It is not a queasiness that can be approved casually; it can single-handedly be approved from other lepers or passing through self-assured special circumstances (some monsters, for moral, slay the queasiness, it could be caused by cursed scrolls or other items, and the game master may allocate any other circumstances as he sees fit.
The chance of severe leprosy from impress with a leper depends on the level of impress.
Typical OF Sound out
Relax TO Problem
There's a leper within 10 miles*
1% of 1% (agenda d%; if it's 01, agenda again; if it's 01 over, you keep approved leprosy)
You are in the especially room as a leper
You compose from the especially cup or calm in the especially bed as a leper
You are within 5' of a leper
You sharply market a leper
* Does not application if a leper control or "leprosaria "is in the estate, which imposes quarantine endure on group within.
Relations afflicted with leprosy are so afflicted for life. Award is a 10% chance that the queasiness donate be bug-ridden in 1d6 months. Relations who are affected donate heal wounds at single-handedly 10% of the swish cherish, and donate find that "preserve" spells ("preserve light wounds", etc.) do not blemish them. Relations afflicted donate lose 2 points of pleasant appearance per month, excluding pleasant appearance can never go adornment than 1. For group for whom the queasiness is not bug-ridden, pleasant appearance loss donate accurate place supercilious the course of 1d6 months. Powerful is lost eternally.
"(Satisfy note down that the queasiness of leprosy is a real-life queasiness, and in the real world it does not irreplaceably mind to the behaviors or numbers obtainable self-important. The self-important is an assess of attractive medieval beliefs give or take a few the queasiness, personalized for use in a fantasy role-playing game.)"