The wick is the quintessence of the candle. Quintessence is the vertical reflection of Essence into matter and is at the center of every material thing. Although quintessence is a material principle because it is a perfect reflection of the Spirit to become one with the quintessence is in effect to become one with the Spirit. When the candle burns while air is flowing directly into the flame the wax is flowing into it indirectly by means of the wick. The lower action reflects the higher.
Melting candles that drip, can produce patterns from the dripping that can have meaning for the person near the candle.
Candle burning is one of most simple forms of magick. It can be performed most anywhere and candles are really easy to purchase. The basic principles are to concentrate, visualize and focusing (willpower) on the candle as a symbol.
Candle magick can be used for overcoming bad habits, attracting things, settling disturbing atmospheres, protection, regaining health, developing psychic powers, etc.
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