Neville Goddard Lectures Jesus Christ
Neville 02-23-1968 JESUS CHRIST Although recently a few are teaching this grand edict at the overtax time, numerous others will follow; andseeing that the Christian world believes in a man, this brainteaser will be asked top-quality and over: "Do you not confide inthat a man called Jesus Christ walked the earth?" It is my outlook that I will be benefit to verify this conclusion for youtonight. Listen to these words from scripture: "You will know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Thy Self-possession istruth." And speaking of Jesus Christ: "His name shall be called the Self-possession of God." Hip we see he has aname, so he is a spirit, yet he is the Self-possession, the truth that sets man free. Confessing that he came taking part in theworld to do his Father's will, in the 6th chapter of the book of John he makes this statement: "This is the willof my Institute, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him ought claim eternal life." Now, grant is not a truth (or a lie) that does not claim a man as its commissioner, as it takes a man to accent either alie or a truth, and Jesus Christ is called the truth! So at the same time as you are called upon to salutation the question: "Don'tyou confide in on e for one person man was born in 4 B.C. and named Jesus Christ?" salutation it in this way: "JesusChrist is not a man, but God's put together of support. One of the saddest and yet lasting statements in the Bible is recorded in the Undertake of Samuel. David's son,Absalom disgusted v him and tried to hustle top-quality the realm. All taking part in the hostilities, even if, Davidinquired top-quality and top-quality again: "How is it with the lad, Absalom?" And at the same time as he receives the news ofAbsalom's death he goes up to the safe place top-quality the get into of Jerusalem and weeps, crying: "Oh Absalom, myson, my son. Would I claim died more willingly of you. Oh Absalom, my son, my son." This is a predecessor in anot completely categorical or honestly apparent way of the story recorded in the New Memorial.In the New Memorial, we find that God the Institute does that which David longed to do. He longed to gethis life to restore his son, but he couldn't do it, for recently God can get his come about to house his Son. Talking tounion, Blake put these words taking part in the big mouth of Jesus: "Dread not! Unless I die thou can'st not come about. But if Idie I shall upgrade another time and thou with me. Wouldest thou love one who never died for thee? Or ever die for onewho had not died for thee? And if God dieth not for Man, and giveth not himself forever for Man, Manmay perhaps not cope with." God died by emptying himself of his deity. He is not pretending he is dead, but actuallybecomes the very breath of life of every child born of insect. Now walking in the stupor of Man, God has swift a put together for his return, a put together whereby everyone isredeemed. This put together of redemption is Jesus Christ, but seeing that it is made flesh man has diligent the shipping that conveyedthe appreciation for the appreciation, and the commissioner that spoken the not inconsiderable truth for the truth spoken. If truthis to be spoken, it takes an merrymaking man to accent it. In this way, at the same time as the story of redemption unfolds ina man, he relates his own ability. Now we are told: "A person who sees and believes in the Son has eternal life." The words "see" and "know"the vastly in moreover Hebrew and Greek, so if tonight I ornament a word picture of the put together of support, I amvetting you God's Son. It does not without human intervention come next that you will understand what I am saying and confide inme, so the statement is made: "To everyone who sees the Son and believes..." Tonight I outlook I can divulge it soto a great degree that everyone can come next and understand what I say and fling it! Jesus Christ is not a man! He is not a spirit, but God's put together of redemption which requisite be exposed andmade-up. To enter this world one requisite wear a illustration of flesh and blood; yet we are told that flesh andblood cannot enter the realm of paradise. It takes a spiritual illustration to enter that realm and my words arespirit! If I divulge you a story that numerous in this work out claim experienced, and you fling it, you too willability the truth that will set you free. No man can set you free. This man called Neville is somberly an commissionerexpressing truth. It is not good adequate for you to in words of one syllable understand it. You requisite confide in - not in Neville - but inthe truth he is expressing from this platform and his books. If I lie and you confide in what I say then you can'tconfirm it and will place a slave. And oh, the burden that is promised to the lecturer who dares to lie and deceivefamily who belief him. (Approach it in the Undertake of James.) I am recitation you what I claim experienced, so I can't lie. Jesus Christ, God's story of support, has beenfar-reaching in me. I claim experienced the birth; the observe of God who is David; the splitting of the templewhich is one's illustration, the pitch of the Son of man taking part in paradise, and the line of the dove. The almost all ofthe inhabitants of the world will not fling my story, for they preference a spirit on the outside as their particularsalvation. Tonight numerous who are beforehand their inevitable reworking from this world are hoping to come into contact with what theyshriek their "salvation," but their salvation is a put together of support who is God Himself! Formerly they ask you the brainteaser and claim on a Yes or No salutation, ask them to come and complain with you inthis manner: You confide in in scripture? Let us turn to the 11th chapter of Matthew and read the storyarrived John the Baptist. It is thought of him: "Amid family born of insect, none is big than John theBaptist, yet the least in the realm of paradise is big than he." Now let me ask you: Is Jesus Christ man offlesh and blood? With he is not big than John the Baptist. You don't confide in that? Appropriate, it was JesusChrist who ended the statement: "No one born of women is big than John the Baptist." If you claim thatJesus Christ was born of insect and like this in this world of flesh and blood, then he is not big thanJohn the Baptist. In fact, if you claim that Jesus Christ is a man of flesh and blood, and the least in therealm of paradise is big than John, then is he not also big than Jesus Christ? God's put together of support, is an flawlessly attraction play a part and hasn't a thing to do with any child which came(or comes) from the womb of a insect. His story takes place in an flawlessly obstinate locate, for man comes outof his own lead. That's the physical from first-class. Introduce is a grand hiddenness of Christ in the 6th, 8th, 18thand 19th chapters of the Gospel of John. "Isn't this Joseph's son? How can he now say: 'I came down from paradise"? He is Joseph's son in the eyesof hundreds of millions of inhabitants, but Jesus doesn't make that discovery. Practically he tells you: "I claim comedown from paradise not to do my will, but the will of him who sent me, and paradise is within." How can Jesusbe sent from paradise and be Joseph's son if Joseph is a incurable man? In the 8th chapter of John they ask him: "Who is your father?" and he replied: "You know neither me nor myInstitute, for if you knew me you would know my Institute also." In other words, if you know Christ in the truefeel of the word, you wouldn't ask seeing that you would know that he is yourself. You would know: "MyInstitute is he who you shriek God. I know my Institute and you know not your God." You will find the hiddennessof Christ all straight the Undertake of John. And all the same it takes a man to accent God's put together, Christ cannot beseen by incurable eyes. He can recently be prearranged and experienced as the put together of support. One who spoken the truth stood before Pilate, who said: "Who are you and where are you from?" Andat the same time as he would not salutation, Pilate said: "Do you not know I claim the power to back number you or to crucifyyou?" With truth replied: "You claim no power top-quality me unless it is given you from first-class." (This wordtranslated "first-class" is "anothen" translated in the 3rd chapter of John as: "You requisite be born from first-class.")His world is not this world, for did he not say: "I am not of this world"? The play a part unfolds in an flawlesslyobstinate world and what I share with you is that which I claim experienced in that other world. Now, let me share an ability which was currently mutual with me. The lady writes: "Carry on Sunday night Ifelt your phantom so strong that I sat down expecting to see you. Fairly all I saw were lights shining onand off worship fireflies. With I went to bed and this is my dream. I was inspection my cassette recorder run,observing the cassette move from one reel to the other, at the same time as I remembered that if I would hold the activity Iobserved in my own common sense, it would pause. Simply I sedentary the activity in my skill and the reelstirred no extend. I take note of that the jiffy I did it, whatever thing in me opened and expanded; but I may perhaps not startthe reel another time until I fixed my grounds. This captivated me so I did it a few time, each time realizing thatI may perhaps not start the action in my open and long-drawn-out involvement. Honorable at the same time as I had fixed my grounds pastextend would the reel start and move, actually independent of my presentiment of it. And at the same time as I awoke I wasin tears seeing that I had not sedentary and started inhabitants, but then I realized the regard of thesymbolism of the dream and was transported past extend." Introduce is recently God! God in the eternal involvement of existence! God in convoy and God in return! Herability of the night is a predecessor of her return to sequence with herself! Expectations taking part in the world she hasplayed her part and is now tasting of the power everyone will bring to bear in the new age, a power unreservedlyunknown to man. Man is fearful by his own degree strategy, and thinks they can hasten the universe apart; butthey are recently degree firecrackers. You possibly will claim seen yesterday's Los Angeles Period where theastrophysicists at Cal Tech actual grant are one hundred billion galaxies in our universe, with each galaxy containing one hundred billionstars; yet they can find whiz worship our receptacle degree earth. The recently thing in the universe that may perhaps flowerbed thisexpected experiment called Man is fitting in the order of in our receptacle terrain - consisting of a sun and called Grub.If you have your home upon this understood you ought conduct so great! The wonderful universe was shaped by an orgasm of Godto make this one degree system! Regard you ever seen the orgasm of a man under the microscope?Billions of come about organisms are grant to test the picture of the man, and recently one is glorious. Hip isGod's orgasm, and one convention comes out that can flowerbed his experiment to make man in his own image.Introduce is whiz in the order of that can do it! God had to die in order for man to come about worldly wise "If I die I shall upgradeanother time and thou with me, for if God dieth not for man and gives himself forever for man, man may perhaps notcope with." Formerly God became man he brought with him his put together of support, called Jesus Christ. The churches claimconventional and made flesh him. They claim painted pictures of him and located them on the wall, but that is notJesus Christ! Jesus Christ is God's eternal put together of support, which is spoken by a man. No one knows theauthors of the gospels. Matthew, Badge, Luke, and John are anonymous names of men who pertinent their ownexperiences. Personifying the Son, they shriek him Jesus Christ, but man not worldly wise this cannot take its tollin the middle of the involvement and its renter, so he takes the involvement and worships it. Jesus Christ is God's put together ofsupport which unfolds in a man! Now you will whack on at the same time as I am gone and you will be asked about him. Formerly they ask you if you confide inthat a man called Jesus Christ was born of Mary, lived, and was crucified on a overformal tense, divulge them thetrue story of support. You can, for you will be witnesses! You will claim been born form first-class. You willclaim found David, who calls you Institute. You will claim been intersect in two, ascended taking part in paradise, andwitnessed the line of the dove. Formerly you claim had all of these experiences you will be witnesses to thetruth of God's word. As a spectator, you are the fruit of the tree of life upon which Jesus Christ (as God'seternal put together) was crucified. Men are looking for that tree in time and space, but Blake tells us: "The gods of the Grub and Sea soughtstraight Category to find this tree, but their scrutinize is all in vain; grant grows one in the secular watch out." That'swhere Jesus Christ (God's put together of support) is fixed. Engrafted grant, it grows and erupts taking part in theseresolute endeavors until the closing moments is reached, which is the line of the dove. With the man in whom the bursthas diligent place will continue to divulge of his ability and put together his brothers. With he will quit, not to berestored to this alight world, but to enter that age called the realm of paradise, where he will bring to bear apower big than the wildest dream of incurable man. Formerly God's put together of support is all-embracing, you claim returned to yourself. That's divine agreement. With you willknow from experience: "I came out from the consciousness of in the function of the Institute, and came taking part in the world byin the function of delicate of its being. Anew I am leaving the world and unending to the accepting of in the function of theInstitute." Remember: grant is recently God the Father! This world is not some liquidation, but a put together to variety andallot the creative power of God. Introduce is no temper to your enhancement, recently a temper to thinning. Man is thattemper. Despoil on the temper of thinning and the impenetrability which is man, God unfolds himself in man to knowvery great freshness and expansion! Jesus Christ is God's put together of support. Formerly you can see this to a great degree in your mind's eye, you are seeing theSon of god, for God's put together is his Son called Jesus Christ. If you rebuff this, you do not confide in in yourself.The wonderful gospel of John tells about look forward to and lack of belief in self! John tells you a story about himself He isexpressing truth and personifying it as a man and it's the truth you ought be in awe of, not the man! John urgesyou to "Sustain onto the truth, for the truth will set you free." If you fling the word of God that abides in you, you will know its truth and be set free. But if you say: "Ipreference this wisdom, but if I may perhaps find out how he ended his millions I would fasten this for a given that and comeback tomorrow. I preference the millions peak," I say to you: "O absentminded one, your individual is needed of you tonight.Tomorrow I will put you in a mob where you will claim your millions, but you will claim to work for it."Don't breakthrough that seeing that you are now playing a expert part, you cannot move to an ignominious one. Aptly worship ansinger, you may mess the part of a king on the section of time and space tonight, and tomorrow be cast in thecovering of a slapstick comedian. "God recently acts and is in material beings or men."We are cast in covering in the rear covering, until the workwe forte out to do is completed in us. And regardless of what we do now, or our companionable or educated personcape, at the same time as we desert in the order of we are cast in our secure roles. This I know from ability. Somethingis done and everything is classical. God calculated everything as it has come to go beyond, and as it will beconsummated.So to you who are teaching now and to family who will come next, characterization my words, you are going to be asked:"Don't you confide in in Jesus Christ as a man whose mother was Mary?" This is a brainteaser I claim been askedall straight my teaching existence. Aptly before I clogged embrace December a man took cast doubt on with me, for my wordswere in combat with his design of Jesus Christ. He had him as someone of flesh and blood on the outsideand may perhaps not get up that design. He has never returned, but that is the attainment of the 6th chapter ofJohn, for at the same time as the inhabitants heard his words, they said: "These are incisive sayings," and they left, never to rapiditywith him another time. I am recently fulfilling scripture. I divulge the truth as I claim experienced it and grant will be family, worshipthis male, who will not rapidity with me another time. He cannot rapidity with me given that believing in a physical JesusChrist, at the same time as my design of him is the archetype of truth, of God's put together of support. This truth requisite be spoken by man, so a man comes and expresses it. One requisite learn to desert the manrapt and boast onto the truth, for the truth will then engraft itself you and open out within you. With you willknow who Jesus Christ really is, seeing that at the same time as he unfolds in you everything thought of him is experienced byyou. And at the same time as you read that David called God "My Institute," and David calls you "Institute," then are you notGod? If it is thought that God's illustration was intersect from top to build, and it happens to you, are you not God? Asthese endeavors mature, the whole Bible will open up, and you will see the wisdom of Blake at the same time as he said:"Rivers, mountains, cities, villages - all are you, for in time without end all are men." Scripture records that the Mount of Olives was intersect, but you will know that it was your own illustration that wasnot speaking. You will evidence yourself to be the Cascade Jordan, for grant is whiz but Man. Formerly you enter taking part inthe accepting of in the function of the mountains, the villages, and the cities you will rapidity in their express and earth, for"All that you watch, at the same time as it appears not including, it is within you, in your Originality of which this world ofend is but a shadow." All of the mountains of the scriptures are within you, as are the cities and thevillages, regardless of their names. You become the Jerusalem, the bride who comes down at the dawn.Personal God, individualized, you will personify God's put together of support called Jesus Christ, for grant is whizbut Man, and Man is God.Now let us go taking part in the stillness. Neville Goddard, Summa Theologica, Manly P Anteroom, A Direction In Miracles