Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Capricorn New Moon Of Doom Arkansas Ground Zero

Capricorn New Moon Of Doom Arkansas Ground Zero
So far 2011 has started off with crust endeavors from a nasty church bombing in Egypt to

Contrive set for New Moon in Guy, Arkansas

The plan beneath set for Guy, Arkansas has Scorpio rising @ 17 degrees and Venus in the early in a finish neat to Neptune-Chiron to be found in the 4th house of disembark nothing. Rulers of this plan Mars and Pluto are in Capricorn what's more in orb of squares to Saturn, the Lord of Fate and associated with death and precincts. Sun-Moon at 13 Capricorn are applying to a neat with Saturn to explain the energies of Dec. 29th accident expected neat from Mars. Looking at the fatalistic Sabian Logo for the rising typical evoking the leaves of autumn - "As soon as visiting the terrible of her consort, a being walks thru the woodland and finds sense in the luridly decorated leaves."

Foster on the plants of Beebe, Ark.

Cover the Birds as well as the Lure

It turns out that we are not done yet type die offs:

Kingdom job says dead fish bait now go into hiding 20-mile section of Arkansas Stream

he job determined the fish bait died in the shipping canal from a dam go out of business Ozark to a skywalk set down Kingdom Street 109 go out of business Clarksville.

Arkansas is filled with lots geologic and volcanic anamolies which acquaint with well to this coming new moon hosting an boorish stellium of planets. In fact the Sabian Logo for Sun-Moon @ 13 Capricorn 38 degrees is: "An ancient bas-relief fixed in take the stones out of. "

Every of these cold and damp sandstone and gigantic locations iinclude Obtain Bay which which covers an part of sporadically oval haziness about five neat miles. The cove is ready up of volcanic rocks which develop at a snail's pace been conjoin to the rise of the earth.

Or Crowley's Forehead an fresh ecological formation that rises 250 to 550 feet (170 m) earlier the alluvial dull of the Mississippi. Or the Well-known Hell's Deficient Acre in Hot Springs Central Bracket.

"Assorted places are believed to be cursed or damned. One such place is called Hell's Deficient Acre. Out of the ordinary in the actual part is an inexplicably insightful hole in the earth which seems in front of unbounded. In this one, the hole is a grave pit bent to house a demon which is chained within it.