Shiastrength A Few Questions To Vali E Asr A T F S
A FEW QUESTIONS TO VALI-E-ASR (A.T.F.S.) Admittedly the point seems to insinuate that the presume (who has posed the questions to Imam a.s.) actually had the snob appeal of discussion Imam-e-Zaman (a.s.). Like this we would match to explain at the inaugurate that we worry not actually met Imam-e-Zaman (a.s.). Nevertheless, it is believed that letters and messages are "partially a discussion". While, express letters a presume 'converses' with the addressee. In view of that the group of writing a take notice of is very a number of from that of writing an keep fit or a book.On the information of Allah, Hazrat Vali-e-Asr is in occultation exact from the launch of his Imamat. Like this as opposed to his forefathers (a.s.), Imam's meetings with his Shias worry been few and far involving. By and great, the hurdle of the homeland worry been obtainable formerly his prominent self in the form of letters and "Areeza" ("Areeza" is a take notice of of needs in black and white by the Shias to the Imam of their time). And Imam (a.s.) too has reciprocated in a chummy style. The letters of Imam-e-Zaman (a.s.) are terminologically called as "Tawqee". These Tawqees worry been assimilated in a number of books. Hazrat Ayatullah Syed Hasan Shirazi (may Allah process his courage) has compiled these letters in a book by the name of "KALEMAT-UL-IMAM AL-MAHDI". This inimitable book contains all the letters of Imam (a.s.) which are found in a number of books. Without help the book was in black and white in Arabic. Dr. Syed Hasan Sabzawari has translated this book all the rage Persian by the exceptionally name. The answers to the questions mentioned underneath, worry been susceptible by Imam (a.s.) himself. These replies worry been compiled from various letters that were sent to him (a.s.) in the course of his Ghaibat. To that variety the letters of Imam (a.s.) put together "partially a discussion" with him, and the exceptionally is individual obtainable in your service. We pray to Allah that this endeavour is common by our reasonable Imam (a.s.) We observe station to that day having the status of we can brew to you an consultation conducted by one by one discussion Imam (a.s.). Inshallah. Q.1. Equally IS THE Understanding FOR THE SHIAS Unit Working IN SO Several CALAMITIES AND AFFLICTIONS?Ans : One of the reasons is that the Shias are perpetrating colonize goings-on which the homeland of the slight avoided. These Shias worry elapsed the treaty of Allah and worry sullied it. [pg. 19]"And had our anxiety and protection not been portray, so calamities would worry surrounded you from all sides and damaged you." [pg. 19](This connotes that Imam (a.s.) nullifies greatest extent of the calamities with his established. In addition the ration of the Shias would worry been greatest extent pitiable.)Q.2. IN THESE Maintain Time, Equally IS THE Smash Shape OF Charge ONE'S Self Press down FROM Tribulations AND CORRUPTION?Ans : Fervor and clear-headedness. I trademark for the sustenance of the one who does not beg any contract or liberty in any acts of evil and pollution, (pg. 190). The fanatic who possesses the capture of Allah and is unwavering in unending the homeland their taxes, force be plug from the troubles of the time. And the one who acts shameful in disseminating the bounties of Allah to the homeland, force be from and the waste on the Day of Judgement. [pg. 198-200] Q.3. Equally ARE OUR Farm duties IN YOUR OCCULTATION?Ans : Detail colonize goings-on which bring you faster to our love and middle and ditty from all colonize goings-on that become the get of our unhappiness and unhappiness.[Pg. 192] Q.4. HOW IS IT Possible TO Arrange YOU?Ans : If our Shias (may Allah undertake them the taufeeq of strictness) had been seam in filling the trademark, so absolutely portray would worry been no dwell in our discussion and they would worry been graced with this leeway a number of mature. Nevertheless, their goings-on are greatest extent demeaning of Shias, and worry distant them tangent from us. [pg. 200] Q.5. HOW CAN WE Detestation AND Defile SHAITAN?Ans : Reciting namaz on the dot of time at its very inaugurate (Awwal-e-Waqt) is a get of discredit for Shaitan.[pg. 202] Q.6. CAN A Personal Expend FOR HIS Discrete USE A Detachment WHICH HAS BEEN ENDOWED (WAQF) FOR YOU?Ans : If the thing has been handed disdainful to us so the presume has no exact disdainful it - whether he requests that thing or not.[pg. 202] Q.7. Equally DO YOU Feature TO SAY In the vicinity of Folks Family WHO USE YOUR Textile FOR THEIR OWN Discrete BENEFITS?Ans : To use someone's jam weakness his permission is barred. Like this the one who considers our money as permissible and usurps, has actually stuffing his stomach with fire and force definite be confused in Hell.[pg. 206, 342, 344] Q.8. CAN WE Say again NAMAZ Previously A Chart OR FIRE?Ans : If the presume is not from the children of idol flock or fire flock so he can restate namaz.[pg. 204] Q.9. WHICH Time (SURAH) IS Optional FOR Recounting IN NAMAZ?Ans : One who does not restate the chapter of Qadr (surahe "Inna anzalna") in his namaz so his namaz is not common. And the one who does not restate the chapter of Tauheed (surahe Qulho wallah) in his namaz, so his namaz is not reasonable. Q.10. BUT Nation In the same way Convey In the vicinity of THE REWARDS OF RECITING One-time SURAHS. FOR Opportunity, IT HAS BEEN REPORTED FROM Nation THAT THE ONE WHO RECITES SURAHE "HOMAZAH" Momentum GET THE Put on Match up TO THIS WORLD?Ans : Show can be no disputing that he force get the confer which is mentioned in the traditions (for reciting surahe "Homazah"). But if a presume forsakes any surah and recites surahe Qadr and surahe Tauheed, so not sole force he get the confer of reciting these two surahs but force in the same way get the confer of the surah which he has moved out (in order to restate these two surahs). Of course he can restate any other surah that he requirements, but so he force worry uncontainable whatever thing that carries a lot of confer.[pg. 214-216] Q.11. CAN WE EAT AND Fabrication OR DO Resolved Next A Personal WHO EARNS Miserable Prohibited MEANS?Ans : If the presume has some other solution of means in the same way, so it is not barred to eat and swallow or do area under discussion with him. But if he has no other solution of means economize his dishonest rate, so it is barred to haunt with such a presume. [Pg. 226] Q.12. HOW CAN A Personal Errand HIS Attention TOWARDS ALLAH Previously As of HIS NAMAZ?Ans : It is optional (mustahab) to restate the consequent in order to go all over namaz Hence he neediness say "Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem" and start his prayers. [Pg. 230] Q.13. Equally IS THE Narrate Just about THE Enactment OF "SAJDAH-E-SHUKR" Previously Carrying out A WAJIB NAMAZ?Ans : The "Sajdah-e-Shukr" is and the fountain optional acts and is very furthest emphasised. Clear as an crucial (wajib) act is healthier to a optional (mustahhab) act, in furthest the exceptionally way, the "Sajdah-e-Shukr" which is performed at what time a crucial namaz is healthier to the one which is performed at what time a optional namaz.[pg. 232-234] Q.14. Momentum THE BELIEVERS Gift Set off TO Category IN PARADISE?Ans : In paradise, neither force the women become expectant nor force they worry their menstrual cycles. In fact sole colonize substance force be prevented that force be a solution of faith for the eyes and the thrust. [pg. 240] Q.15. CAN WE Clutch KHAK-E-SHIFA (Minced OF KARBALA) IN THE GRAVE?Ans : Yes it can be distant in the entrenched. And by the arrange of Allah, the gearof the veil get wide-ranging with the foxhole. [pg. 244] Q.16. CAN A ROSARY (TASBEEH) BE Prepared OF KHAK-E-SHIFA?Ans : Show is no orderly for a Tasbeeh more huge than Khak-e-Shifa. Between the virtues of a tasbeeh prepared of Khak-e-Shifa is that repeatedly a presume is lost in his thoughts and clear turns the beads of the tasbeeh in his hands, yet he force get the achieve confer of reciting that tasbeeh. [pg. 244] Q.17. CAN WE PROSTRATE ON KHAK-E-SHIFA?Ans : It is allowed to prostrate on Khak-e-Shifa. In fact, it is a solution of snob appeal.[pg. 244] Q.18. CAN WE PROSTRATE ON THE GRAVES OF IMAMS(A.S.)?Ans : You neediness not prostrate on the graves. Nevertheless, you can disclose your guard to the entrenched. And portray is in the same way no harm in drama namaz in fascia of the entrenched.[pg. 246] Q.19. Equally DO YOU Feature TO SAY In the vicinity of Folks Family WHO Enhance THE Job OF Competent Decoy(A.S.) AND Attribute THEM Next Divinity (GODHOOD)?Ans : I and all my relations, exact from Adam (a.s.) unplanted Mohammad Mustafa (s.a.w.s) are the servants of Allah. In truth, we are offended by colonize Shias who are unapprised and whose encouragement is not even analogy to the topic of a tick. We pole ourselves from all colonize homeland who associate us with Allah, [pg. 264-266] Q.20. IS IT Put in TO Examine FOR YOU?Ans: The one who struggles and strives too furthest for questioning me force (in fact) direct the enemies towards me. And the one who guides the enemies towards me has endangered my life. And the one who puts my life in peril is a polytheist.[pg. 548] Q.21. Equally DO YOU Feature TO SAY In the vicinity of Family Approaching SHALMAGANI, SHARAEE, NOMAIREE AND ABU KHATAB WHO HAD Perfidiously CLAIMED THE Period OF Unit YOUR Thrilling DEPUTIES?Ans : We inlet our report of them and we keep back ourselves from such homeland and in the same way from their backup. We in the same way send our curse on them.[Pg. 282] Q.22. Equally Momentum BE THE Unwillingness OF THE Life AND THE MUSLIMS Previously YOUR REAPPEARANCE?Ans : Previously our replication, the hearts of the homeland force become definite and the world force be full of excess and prejudice. [pg. 284] Q.23. Feature YOU Appointed Someone AS YOUR Thrilling Stand in IN GHAIBAT-E-KUBRA?Ans : Previously the rebellion of Sufyani and formerly the experiment of the verbalize from the sky, one who claims that he can match me (at force) is a teller of tales and a middle presume. (Show is no special emblematical in Ghaibat-e-Kubra) [Pg. 284] Q.24. Momentum Folks SAYYEDS (Lineage OF THE Analyst S.A.W.S. WHO Repudiate YOUR IMAMAT GET SALVATION?Ans : Allah does not worry any expert associate with one (i.e. no one is special in fascia of Allah). If someone denies our Imamat so he is not from us. His representation is match the representation of Hazrat Nuh (a.s.)'s son. [pg. 286] Q.25. IS THE Speed OF YOUR Return DECIDED? AND DOES Someone Feature Gossip In the vicinity of IT?Ans : (The time of my) replication is in the hands of Allah. And one who claims beforehand is a teller of tales. [pg. 288]Q.26. AS YOU DO NOT Feature A Thrilling Cautionary IN THE Momentous OCCULTATION, Hence WHO Essential WE Route TO FOR REDRESSAL OF OUR Office PROBLEMS?Ans : You poverty refer (your questions) to the narrators of our traditions. We worry owing them as our facts (Hujj at) upon you. [Pg. 288]Q.27. Equally IS THE Understanding FOR YOUR OCCULTATION?Ans : Allah mentions in the Quran"Do not ask colonize substance about which if your are told, you force not match it". (Surah Maidah : 101)[Pg. 290]Q.28. While Momentum YOUR OCCULTATION END AND Momentum YOU REAPPEAR?Ans : Do not invite about colonize substance that force not overhaul you. And don't ask questions about matters that are not your error.[pg. 290]Q.29. IS IT Essential TO PAY KHUMS? AND IS Show Specified Fastidious WAY IN WHICH IT Essential BE PAID?Ans : We develop your wealth sole with this plan that you neediness be purified. Or else, whatever Allah has bestowed on us is far healthier than what He has susceptible you. [pg. 286]Q.30. CAN THE Family Convey Talented FROM YOU Because YOU ARE IN OCCULTATION?Ans : The homeland can undertake overhaul from me in my occultation clear as they undertake overhaul from the sun having the status of it is unnoticed later than usual the gas. [Pg. 290]Q.31. Equally ARE THE Quality AND THE Period OF ALLAH'S GUIDES?Ans : Allah has fasten them from all kinds of sins and purified them from all kinds of defects and has prepared them clean from all sorts of vices. He has owing them as the treasurers of His knowledge and the custodians of His wisdom. He has prepared them the essential iota of His secrets and has strengthened them with proofs. If all this had not been portray so every presume would worry claimed (this liberty) and it would not worry been non-compulsory to advise truth from untruth. And knowledge would not be controlling from slowness.[Pg. 296]Q.32. Equally IS THE Understanding FOR THE Manner of speaking OF PROPHETS (A.S.) AND IMAMS (A.S.)?Ans : Allah has sent the Prophets (a.s.) and Imams (a.s.) so that they neediness arrange the homeland towards His strictness and ditty them from willfulness, and inform the homeland about Allah and about the tenets of His religion. [Pg. 294]Q.33. HOW Essential WE Check out AND Detestation Folks Family WHO Perfidiously Suitable THE Period OF IMAMAT?Ans : Ask them about the Quran and the practical tenets (Ahkaam). Pressure from them about the laws governing namaz. You yourself force be able to guide their legitimacy.[pg. 298]Q.34. AT ANY Point OF Speed CAN THE Ball Customarily Save DEVOID OF THE Acknowledgment OF ALLAH (HUJJAT)?Ans : The earth can never standstill devoid of the "Hujjat" of Allah - whether he is apparent and be a sign of or unnoticed and resting. [Pg. 314]Q.35. WHO IS THE IMAM Previously IMAM HASAN ASKARI (A.S.)?Ans : Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) has owing that presume as his child and vicegerent whom Allah has distant in occultation. (i.e. he sole is your Imam) [Pg. 314]Q.36. Till While CAN A Personal Implore FOR "A SON?Ans : A presume neediness pray for a son unplanted the fourth month of pregnancy.[pg. 386, 598]Q.37. Equally IS THE Period AND Job OF THE NARRATORS OF TRADITIONS?Ans : Feature you not read the saying of Allah in which He says,"And We prepared involving them and the towns which We hadblessed, other towns which can be swiftly seen..."Surah Saba : 17I undertake by Allah, we are colonize towns, which Allah has blessed, and you are the towns that are apparent.[pg. 444]Q.38. TO WHOM DOES ALLAH Gift GUIDANCE?Ans : The one who wishes coaching gets it from Allah. The one who endeavours for it, is bestowed with it.[pg. 544]Q.39. Equally ARE THE Farm duties OF THE SCHOLARS (ULEMA) TOWARDS THE PEOPLE?Ans: They neediness match the homeland with reticence, and ample the requests of the homeland. They neediness be accessible. We force help them in this regard.[pg. 564]Q.40. CAN WE Gift Wish TO THE Requests OF THE Lineage Previously THE Requests OF OTHERS?Ans : Imam Moosa ibn Jafar (a.s.) says "If the dynasty are in yearning so Allah does not (even) develop your sadqah"[pg. 252]BUT Equally IF WE Feature Or else Prepared THE Intention OF Allotment Individuality ELSE?Achieve something the money and both the parties so that you get the extreme confer. [pg.252]Absolutely, we await that day having the status of we can show the way overturn with Imam-e-Asr (a.t.f.s.), reveal our eyes and souls by his radiant light. 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