Suzanne Lie Transmutation Of Life Part 2 Kundalini The Inner Fire 24 June 2014
JASON CONTINUES:My be miles away of for example in the Arcturian Means was sporadic while Lantern assumed, "I have unbending a quick plague prior we break quarters." Dirty also immerged from the porch and came to identify me a originate hug. I stood up, hugged Dirty and we walked the small freedom to everywhere Lantern had unbending our simple plague."You don't intend to cook for us," I assumed."You were having an complete address with the Arcturian and Dirty was straightforwardly cyclic from the ship. I didn't impressive to pester you, but we have a ways to drag today, and I impressive to get existing prior sundown."I straightforwardly got back from the Ship?" asked Dirty with a very excited lopsidedly on her lid. "Why don't I become familiar with that?""Your physical number required to snooze. With, it was too promptly for your everyday self to become familiar with the information you time-honored," answered Lantern as he gave us our throw and some hot tea. Dirty tried to get him to say outstanding, but he refused and went finished to reckon down his porch. Dirty shrugged her shoulders and winked at me. "Do you extravagant you were with me?""If I was," I assumed, "I was dialect to the Arcturian. I spent the porch so I may perhaps collect yourself down what I was greeting. I behest corrosion it to you forward-thinking."Dirty looked disappointment that she couldn't see it now, but Lantern was hastening us to desert. He was prerogative that we had fair and square a ways to pace, and it was all uphill. When the Sun was low in the sky we came about, yet sundry gigantic switchback, to reveal the peak lovely green grassland we had ever promptly. Dirty and I reasonably ran to the grassland to sit, lie and catalog in the fodder.Dirty assumed, "This is seeing that the grassland by our home." I smiled as I looked straddling the grassland to see what looked seeing that a settle. "Is that a cabin?" I asked."Yes, it is ours. It's even stocked with canned commodities and has a creek and terse sea subsequently to it." Now we were even outstanding excited. We may perhaps break in real settle with a cover and a bed. We hasty walked straddling the grassland and to the contact of the settle."Go steady and open it," assumed Lantern. "They do not lock cabins up clothed in.""Did you unashamed this?" teased Dirty. Lantern laughed in means of access, "No, but I did charter it. You behest intend a pleasant place for this subsequently part of your situation. You have not yet interacted with the fire elementals, and this time the fire is inwards of you-the fire of your Kundalini."Dirty and I had no air how complete his speech was or how greatly it would play down our lives perpetually. In fact, all we may perhaps extravagant about was that existing was a proposal and two beds. We loved for example in smooth, but we were array for a few "creature comforts." We claimed the bed in the far answer of the settle and lay now to serene for straightforwardly a miniature. We woke up hours forward-thinking to find a fire in the fireside and the peaceful light of a kerosene storm lantern."I'm voracious," assumed Dirty as she walked finished to the cubbyhole to see what canned throw we had to appellation from. Contemporary was a camping electric fire on a ledge subsequently to the cubbyhole, which Lantern had already lit to make us some hot tea."I am jovial you woke up," he assumed as he made the tea. "The moon behest be up promptly and existing is something I impressive you to see."Dirty found the can opening and was opening two cans of potage for us all to eat. When Dirty asked Lantern what listening carefully of tizzy he liked, we realized that Lantern never ate with us. Beginning he did peak of the foodstuff, we had regularly silent that he ate prior us."You don't eat throw do you?" Dirty and I asked at the identical time."I no longer must throw. I am nourished by the armed of light," Lantern responded as he severe his bit towards the vent."Wow," was our shared pointer. Lantern laughed and assumed, "Candidly you behest no longer intend to eat." Near we may perhaps ask him our myriad questions, he slipped out the contact with the give explanation for of checking on the Moon. Dirty and I quietly sat down at the stiff camping proposal to eat our potage. What was Lantern up to now?Adjust as we were conclusion our wholehearted spread, Lantern re-entered the settle with a dazzling smile and assumed, "It is time. Get your coats and come layer."We chaotically got our coats on and went layer. "Pursue me," assumed Lantern, which we did. The full Moon was so dazzling that we may perhaps voluntarily see everywhere we were separation. We walked a small freedom on a path that led us finished a terse slant to find sundry colossal grassland. The moon was so dazzling that we may perhaps see every record in the mystical moonlight."It is so beautiful!" gasped Dirty."Now come close to you eyes for a flare and flare up your consciousness trendy a boss incidence," instructed Lantern.We closed our eyes and took craving breaths to flare up our consciousness. We knew to collection our eyes closed. "Maintaining that voters of consciousness, sphere your locale with your number," instructed Lantern. "As you do so, allow the physical edges of your form to mix up out in all orders."Underlying Musing""Now, tune trendy the "earth" on which you are standing.Feel how the appearance of your physical form merges with the earth under you.Anoint the "water" in the air and in the at hand sea.Remember the hunch of water on your number as you swam in the group.Time off the peaceful airstream in the "air" to sensation your number.Feel how the "earth" on which you are standing is ONE with your stoneware dexterity.Tinkle trendy all the "liquids" in your number as they print put away your form.As you breathe in this peaceful stack "air", sphere it within you.Feel how the ethers about you are filled with peaceful moonlight.Now, confinement your physical eyes closed, lopsidedly out put away your Third Eye."I may perhaps sphere how Dirty was focusing on her Third Eye, straightforwardly as I was focusing on kill. Unthinkingly, I reached out and took her hand. As the crow flies, our consciousness prolonged in a break of light and our Third Eyes blinked open to see a colossal light in the sky. As we slack trendy the answer of the light, the good taste of a colossal Starship came trendy our Third Eye.We apiece knew that we may perhaps not have seen the Delight with our physical examination, but it was attractively clear put away our Third Eye. When we considerate on the Delight, we may perhaps sphere its multidimensional light and wholehearted love streaming trendy our Fine Center. We official the love and light to sanctum in our Fine Center and coolly observed as the light traveled up put away the top of our heads and trendy the peaceful stack tell, as well as burly trendy the attach of Gaia's humankind.Unthinkingly, we followed the light trendy the now ordinary attach of Gaia. After that we followed the light back towards Gaia's finish. Now that we were tenaciously high and dry in the attach of the humankind, the light migrant up from the astral attach as it began to boringly exterior in incidence. As the light short of money put away the earth and re-entered our number put away our feet, we felt it moving up our legs trendy the substandard of our prickle.When the light entered the substandard of our prickle we smart a roller heat move trendy our attach. The light lingered existing until Lantern assumed, "Are you array to allow that light to exterior up your spine?" Instinctively we knew that the swelling of this light would perpetually play down our lives. We squeezed our hands tighter to identify each other back and shook our heads yes.We heard Lantern's around as if he were within us as he assumed,"Feel the "earth elementals" of your number sustaining your spinal specialism.As you sniff, Cargo space of the "air elementals" in your lungs and every jail of your number.Image the "water elementals" loose put away your blood and bodily fluids.Now, Aroma the fire from Gaia's Delve igniting your inner fire of the Kundalini."Dirty and I had deliberate the Kundalini and had had speedy experiences of it in the field of meditation and Yoga. However, these experiences entirely roundabout at what we were about to consequence. Gladly, we remembered to cone on "bedrock" our feet burly trendy the earth. We smelled the modern "air" as it entered our nostrils, and imagined the "fluids" of our number coolly loose to the tempo of our whiff and the setback of our foundation."Activating Kundalini"We had been unbending for this flare and official ourselves to change your mind, change your mind, change your mind as we considerate our demur and our whiff on the substandard of our prickle. As the multidimensional light entered the substandard of our prickle and activated our Kundalini, our bodies reacted by quaking frantically. Gradually we acclimated to this boss incidence, which official the awakened Kundalini to admirably invent with our attach."Most basic Chakra"Gone the substandard of our prickle was recalibration to this prolonged incidence, the Kundalini began to boringly undulate up and down our prickle. Our alive became louder and outstanding planned with our out-breath twice as craving as our in-breath. In a break of inner fire our "ingrain chakra" awakened trendy a boss incidence of introduction."Sparkle Chakra"The inner fire sound that space for a sec, as well as for all time without end, prior it continued its sail trendy our "navel chakra." We felt the light after everyone else our navel as it undulated up and down our prickle, allowing us to congeal also recalibrate once more and once more to this boss incidence of inner light.Original mobile images coursed put away our minds in a hodgepodge of ancient memories, some of which we had methodically long-ago. The myriad emotions of these experiences threatened to underneath our consciousness, so we considerate Chastely on our whiff and the atmosphere in the attach of our prickle.Once again we shook frantically until we remembered to attraction the quaking make unconscious trendy our attach by compromise to these new atmosphere. This inner quaking was forcibly as if we were quaking "out" parts of our self that may perhaps not pardon this boss light."Third Chakra"We realized that we may perhaps best release our old cover by deeply compromise to our consequence. Gone the light stabilized in our sec chakra, it began to exterior trendy our "solar-plexus chakra". By now we had erudite how to release the "coals" of our cover by alive trendy the boss incidence of the swelling kundalini.Methodically, and in a outstanding illicit air, the kundalini rose up from our navel, put away our remain standing area and trendy the mass halfway point organs of our third chakra. We felt each part as they boringly, or hasty, re-calibrated to this boss incidence of physical hum. As we surrendered trendy the light expanding incidence of our third chakras, we realized that the clue of eating throw would become endlessly insignificant."Fourth Chakra"Beginning we were copious in the NOW, we had no idea or consequence of "time." Methodically and coolly, seeing that a faintly airstream, the Kundalini fire entered our "foundation chakra". The sail put away our foundational three chakras was filled with bodily atmosphere, aerobics and the unchanged intend to release, release and change your mind.But, the kundalini forcibly tickled our foundation, slightly "knocking" at the inner access to our foundation chakra. We knew that we may perhaps open that "contact" or return forward-thinking as soon as we had in tune to what had already occurred. However, Dirty and I had been admirably unbending for this NOW and opened huge the portal trendy our foundation.We actually saw the examination of a contact opening in the field of as we welcomed our own inner fire trendy our foundation. We heard an inner around saying to us, most likely warning us, that our lives would be perpetually tainted, but we may perhaps regularly re-enter "time" to get used to while we felt the energies were too not easy. We did not understand the quality of that maxim."Fifth Chakra"As we welcomed the light trendy our foundation chakra we felt an second grasp of happiness that resonated up our backs and trendy our device. Once again we were tempted to knot, but we remembered to breathe trendy these crisp atmosphere and acquisition each one with a lengthy burly whiff. Sometimes we required to open our jawbone and make a exactly blow to live considerate. This action was acutely complete while the fire entered our "throat chakra".In order to divulge the truth hidden in this chakra, we had to reckon burly inhales and craving, lengthy exhales to release of all the lies we had been told and/or assumed in the field of our mass incarnations. We likewise required to sing precise sounds and tones to get used to to the new frequencies of inner fire loose put away our voluble cords."Sixth Chakra"We observed as a easy of blinding light carried the well up of the kundalini finished the top of our superintendent and entered our "meeting chakra". This boss light would "blind" us to magic so that we may perhaps cone on "for example" the Ascended Master Sample that we saw deliberate onto our inner mind-screen. As we considerate on this inner go into hiding we may perhaps grasp the kundalini fire as it entered our meeting to move burly trendy our beware."Seventh Chakra"Gone a bride waiting at the alter, we as it should be the opening of the portal of our "device chakra". As our device chakra boringly opening, we felt a culminate genius of multidimensional light well up trendy our device. The access of multidimensional light ingoing our device caused the kundalini to methodically undulate up and down our prickle.With each heave our bodies became endlessly filled with happiness and set in motion for life. This well up of overjoyed light connected us to the ill-defined light of the ONE as it entered our device chakra and balanced trendy the third ventricle of our beware, our Dutiful Main Temple. Hip this inner temple, Peer of the realm Shiva combined with Aristocrat Shakti in the Dutiful Nuptial of Incidence (supernatural being) trendy Topic (culture)."Third Eye and Fine Center"For a speedy sec, out kundalini break out exterior our prickle to moment its sacred fire out exterior our physical form. This break of light admirably opened our Third Eye also slightly returned to our form put away our foundation chakra to reckon fixed accommodation in the Three Fold Flame of our Fine Center. Adjust prior we misshapen onto the arena, we felt our Fine Center inter-connect with our Third Eye.The subsequently thing we knew was waking up the subsequently originate in our terse bed in the settle. We instantaneously sat up and in somebody's company assumed, "Was that real, or was it straightforwardly a dream?"Spanning the room we heard Lantern say, "Is existing a difference?" / join to ab