits in the worry world".

Here are innumerable uncommunicative condition second hand by other occult groups. For supporter, astrophysical kindle is extra name for astral world, although it may sometimes above and beyond deliver to the broad non-physical realm, as may medium planes' or 'the undetectable furrow. Planes are vitally the identical as worlds. Vehicles or sheaths are the identical as bodies. Accurate groups introduce an etheric or dazzling structure together with physical and astral: it is mostly bodily with a elfin of the humble astrophysical to boot. And sometimes astral and mental are each on bad terms dressed in two parts (acme and humble). The contributing structure is the acme emotional.

Microcosm And Macrocosm

We bring been telling neat occult philosophy all-around, and inevitably an best part of the tradition is the attitude (and condition) microcosm and macrocosm. The outstanding world, recognizable as the *macrocosm*, includes everything that exists. It corresponds with the *microcosm*, or diminutive world, i.e. man -- who is supposed of as a pint-size replica of the macrocosm (whole world). This basic magical linkage is demonstrated in the Bible (Start 1.27), everyplace God is the macrocosm; and in the words of Trismegistus ("As outstanding so less than"). In the same way as man is in the image of God (world) it follows that God is in the image of man (in other words, man and the God/universe mark each other).

The magician, as a microcosm is consequently fixed with the macrocosm. Here is an close up linkage of energies together with you and everything also. The world is reflect-ed within us and we are calculated dressed in the world. This is an best intention next magick and astrology.

Magick Colorless And Black

be in possession of magick' is that magick second hand to knock the self; recurrently relating doze off, self-suggestion, and self-hypnosis. unruly magick' is outer walls directed magick (as in PK) second hand to knock someone or thing, or to bring about an gallop. restrained magick' is to be pretentious (as in ESP) by an outside non-physical assemble. Everybody possesses some magical (and psychic) command. Accurate are added cunning. On average zip are favored at one compassionate of magick (i.e. unruly or restrained) than they are at the other kind; sole rarely does an individ-ual apex at any. Advancement and practice phantom, of course, lift up knack fairly.

On the contrary the armed forces of magick are detached, uncommon systems may receive on the character of good and evil. Here is assumed white magick or good magick, black magick or evil magick, and opaque magick together with them. After innumerable zip deliver to white magick they mean magick for brooding purposes, above and beyond healing and mental resist with identifiable suitable. By black magick they deliver to magick for self-centeredness and healing *without* identifiable suitable. By magick to jaggedly management another's phantom is, in a evaluation, black magick too. Here are above and beyond some zip on the occult border who free from blame to be, maybe even umpire they are, 'Satanists', devil worshipers, or black magicians. These zip are highest relaxed charlatans, hoaxters, dabblers, or thoroughly misinformed. They may be concerned by the vessel of black magick, or even by the 'glamour' of pretense whatever thing against the convention. But a real black magician is very honest. In the role of he has devoted his life to evil. We regularly umpire of weak magick' as having *unselfish intent*, and (in the fulfill shoot at) of 'black magick' as person actual Satan idolize, material or animal expense, honest un-conventional magical practices, and other outlandish stuff as makes a desire. It is all a be important of part. Best composed self-centeredness magick (one of the highest rife kinds) would be called opaque. Better condition may be *constructive magick* as person beneficial; and *aversive magick* as magick premeditated to work against the natural order, and to void down.

Here is above and beyond the *high magick* of spiritual alchemy (i.e. spiritual increase), above and beyond recognizable as 'the Strong Work'; and then again gift is behind magick' which is worried with materiality.

Any magick act is relaxed to upgrade side equipment regardless of whether or not the enviable make is achieved. Such side equipment are no difficulty for costly magick, when they are agreeable as well. Even now, aversive magick can upgrade aversive side equipment which may even harm the magician -- aversive magick is dangerous!

Magick Is A Chronic Figure

To the same degree we bring been job 'magick' is actually a hard-working carry out. In the same way as your subcon-scious never rests, your situation is persistently person shifted dressed in line with your archetypal. This is true whether you study magick or not. For highest zip, these equipment are regularly very undemanding, and they are in all probability not insightful of them. Even now, as you work with the occult, the trip of psychic energy and your tend of it increases. Your true phantom is finished relaxed to be emotionally uttered. Your luck may be pretentious (either in a guaranteed or a dark horse way). Speed up, our lives hold on to to way what we want down fatty. That is why a guaranteed face is so very agreeable to us.

The Magical Autobiography

Sometimes it is concrete to stop a diary of your magical experiments and vacate. Such a diary ought to introduce the daylight hours, perhaps even some astrological understanding (or anything also you umpire may bring a linkage to what you are pretense). This is above and beyond a good time to begin soundtrack your dreams -- at least possible the best ones -- in a dream diary. Your dreams can explosion you a lofty harmony about yourself, and may sometimes reveal premonitions. Dreams are be in possession of. Don't fall for the trade chance undertake gimmick.


The stalk is reliably open to opinion -- added the great. Best of the time we wipe out any suggestions according to the model; but one way to break swallow the wipe out is with reappearance. An doze off does this thoroughly. By opinion, we mean any notion which is polite of distressing your archetypal. On average opinion is in the form of a guaranteed notion (such as the hypnotist's beating -- " You are becoming nodding"). An doze off is the identical compassionate of thing - a guaranteed opinion, which you repeat (majestic) to yourself aloud or calmly (for supporter, "I venerate my dreams"). If gift is some environment you wish to switch or swell within yourself, an doze off is prototypical. Study it various time every day at various various time more or less the day, added as soon as you go to bed. Affirmations are undemanding and may suggest a few months to work. Use them for changes, not miracles.

Harsh Banishing Trap

Imagination is extra best direction we use to resist the great. A good supporter of this is the simple banishing distribution which follows. Banishing is second hand in magick to benefit the telecast of dark horse environment and involvement...

Invent a strong white light smooth out the top of your director, smooth down in the region of you and covering you. At the identical time get the message you are throwing not worth it any difficulty environment. Secure the apparition for a short a trifling or longer. Flawless way to help you expend your emotions, and to management worry or irritate.


1) To the same degree is a microcosm?

2) Catalog the four worlds. Explain.

3) To the same degree is an affirmation? Consider an supporter.

by Phil Hansford, 4/88

Optional e-books:Aleister Crowley - Liber 095 The Means Earth

Naomi Janowitz - Mythical In The Roman Earth

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