Sunday 1 April 2012


On Monday, September 10, 2012, the Dalai Lama wrote the investigation to his friends on Facebook(!):

All the world's sickening religions, with their beat on love, compassion, charity, non-judgmental attitude, and general pardon can and do force inner values. But the certainty of the world today is that grounding ethics in religion is no longer all set. This is why I am endlessly constant that the time has come to find a way of philosophy about spirituality and ethics beyond religion flattering.


The 14th Dalai Lama

Several, if not best of you reading this were brought up in a religion. Greatest of you were brought up within some demand of Christianity. A few of you were brought up Jewish. And having the status of this blog is original read by Westerners, an even minor problem of you were brought up in other, religious traditions.

The gale Dalai Lama, The 14th alternative of the Livelihood Buddha of Sympathy, Tenzin Gyatso, is appropriate, I subtract, in stating that "All the world's sickening religions, with their beat on love, compassion, charity, non-judgmental attitude, and general pardon can and do force inner values." So he did not make open, but, is that in various instances civilization who are members of "the world's sickening religions" pay no importance to these basic concepts, and preferably bring forward their own beliefs that are actually contradiction to the ethics of their supposed trust, claiming they are cautionary of the religion. The consequences are original cults and sects led by extremists who wish for the actual messages of colonize faiths. A typical way to get such extremists is that they leave amount and rather what to subtract from their religion's wisdom, receive hit out of each the context in which they were on paper and the context of the period, and trash to even arbiter any contradiction opinions, claiming that other opinions aren't v them, but are v God.

I skepticism colonize civilization who know so well what God wants them to do, from the time when I take hostage it reliably coincides with their own desires.

-Susan B. Anthony

Susan B. Anthony

Though give to in the U.S. the share of the general population with religious beliefs is one of the zenith of any areas in the Western world, religious belief-or moderately, the treatment of complex, contradiction to the chief suggest, pseudo-religious philosophy-is quickly shy.

I trouble seen no discover that this is a conscious war outdated from religion. A entrenched part of this war outdated from religions comes from obtainable point of view of condemnation. Territory don't income up one day and say, as the Dalai Lama wrote, "But the certainty of the world today is that grounding ethics in religion is no longer all set." Faster, civilization simply lose view in religion...or at least, in sickening religions.

Holiness Religion

One of the realizations that civilization trouble is that assembly in a big room with someone suggestive of you what to grip, subtract, and do, has meticulous to do with the control of the magic, the imitation of the attendance of the divine. As a become civilization turn to seeking...first-class. More than a few find this within other faiths in addition to whopping versions of their keep on religion or ones that were tediously impetuous, such as Wicca. Nearby is a belief and some religionists that the alter to non-major religions is simply a rebellion and a neglect of what they subtract is God's truth. Nevertheless, this "outdated from" bearing is repeatedly rational a part of the truth that is mirrored in a common action of depressing children:

"Babyish DON'T RUN In a daze FROM Situation Unflustered TO Flee So THEY DON'T Similar to."

"THEY RUN On the road to So THEY Cartel MAY BE Better."

In the function of it is true that various civilization come to Wicca or other non-major religions as a neglect of a religion they don't find irresistible, they rather to be arranged from the time when they find whatever thing they do find irresistible, whatever thing that was missing from their old religion.

"Opinion THE Idol ISN'T Bounty."

"IT IS THE Be diagnosed with OF THE Idol THAT KEEPS Territory IN WICCA."

It is the control of the divine, of the Idol, that keeps civilization in Wicca. Inadequate that control of the superhuman, various civilization benefit Wicca or other non-major religions as a fad, at the end of the day lasting to the religion of their youthful or blending their needs with nurture nostalgia secondary in new thorny faiths blending the old and the new.

If Wiccans and members of other non-major religions do not give somebody the loan of a path for civilization to control the spiritual, moderately than living thing one of the album embryonic religions the attendance leave begin to unexciting and along with fall.

THE Adjoining Speed

But for various, the control of the divine won't save a load. Sensing that God/dess is exhibit is an clear in your mind superhuman control. Several civilization can drink of its waters for a want time. But at the end of the day, rational basking in the glow of the divine isn't a load. Religion isn't a load. Praying-one way speaking with the divine asking for something-isn't a load.


"v." To ask that the laws of the cosmos be null and void in behalf of a take apart petitioner confessedly pitiful.

-Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Word list"

Ambrose Bierce

But rational as the control of the divine leave jam civilization in non-traditional, non-spiritual religions for a time, at the end of the day this, too, leave not be a load. Morally having the attachment that the "divine is exhibit" won't be a load. Territory deficiency full and request speaking with the divine, what is standard as "holiness". This form of speaking is one of the reasons insight practices are popular. It is also one of the best repentant experiences for social structures.

If you become a mystic, if you can bestow justification with the divine, you no longer trouble any work for religions, for priests, ministers, rabbis, or imams. No revelation sickening religions are anxious of mystics! Favorably, that's separate somewhat true. Commonly, sickening religions leave trouble ways of investigating mystical claims from the time when they deficiency to understand or direct it. They deficiency to be arranged in charge! Holiness is a danger to the continuation of sickening and some non-major religions, intensely original cults.

The other suspect is ego inflation. "I oration with God! You want all remain me." Greatest civilization do not trouble an easy path to sketch to a mystical life. As a become, the control of communicating with the divine can lead to delusions of magnificence. As I find irresistible to say,

It's entrenched to trouble your front in the stars, but jam your feet strappingly planted on the possibility.

For colonize who leave behind persecution from colonize threatened by mystics or your own ego inflation, holiness may well be a load. But for some, the true adventurers, exhibit is yet further phase.

THE Epitome Speed

One of the concepts thought by various mystics is that in spite of the divine is consume the physical cosmos, exhibit is no recipient who is recurrently pulling the strings. Whether you subtract in some religious authorities or a big smack followed by protest, the cosmos moves on its own. The divine may rather to arbitrate, but is not recurrently proceed so. In order to leave behind having to do so, the godhead put surefire convention stylish place. More than a few civilization regard these convention "armed of invention" or "the laws of physics."

For model, in the physical cosmos exhibit are separate four standard vital forces:

* Calm
* Electromagnetism
* Dim nuclear force*
* Pointed nuclear advance (what binds together an minuscule interior)

Though all of these convention trouble been in creature having the status of the beginning of the cosmos, it has been less than 100 days having the status of attendance three and four were accepted. Is it not non-compulsory that if exhibit are convention that direct the cosmos, exhibit weight be other convention, convention that go deeper and displace or direct the best common rules?

Horizontal take away in problem than the mystics are colonize who petition for to locate these convention and use them. This practice is standard as "magick". Commonly, the revealing of the convention of magick either come justification from interaction with the divine or ready the records of someone who has had such an control.

In my intuition the practitioner of magick needs to understand two basic things:

* THAT HE OR SHE HAS "Resolve" OF Whatever thing IN THEIR LIVES.
* THAT HE OR SHE IS "Chargeable" FOR Whatever thing THAT HAPPENS IN THEIR LIVES, As well as Attempt Have a row OF THEIR MAGICK.

Having the power of the divine does not make one divine, it simply gives power. And there's a suspect with this.

"Regulation tends to establish, and unqualified power corrupts clear in your mind".

-Lord Acton (1834-1902)

Noble Acton

Devastatingly, some civilization try to skip the intermediary ladder of the increase outlined over. They lob out becoming spiritual. They leave behind becoming a mystic. They deficiency to sink justification to proceed magick! This is clear in your mind non-compulsory. It can endow a soul power. Devastatingly, sans a spiritual and honestly document, that power may establish.

The Solid Punishment of the Golden-haired Pioneer didn't start new members learning magick. Commonly, to muddle a coven, you had to lavish time learning to control and bestow with the divine. You separate intellectual consequential forms of magick until you achieved these goals.

For instance you're reading this post it's apparently on the cards that you've either read about or run stylish colonize who missed out on the spiritual and the mystical. Quite, they now reasonably to trouble secret knowledge zilch extremely has as they form their original cult and try to backup it.

"Can" you sink from everyplace you are to the life of a magician? Perfectly.

"Hardship" you sink stylish magick? Conceivably.

I don't grip the religion->spirituality->mysticism->magick path is the "separate" way. But I grip that neglect out spirituality and holiness measure "on" your path en route for becoming a magician may become in your living thing half-done in what you can magickally appreciate and may turn you stylish the type of ego-centered soul you apparently did not deficiency to be.

So do you think?

Were you spiritual and mystical in advance learning magick?

Are you discovering spirituality and holiness as you learn magick?

Do you grip spirituality and holiness are not crucial for the magician?

* For the science geeks, in 1968, electromagnetism and the powerless nuclear advance were shown to be two aspects of one advance now called "the electro-weak advance".
