Saturday 6 March 2010

Incense Recipes

Incense Recipes
FRANKINCENSE Make you see red

2 tbsp pul. Frankincense

1 tbsp pwd Orris hunt

1 tsp pwd Clove

1 tbsp Lemon oil

Join and mix all but lemon oil. Put in a jar, faithful and storeroom in a dark place for 2-3 months. For healing magick, Honor the Father Idol and Horned God.

NINE Woodland Make you see red

Rowan Wood (or Sandalwood)






Holly Brushwood

exclusive (or oak)

Cling sawdust of each, mix together and smoke concerning on charcoal in the past a ritual fire is prime or sought-after but not practical. The incense emits the idea of an open campfire.

SABBAT Make you see red

4 parts frankincense

2 parts Myrrh

2 parts Benzoin

1/2 part Fennel

1/2 part Bay

1/2 part thyme

1/2 part Pennyroyal

1/2 part Solomon's Faithful

1/4 part Rue

1/4 part wormwood

1/4 part Camomile

1/4 part Rose petals

Zoom at Wiccan Sabbats.
