This is from Bucklands Wicca for life (one of the first craft books i owned when I was about 13)
This ritual has been modified a bit to suit this particular need and solitaryness:P
WHITE CANDLE TO REPRESENT THE ONE WHO HAS PASSED (and i know alot of ppl who think animals dont count, which i personally say BS to them. Animals are and always will be creatures of the goddess and companions to us humans, they have their own personalities,quirks and really they are just like having a kid. they make us laugh, cry, and help us enjoy life just a lil more)
flower or herbs if you want
A bell.
If you want you can cast a circle, if you're not familiar with circles don't worry about it:).
Ring bell 9 times
say in your head or outloud:We hear the bell of remembrance, rung today for (name), who has moved on across the bridge to summerland.That (name) is not with me in body, here today, is my loss and saddens me. Yet although I am saddened, I also rejoice, for she/he has left this plane to move on towards the next lifetime. She/he has completed the lifework that has been planned and now moves forward through the light, to that which lies ahead.
light the white candle
Say:Here I send my love and my energies to help you pass across the bridge, into the light and into the arms of the Lord and Lady. May your spirit burn as brightly as does this candle flame. You have touches many hearts in your time with us and I will miss you. Blessed beI wish you all the love and happiness I can. I will always remember you with love. You are always welcome here. Do not forget us. We will meet again. Blessed be.