Saturday 8 January 2011

A Few Things About Candle Magick

A Few Things About Candle Magick Cover
While just looking through a form on a website I came across a post on candle magick and thought I would bring my thoughts further into here with that subject. What a lot of people really don't grasp is the fact that the very basis of of Paganism is to do what feels right to you. There are many people who are breaking away from a lot of the basic things and forming their own beliefs. Take Brittany for example, choosing to not have a book of shadows because that is what is right for her. My own version of that is candle magick. There are a few things in candle magick that I do and have always done differently. Many books will tell you to never blow out your candles. I do. I have never liked the idea of snuffing. It has never felt right to me at all. I feel as though I am suffocating fire. So at the end of my spells and / or ritual's I blow out my candles. Why do I do this you might ask? Because I feel as though when all is said and done I like to send my intentions out by blowing out the candle and putting my own energy into it. Letting my intention then be carried out onto the wind for say.

The other thing I do differently is I always reuse my candles. First off, I don't like being wasteful. Secondly, there are many things that can be programed for a specific intention and even reprogrammed if needed. One of the things I do is if I need to carve an intention into the candle itself I carve it into the top and let it burn just past it. Then blow it out and reuse it.

So as you can see I do things a little differently when it comes to candle magick. This is a subject I actually wanted to do a video on. But I am not able to at the moment so I thought I would write about it. Especially since it was one of those,"in the moment" things. I randomly got some inspiration to write about it and there you go.

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