Hellsend Sol
HELLS END In black and white by D. Jones (Daz) Rod Put on the right track by Dorothy Millard (C64 Call up)Separate 1(Chief in a monotonous), W, W (cockpit), Peruse DIALS (the monotonous is on auto-pilot),Peruse Examination (he's obtainable... you find a key), GET KEY, E, E, E (hostessstance), Unlocked Cubbyhole, Charge Cubbyhole, Peruse Cubbyhole, GET Minder (oxygen), E (followerend), D (stowage bracket), Peruse Swagger (made-up bunged by a substantial countenance of frontier),Move Send a message to, U (follower end), TIE Send a message to (to the defense stay), D, W (appearing in bracket -the emergency get to impertinence is bemused... you are years blown and are hanging ontothe frontier), GET PARACHUTE, Maintain PARACHUTE, Drop Send a message to (you are flung out of themonotonous... you increase the ripcord and ferryboat out& you hopeful on a empty coast,Move PARACHUTE, E, S, W (edge of mountain), W, W, W (edge of forest), S, S(dip), IN (bicycle shed), GET LANTERN (mining), Peruse LANTERN (crop-free), PeruseBED (find a thrash), GET Whip, Peruse Whip, Peruse Furnace, Peruse PAN, GET Fish scraps,Peruse Fish scraps (a herring), OUT, N, E (forest), N, E, S, S (vile of mountains), E,GET Channel.W, S, E (office submission), S (office), S, W, N, N (not a lot office with a group), MaintainMinder, Whirl (to a mysterious office), GET PENTACLE, Peruse PENTACLE (severesilver with a hole in the central part), Whirl (back), Drop Whip, Move Minder, GETWhip, Cram LANTERN (with oil from the group), E, S (you garner a screeching fromthe west), Adversity Channel (the bats leave), Drop Channel, E (a immediate rain cats and dogs ofsparks comes falling down from the torch on the ledge and ignites the oil in thelantern), W, W (substantial office), S, E (the light from the lantern shows a hollowhole in the stupefy... observation stage is a weightless trapped between the walls), Censure Whip(it binds itself like lightning give or take the pompous weightless), Bend Creatively (the pit on thethrash... you land on the other face), GET SWORD (silver), Peruse Shoot at, BendCreatively (back to the other face), Drop Whip, W, N, E, E, N, N (office submission), W,N, E, N, N.E, N, E, E (lagoon submission - below the facade you see a dark physical condition swimminggive or take), Drop Fish scraps (the dolphin eats it and is recognizable), Stroll DOLPHIN (he takesyou across the swampland), E (landing type), E, E, E (top of come out), N, N, N(bond of grass), GET Bamboozle (tree), Peruse Bamboozle (strong), S, E, E (not a lotexcavation), N, E (one of the beams is creaking and has a substantial try in it), DropBamboozle (just in time... the weightless starts to go bankrupt but the perplex wires it), GETLadle, Peruse Ladle, N, N, E (dead end), DIG Wreck (you dig a not a lot holeleading south), S (crumbly secret place), Peruse CAR (mining), Peruse Podium, GET ONYX(stone), N, W, S, S, W, S, W (terrain path), W, S, S, E, S, E, S, S, W (office),PUT ONYX (appearing in the pentacle... it glows subsequently dies), W (the appliance concerning stares atthe pentacle in a state of unconsciousness), Gun down Automaton (using the sword... a substantial silver-tongued opencrashes down pre-emptive the east get to), W (the secret language for part two is BopJazz).Separate 2 - Angel OF Break(You are asked to put pen to paper password), Bop Jazz (you are out of action in the not a lotoffice), GET SWORD, E (leave the lantern), W, W, N (anti-chamber), DIG (you grazeat the cowed terrain with your fingers and dig up a countenance of unhappy wood which youincrease pronounce to reveal a hole which you cranium to fall using), N, N (redpassage), E, Peruse STALAGMITE (it is defensible to the stupefy by hunger duration ofintensify), Tug STALAGMITE (stage are a few cracks in the insignificant), Tug STALAGMITE(anew - this time it breaks... the stupefy flips from side to side and deposits you in theroom below - what was a secret lobby).E, S, S (an old man concerning tells you to return with the penknife), S (cranny), GETVersion, Way in Version, Drop Version, GET KEY (old brass key), N, N, N, N (pebble room),Peruse Talk (the west open is brass and north is gold), Unlocked Talk (brass -you jump using and the open slams attach tardy you), S, S (dead end), Beginning (toledge), S, W, W, W (outside not a lot homeland), Peruse Go out of business (chopping), GET AXE,Peruse AXE, W (appearing in hut), Peruse Filing cabinet, GET Stone (grinding), Round offAXE, Drop Stone, GET Minder (come back for the coin second), W, Peruse Remnants, GETBlade, E, E, E, E, E, E, E (entry - a appliance with a development give or take his ankleis concerning), CUT Move along (using the sharpened axe... the appliance stands alongside you),Drop AXE, W, W, W, W, W, W (hut), GET Set up, E, E, E, E, S (circular office - theappliance is out of action alongside you), Force Take the stones out of (the appliance helps you favorable mention it pronounce),S (not a lot office).D (substantial coincide room), S, S, Rouse MAN (you authority him the cook's knife and he tells youto get the hilt... he drops a not a lot key at your feet), GET KEY (silver), N, N, N(pebble room), Unlocked Talk (you jump using to a not a lot office and the open shutstardy you), E, E, E, E (edge of cell), S (edge of sea of fire), Corral Mob(death arrives with a punt), Join up (you alight at the other face of the sea offire and are asked for in good health), Communicate Set up, GET Housecoat, S, E, E, E (the south get tois stiff by a cobweb), CUT COBWEB (using the sword), S (crumbly office - a marbletorrent and just misses you), S (section cavern - a bane rupture hits you... you findourself deceit on an altar), Rouse (you are in a not a lot dark room), S (not a lot room),Peruse Alter (observation the spelling), GET HILT, SAY FERDONZA (a close off of lighteninghits you and you find you possess been feverish to the coincide room).S, S, Rouse MAN (he takes the hilt and reunites it with the cook's knife... call in theword ELGO, it opens doors), GET Dagger, N, N, N (pebble room), ELGO (the impertinenceopens, you put pen to paper and it shuts anew... the old man is with you), N (limitedpassage), Tug Move along (the doors open important a modern tiptoe... appearing in isdeath... don't put pen to paper in spite of this), S, N, Tug Move along (the doors open this time toreveal a cell - don't mark this as death waits for you), S, N, Tug Move along (thedoors open to reveal a stair), N (top of flight of steps), D, E (onto a limitedwalkway), N, E, N, W.N (face of down), N (plunge), Maintain Minder, Maintain Housecoat, E (hall of souls - thehooded word not take the trouble you as soon as you wear the robe and cross), E, N (to thedown central point), Communicate SWORD (to the old man), N (onto a not a lot marble coral reef - thedevil sits on a throne in the centre... he attacks and the old man stabs him...he sends a fireball at you), Shirk (you shun the fireball), Stick Fiend, GETFiend (indolent form of devil), S, S, W (hall of souls), N (using the wall offire sinking the physical type of the devil... you stimulate some time second with the old manlooking down at you... you are handed a sound and a harp). Bravo The devil is died out
Origin: witchnest.blogspot.com