Saturday 12 September 2009

A Lesson In Candle Magick

A Lesson In Candle Magick Cover

Let me say this:

Wicca is a VERY broad subject, and each person has their own interpretation of how things are done. That is what makes it such a wonderful way of life. So what you hear tonight is strictly the way *I* do things and not to be taken as gospel. It works for me... if you can use it as well, then I am happy. Other teachers may tell you something entirely different.... You make up your own mind as to how to use what you are taught. So you will hear me say things, and next week the next teacher may say something entirely different, both are correct. We all do things the way that works best for us.... You work with the god/goddesses as an individual through your own UNIQUE perceptions of how things are.

This is a BASIC candle magick class.... there are much more advanced techniques... But you have to start with the basics before you can build anything on it I was asked to teach this class because of my NOTORIOUS reputation for RED candles *laugh* Some of you have asked for them, and I am happy they have worked for you... BUT The Magick has been within YOURSELVES
... I simply released it... SO, what is candle magick....

First of alt, it is the easiest way to get your needs meet... very simple, and very effect if done properly. Before doing any candle magick, or any magick at all for that matter You need to examine your motivations. It is NEVER appropriate to do a magickal working for someone without their permission. It is NEVER appropriate to do a candle magick to manipulate someone to do YOUR will.

Please remember these are *MY* ethics. The way *1* do things Manipulation of any sort, is not good, and if you are a wicca/witch, and know the 3-Fold law, trust me, It does come back to you. When you do magick to help yourself or someone WITH their permission, the benefit is 3-Fold to you Every magical working that I do comes back to me 3-Fold, so I always try to examine my motivations for doing magick...

Bless the Goddess, my life is good... I have done LOADS of love magick for people here... and you all know that MY life is now filled with love and happiness *laugh* So, before doing any magickal working... examine your motives... Why do you want to do this thing... Who will benefit.... Can anyone be harmed by the outcome of your working? Remember the principle of the 3-fold law is in place, whether you believe it or not *laugh* In my particular tradition it is a 9-Fold law, so I am VERY careful.

Now to the subject at hand, what is candle magick and how does it work?
Candle magick is a very simple technique to release your needs/desires to the universe to be fulfilled. As the flame burns, so the energy of what you desire is put out there, and brought to you, or to the one you are doing the working for. In order to prepare yourself for doing candle magick, you need to do a few things first...

1) Examine your motives....
2) Do you have permission from all parties involved....
3) Is there any other way to achieve the desired effect....
4) Examine your motives *laugh*

Seriously... also double check your motives, because once you start that candle burning, the energy is released.... I can't stress that enough And since you are hearing this from me *laugh* the head of my tradition would say, you know could possible fall under the 9-fold law *laugh*. You can't manipulate another to your will, You can clear the path for love to come into your life, but not a particular person... At least that is *MY* belief.

Always check and double check, what you are doing is disturbing what I like to call is the "web of life" The tapestry as it were You are making changes to that... SO be sure of what you want before you do so... Okay, off my soapbox
*laugh* You all got the message to check your motives by now....

On to candle magick... Hopefully you all know how to meditate, or at least how to "center" yourselves... if not, see me after class, or maybe we will do a
#wicca 101 on meditation. You have examined your motivations... Your intentions are good... You have permission... All things seem to be ready to work a little magick This is the basic technique that I use. I will give out candle colors and oils after I explain the technique.

If you want to bring something into your life... Start a new project... Get a new job... You do your working from the New Moon to the Full Moon... If you want to get rid of something... You need to lose weight *laugh* You do your working from the full moon to the new moon Do not do magickal workings on the dark moon, that is the day before the new moon Unless you are VERY experienced
.... And you know EXACTLY what you are doing... The dark moon is not a good time for beginners... Not that it is BAD... Just not appropriate... You can do TONS of workings between the full moon and new moon, you don't need to do them on the dark moon.

Okay... You are in the right phase of the moon. You know what you want. Get yourself grounded or "centered" Take your candle in your left hand (if you are right handed) that is your receiving hand... With your right hand Put some oil on your long and middle finger this is you getting it out there hand *laugh* You are going to anoint your candle with oil... And while doing so... Project into the candle what you need... need a better job.... See yourself in the job that you desire.... Visualize very strongly as much as you can... Rub the oil into the candle... Some witches carve symbols into the candle to intensify the effect... For a new job... a dollar sign.

Once you have the candle prepared... Light it, I use a match... personal choice As the flame burns..."see" through visualization.. the energy being released so that what you desire may come to you Use one candle per working...
Once you have anointed it and prepared it... It is only good for that one working... You want to let it burn all the way out... If you have pets who might disturb it... Put it in the bathroom and shut the door As long as the candle burns, the magick is going out and bringing back to you 3-fold what you have asked for It's real simple folks... but VERY effective.

Okay, on to colors.... These are pretty basic guidelines... Please feel free to use it or not... it is what works for me.

White - All purposes.. if all else fails...use a white candle... white contains ALL colors.. and is always appropriate. White is also used for protection.. and is very effective I always have a white candle going...

Red - *laugh* My personal favorite Red, brings love, and passion to your life.
Red also is used for health and vitality, courage and protection red is associated with the element of fire... So is it very forceful... Use them cautiously *laugh* (joking)

Pink - Love, friendship, romance Pink is also used for self love

Orange - Attraction, and energy... Orange is usually used to enhance another candle for more advanced workings...

Yellow - Mental energies... confidence, communication Yellow can help with studying *laugh* good for you college students to always have one going Yellow is associated with the element of air, all mental things

Green - Money, prosperity, fertility, healing, growth If you need money or a new job... Green is the candle of choice...

Blue - peace, Healing, patience, happiness, psychic attunement blue can be used to help you relax in order to sleep Blue is associated with the element of water....

Purple - Power, healing of severe diseases, spirituality meditation, use to enhance all spiritual workings used in combination with blue candles for intense healings

Brown - Usually used for working with animals... combine with other colors

Gray - Neutrality, something you want to neutralized, not effect anything
... combined with other candles in more advanced workings

Black - Banishing negativity or absorbing negativity. Black can be used to help you get rid of something, but please use caution, be sure it is not something you may want later in your life

Those are the basic colors that you will find.... Feel free to use my list or not... As to oils... I keep it pretty simple I have a special anointing oil that is part of my tradition that I make... Can't give you the recipe though
*laugh* BUT I also use patchouli for prosperity or fertility workings...
Otherwise it is mainly frankincense or sandalwood for me... I follow the rule, keep it simple and it works better... I find sandalwood works for most anything that patchouli won't work for

Okay, that is my basic intro. to candle magick I am fixing to open it up for questions. I know you have Loads *groan* *laugh* Please ask one at a time if you can, let me answer one, you may find someone else has your same question okay?
One at a time if possible....

Dr Who-7-- Question: Is it possible to combine colors... say, a fertility working and a healing working'? (blue + green?)

jwaters-- DrWho7: Definitely! ! Be sure and do it near a new moon...

DemonHart-- jwaters: in that situation, do you burn both blue and green, or a blue-green candle?

jwaters-- DemonHart: I would burn both....

SnowFire-- Candle-making kits are available... would they be effective?

jwater-- snowfire: yes making your own candles is very effective....

eliane-- question: is it ok if you need to put out a candle.... for example, if you need to leave the house and don't want to start a fire

jwaters-- Eliane: If you have to put a candle out that is fine... but if you can, leave it burning the whole time..

SilverFox-- eliane: personally, for me. I feel that you need to work the magick when you know that you can remain with the candle. of course, I like to be there in case order to communicate with the candle.

DragonEye-- Question -When making a pentacle on the ground should you use different colors at the points or does it matter?

jwaters-- Dragoneye: I use different colors for the directions, so if I was making a pentacle for a specific working, yes I probable would do that

LaComtess-- If you have to put a candle out, should you re-light it when you can, or just leave it?

jwaters-- Lacomtess: If you put it out, I would leave it out, unless you are doing a specific working...

FireWalk-- I was wondering if it mattered what the candle is made of..
bees-wax, etc..

jwaters-- FireWalk: If you can AFFORD beeswax then by all means use it...
I burn WAY too many candles to afford it Any candle will work, once you anoint it and empower it

FireWalk-- but anything is ok then.. even dollar store candles:)

jwaters-- even the one from the 5& 10 store

iiin-- beeswax is nice to use if you are working anything with nature, such as ring of solomon

Teene-- When doing this, what direction do you face? Should the banish the room you use? Should the color of clothes you wear match the candle?

jwaters-- Teene: If it is an advanced magickal working, by all means yes..
for basic stuff no...

im-- king solomon could communicate with the critters around him, it is based on that.. it is used to bring wildlife to your yard.

elfgirl-- how important is it to bury the candle after a working?

jwaters-- elfgirl: Hmmm.. good question.. I usually let my candles go out completely...

elfgirl-- I mean... if I were to repeat the spell... could I use the same candle?

jwaters-- Elfgirl: BUT if you are through with the working, and you have candle remaining... dispose of it how you feel comfortable... if you want to bury it then do so... I don't because I let my burn out *laugh*

elfgirl-- doWt use it for a spell that could be repeated?

jwaters-- elfgirl: Nope, I would start with a new candle

Lorelei-- jwaters does it matter how big the candle is?

jwaters-- The size of the candle is not important. for basic workings...

Tanj-- Seeing as how I'm in a dorm, and unfortunately candles tend to set off the fire alarm, what type of candle would you recommend to not set off the fire alann?

jwaters-- Tanj: use the small dinner tapers, they don't produce much heat, if that is too much, use the little tiny votive candles

Tanj-- Or might it work to have alcohol lamps or something going instead of candles? I've had great results with alcohol lamps scented with lavender to relieve stress....

jwaters-- Tanj: You may not get the same effect with oil lamps, but try it and let me know okay? I have never used them.... I would like to know if they work as well

Tanj-- Ok, I'll do that.... )"at about the coloring in alcohol lamps? I was thinking perhaps soaking flower petals or something, but plain old' food coloring is cheaper...

jwaters-- tanj: If you are going to use alcohol lamps, I would experiment with food colorings, but I have not used diem, so let me know if they work okay?
I would like to know for myself as well...

Teene-- Should the direction match the element and color?

jwaters-- Teene: Yes if you are doing an elemental working.. if I am doing prosperity, I usually light the green candle in the north and leave it burning there...

VaxCat-- but a few weeks back I was very depressed about some woods that are being destroyed by development... so I took a candle (a black one) into the woods at night in the snow... grounded centered and meditated, using the candle to release my anger at the developers (because anger only hurts me not them)...
and to take in and remember and appreciate what's left of the woods.... is this appropriate? in accordance with what you were talking about etc.? and if so how so? (I did it out of gut instinct... ) (and want to understand what was going on in my head)

jwaters-- VaxCat: yes if you were releasing you anger and could express it no other way... I think so...You may want to go back and light a white candle to bless the ground and restore a balance though... just my opinion

mystarwin- gut instinct is the best most times, vax... very appropriate to do it in the woods

VaxCat-- well I wasn't expressing my anger at the developers... I was just releasing it from myself

Teene-- Can you do this with a group if all wants the same thing? And would it help if you have SEEING?

jwaters-- Teene: Definitely! A group working is much more powerful, just be sure you all are seeing the same thing...

blktigger-- groups are fine.. ever notice the candle lit processions at the major rituals of humans? i.e. graduations, weddings, etc.

jwaters-- FireEyes: You have waited forever.... your next

FireEyes-- 1. when is candle magick appropriate? I mean I'm sure don't use it for every little thing, like maybe burn a candle so supper won't turn out bad or something. 2. how important is the color of the flame ? 3. What do you do with the wax when the candle is burned away? and this last one may be a topic for another class, but: 4. why does the magick (energy) return to you threefold?

jwaters-- FE: Candle magick is only appropriate when all else fails... you don't need it for normal every day things... If you need a job.. have you gone out and looked for one?

FireEyes-- jwaters: i.e. candle magick is a last resort? ok, when you say
'all else fails', what does that include? does it include other forms of magick as well?

jwaters-- FE: If you need a job.. have you gone out and looked for one?

jwaters-- FE: I burn my candles completely out, there is no wax left... The color of the candles helps with your visualization, To *ME* it is important..

FireEyes-- jwaters: and my second question asked how important the FLAME was, not the candle.

jwaters-- FE: The flame is always the same color....

FireEyes-- jwaters: things can be added to the flame to change the color, how important is that?

jwaters-- Mold is just the way energy works, in my tradition 9-fold, a multiple of three.

LyDi4-- has anyone talked about banishing negative energies by writing your negative thought on paper over a black candle... meditating... and releasing them while letting the paper burn over the candle and putting the paper into your cauldron?

Lorelei-- I was just wondering... when I am concentrating energy on someone...
(usually for protection or healing purposes) I always light a candle... is that appropriate?

LyDi4- I assume that is candle magick as well

Brokkiere-- LyDi4: That is accepted in some forms of Satanism... as for witchcraft, I have no clue.

jwaters-- FE: That is more advanced techniques... adding things to the flames

jwaters-- FE: When you have done all else...

FireEyes-- jwaters: meaning, can't you light a candle AS you are working for something rather than after all else failed? for instance, light a green candle before sending out resumes?

jwaters-- FE: Yes you can.. the candle will help what you are working for
... use it to enhance what you are doing...

jwaters-- Lorelei: Completely appropriate... definitely! Good girl!

LyDi4-- why should the candle colors matter? I mean in reality I feel that the emotions involved just by the meditation are sufficient...

jwaters-- Lydia: The candle color matters to aid in visualization of what you desire, if you don't need it, then don't use it.. it just works for me...

LyDi4-- I can understand the symbolism that the colors induce feelings in our minds and hearts...but I don't think that colors are important in any magick...
if you will it enough... shouldn't that be enough?

lydi4; Its all personal, this is what works for Jwaters, edit and use it as you will, she's only letting you know what's worked for her

Jane-- Lydia: the candle is a focal point. the colors are "traditional".
create your own traditional colors if you like.. to associate with your own focus and emotion:-) just my viewpoint...

jwaters-- Lydia: I can only speak from my experience and what works for me, if you don't need colors.. don't use them... up to each person...

Brokkiere-- LyD: I use no colors... only black and white candles. Works for me

-Jane-- Lydia: I believe it is enough just to will it. colors are cool though

lydi4; Well, that's the thing, if that's your believes, then use all white candles... or whatever you have, for that matter, why use candles? :)

LyDi4-- Brok: it doesn't seem to matter if I use the same candle twice...
or 30 times... just a focal point and may to help me remember my affirmation/
wishes or personal meditations

blktigger-- In my group we light a large candle usually white at Samhain and we light it from a previous years white large candle then we light small candles for each member and they take this home for their use we light the large candle for every ritual and it is termed the year fire this way each member has a part of the whole kinda neat... btw, was there any particular response to the used wax question does anyone else do a year-fire sort of thing

kismet-- I wonder how to keep the visits w/ the god(dess) on a manageable level. too much power

jwaters-- Kismet: *laugh*...That is really not a candle magick question, can I talk with you about that privately

alienor-- well, here goes anyway... I know it is better to dispose of candles used in candle magick after one use, but what about candles burned in ritual for the elements/directions? Can you use these a second time?

jwaters-- Alienor: Yes you can, I use the big 7 day candles for directions in casting circles, and I reuse them over and over

jwaters; when using the candles over and over, wouldn't it be better to use fresh ones for more sensitive works, otherwise previous works could rub off?

kismet-- does it matter if I burn the whole candle or not, in?

jwaters-- Anyone else have a question before we close this down for the night?

jwaters-- Noa: I am talking about directional candles for casting circles, those I reuse...

Candle Magic Lesson, Teacher- jwaters, 1995

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