On the full or new moon, consecrate a candle towards your goal. Then, every morning when you get up, take it and some incense (sandalwood works well, and so does pine) into the bathroom with you. Take your shower or bath while burning the candle and incense. As you clean yourself, imagine yourself as an employed person with enough money to make your ends meet. Picture how you'll look.
Then, go and get dressed. Put on a nice outfit. Do your hair, and maybe do a bit of makeup if you're so inclined. Make yourself *feel* employed. Look at yourself in the mirror before you go and apply a bit of personal magick: tell yourself you are an employable person, and that you will find a job.
Go out and hunt for jobs.
When you come home, wind down with a meditation, again burning the candle and incense, and relax! Think about what you did over the day, and decide if you were lax in any way and if you could do better.
If you do this for a week or so, you should end up with a job.
Keywords: candles magic wiccan candle magic red candle magic animated candle burning candles magic candles magic colored candles votive candles colored candles learn astral projection for beginners