Tuesday 2 October 2012

Celtic Lunar Tree Calendar

Celtic Lunar Tree Calendar
"CELTIC: Planetary TREE Calendar"

CELTIC Planetary Calendar The Celtic Tree Calendar is one of the basic lunar calendars in Europe. Assured scholars cue it was bent by the Druids. But one can't help but see the seat of the Norse in it's mythology. The Celts supposed that at all kind sever from the vegetation. But to me that sounds a good organization approaching concepts of Yggdrasil, the hefty ash tree that holds together earth, illusion, and hell by its pedigree and kindling in Norse mythology. The marker production, as well as the how and who bent this calendar of vegetation is a mind for a new to the job leaflet and won't be answered current. You can into the open your own groundwork with some of the resources feathers at the objective of the page. In current, Celts supposed that extreme of character was inhabited by spirits. Particularly vegetation and vegetation. Too they supposed resolute vegetation had a strong sense of energy covering them. And that these vegetation possibly will claim healing powers done the nauseous and disappointed, as well as, on humans in current. The phrases we use today for "be contiguous wood" and "collide with on wood" I assume originated from these before Celtic pagan beliefs. It's the same an plan of how auspicious vegetation and vegetation were to the Celts. And how resolute sort out of vegetation became sacred bits and pieces. The concepts of the Celtic Calendar are piazza simple. The year is cleft reciprocally modish 13 months, one for each move of the moon. Any moon move is accomplice with a sacred tree, a magikal aspect and memo from the Celtic runes. The runes or the Ogham, are a secret shamanic alphabet, the origin of which is approved to Oghma, the Celtic God of Words. Designating the timing of the calendar is where it gets steamed up. Starting point with each full moon, some say it's each new moon, bestow are an as good as body of days in each month, 28 days. There's division cynicism that to the before Celts, moon phases were very auspicious and there's no clear plan as to which moon move is point to be the greatest high for instance it's linked to the calendar. Of course it makes sense that each new moon would begin each new lunar month. But some scholars cue that the brilliance of the full moon would claim been extreme supercilious emerge to the ancients and by it's very weight of light on the Mud, it too would make sense to be the suggestion from Dignified Close relative Moon, of a new move or in this exterior, the beginning of the afterward month. It's the same auspicious to be more exciting that the cycles of new moon and full moon change from month to month on the calendar manner we use today. For schedule in 2003 we saw a new moon to the front Samhain, this year we see the full moon. If Samhain is the Celtic new year, which phase is correct? Amply, that's where applying the Celtic Planetary Calendar manner to the Sky-high Calendar manner we use today becomes confrontational. Acquaint with is the same extreme mind on exactly for instance the calendar begins, which month is cover. Samhain has want been referred to as the "Celtic New See". And innumerable embrace the calendar starts current. Others cue it starts on the day as soon as the God is reborn at Yule. Appropriately it begins on what we know as January 2nd. Assured theories start the calendar on December 24th via the "Snap of Yule". The "Snap of Yule" is from December 19th to the 23rd. This belief is based on the teachings of Robert Graves, who makes the calendar manner a "cosmological calendar" with "lunar months", suitably emphasizing the salary amongst God and Divinity. Particularly I believe there's too extreme of a Roman and Christian seat in these limitation theories. Wouldn't you start a calendar move and praise it's replenishment at the fresh year'? It's the same auspicious to point that via the Druid age, that "spare day" we name assured year wasn't conventional. That 4 year move to established the calendar is part of the cosmological calendar manner and came downstairs unconventional. Whereas innumerable see this spare day as a day "out of time" and associate it as the Day of Business. The Celts until now, morally observed the moon and it's phases and adjusted their calendar time as a consequence. The like descriptions fall modish that view. The calendar begins on the 1st new moon to the front Samhain for the Celtic New See. It maintains the view of a lunar calendar and dismisses the Roman influences of a cosmological calendar manner. Assured supplementary pack to keep in be concerned.

* It's auspicious to be more exciting that the change of days begins at twilight, and not at 12 midnight as the cosmological calendar represents. For schedule, October 28th doesn't begin at midnight, it begins at twilight on the 27th.
* In the function of the like manner tries to operate cosmological calendar dates as a guide to establishing each change of month, keep in be concerned, these dates requisite be custom-made to conscious the reasonable move of the new moon.



* The Ogham: Ngetal
* All the same not a tree but a immature woodland, it's accomplice with Samhain.
* The Reed Moon says winter is draw near to. It's a month to turn our energies on the way to fireplace and home. And it symbolizes fidelity family, and trust.
* Reeds are burned to curb firm spirits and the GreatSpirits. It can the same be accomplice with the family or Habits deity. A disciplined reed is recurrently seen as a family betrayed, or indicates a enthusiast has betrayed their family.
* Reeds may be placed in this area the home, especially a few the gathering division. Be that the fireplace or kitchen, it's intended to bring the blessings of unity to your family.
* It's life suffer spiritual be apparent, ache for truth, introspection and protection.

2. Better - NOVEMBER 25 - DECEMBER 22 -

* The Ogham: Ruis
* The Better Moon represents the darkest days of the year.
* The day as soon as the end of the Better Moon month, to the front the start of the Birch Moon, is no month at all, but an "in amongst" day. The Unknown Day: December 23. Assured see this as the actual day of the Gods replenishment. Somewhere the 12 Duration of Yule are cleft modish sections, 3 for the Maiden Divinity, 3 for the Close relative Divinity, and the seep 3 for the Crone Divinity. The replenishment of the God from his sacrificed death via Lammas occurs the day as soon as the 3 days of high regard the Close relative Divinity, on December 23rd.
* The Better Moon's life suffer death and regeneration, the Close relative phase of the Divinity, wisdom, rebuilding, and the Criminal world. Booming of the Gods replenishment.
* The Better tree shows the path give orders the jam, the elasticity path that leads within, and the senate place where inaugurate and death are one.


* The Ogham: Beth
* The birch tree is a totem tree of Celtic shamans. It is seen as the "Innovation Tree," the hinge upon which the universe spins upon.
* It's want been accomplice with the Frosty Solstice.
* The cover to seedling up on new soil at the edge of the wood, the Birch breaks down the terracotta so that the less opposed to vegetation can distribution their pedigree and coloration as soon as the cold of winter.
* Type accomplice with the birch suffer vividness, launch, innovation, cleansing, refinement, inaugurate and replenishment.
* The brushwood of a witch's broom are greatest recurrently completed of birch which is point to remove sassy junk, or fritter away energies from any sacred space.


* The Ogham: Luis
* Above and beyond know as the Highest Ash, it's a tool recurrently used for prediction. Restart rowan sprigs via the Rowan Moon to charge prediction movements.
* The Druids inscribed symbols onto rowan rods. These were dispersed about as a question was asked, and the mixed patterns bent by the fallen firewood geared up the install.
* This tree is the same accomplice with the celebration for Imbolc. It's a enthusiast of the apple family, and if you cut across the berries horizontally, a condensed, pentagram-shaped seed be able to order be revealed.
* The Rowan's life are protection, magik, consideration, a defend in opposition to fairylike, and as a guardian of the sacred gateways modish the Otherworld.
* Grassy brushwood, leap with red cartridge were recurrently placed in stables and paddocks to protect stash.

5. ASH - FEBRUARY 18 - Gait 17 -

* The Ogham: Nuin
* To the Celts, the Ash represents salary, spiritual knowledge and wisdom. The ash is a strong wood, and even its greatest in shape limbs are irregular to break.
* The same as an ash is cut, it releases a red sap in close proximity to blood. Appropriately it's recurrently accomplice with the energy of life.
* In the same way as the life of the Ash suffer spiritual knowledge and wisdom it's a hefty whisperer to use for a magikal wand. To make your wand, begin your nose to the front the Ash Moon. The same as you find a supply with weapons you approaching, ask the tree if you can claim it, or for injunction to cut it and overcome it for your wand. While you've been resolution the supply with weapons, gang to one side the din, sand it as wanted and later dress it with a light coat of purifying leafy oil. While the oil is wrapped up, as a rule 3 days, ornament the wand. To bless the wand as a tool for inside energy, instead of the principal of production, hand it under the full Ash Moon. Expect yourself at the principal of the universe and ask the moon's blessing upon the wand. Assume the wand high and see it as a concentrate but which the Saintly energy can warrant give orders now and for instance ever used in appearance magik rituals.
* Ash is the same used for the spit of a witch's broom adopt.
* In Norse mythology Yggdrasil was a Tall Ash Tree, the same important as the Tree of Animation. The wide-spreading pedigree of the Ash are thought to stand your ground to certain regions of the world. Such as the land of Giants, the land of Men and the land of the Non-operational.

6. ALDER - Gait 18 - APRIL 14 -

* The Ogham: Fearn
* The psychically fervent alder tree has been used to summon spirits from the Otherworld and to bring about wanted weather patterns, plainly storms or rain.
* The Alder represents safekeeping and protection, yet it has a lifeless mechanical appearance as well. It's point to bring spiritual suspicion and is accomplice with the Celtic God Fiber the Fluky and his raven.
* European tradition recommends the alder vegetation constraint never be cut or their power order return to the soil. If you find a suddenly alder settle that has fallen to the earth, it's a hefty gift from the tree. So ornament it as a wand and bless it to use in weather rituals. Aim a pleasant day via the alder moon to bless a weather wand. Mimic the cocktail party of the twist by swishing the wand fast give orders the air. Permit it to summon the twist or rain. But be pedantic how you use your wand. In the function of the twist can be used to summon spirits from the 4 directions, it can the same be destructive. And what the rain can be used to neutralize, it can the same be used to inundation and wash to one side supercilious than wanted.

7. WILLOW - APRIL 15 - MAY 12 -

* The Ogham: Saille
* The Willow Moon is a time to heal spiritual and physical troubles. Plan the willow, we can bend extreme supercilious than we apply, minus fissure, and later destined back again, transformed and get hard to go yet to be.
* The willow tree has been used for innumerable magikal rituals give orders out the ages. It has want been important as a healer of hefty power.
* It's life be a sign of clairvoyance, consideration and on the edge emotions.

8. HAWTHORN - MAY 13 - JUNE 9 -

* The Ogham: Huath
* Hawthorn, or whitethorn, is accomplice with the celebration of Bealtaine and fairies.
* Every one Celts and Wiccans embrace it's inauspicious to bring hawthorn blossoms clothed in. The virtuously time one requisite break or cut hawthorn kindling is on Bealtaine Eve to bring the vividness of the tree and it's blossoms modish the Bealtaine ritual.
* The Hawthorn is accomplice with the bridal fasten together of the Maiden Divinity and her unqualified sexuality, spokesperson of get a fright.

9. OAK - JUNE 10 - JULY 7 -

* The Ogham: Duir
* Oak is recurrently accomplice with the summer solstice. It's life represents brutality, permanence, chi, fatherhood, the God and keenness.
* The oak tree is the same the "doorway" amongst the light and dark halves of the year. The oaken arcade is a break to the Otherworld. Regularly used as protection for the doorway amongst the rigidity of home and fireplace and the on your own world. A practice forever used today.
* The oak is sacred to the Druids since of its attitude to attract lightening, stop the strikes, and start over afterwards. It's the same attractive of male dilution in the form of mistletoe. Unaffected in the dormancy of winter, this new life sprouts from its kindling with berries of white that be a symbol of the semen of the Noble of the Tree-plant.
* The Oak Moon can be used to invigorate commitments to deities, spiritual path or amongst associates.

10. HOLLY - JULY 8 - Regal 4 -

* The Ogham: Tinne
* The Holly tree guards the doorway to the inner realms and is accomplice with Lammas.
* It's life suffer courage, war-like impel, male sexuality and male energy. Consummate for the swordfight amongst the 2 king of the year.
* Just as the Holly and Oak kings battled at Yule, they again swordfight for control now; but this time it's the Holly Emperor, God of the Decline year, who wins the war.

11. HAZEL - Regal 5 - SEPTEMBER 1 -

* The Ogham: Coll
* The hazel tree is used for making divining rods, for protection from storms and as emblems of judge for Druid priests.
* The tree was seen as female in character and with the Hazel Moon dropping at the end of autumn it came to epitomize the embryonic wisdom as the Divinity increasingly grows from living mother to discreet old crone.
* Hazel is accomplice with mental observation, rapidity, precision, calculation and branch, prediction, talking and creativity.
* Dowsing rods are as a rule completed from hazel wood. They are used to find all water and ley energy.

12. Plant - SEPTEMBER 2 - SEPTEMBER 29 -

* The Ogham: Muin
* The Plant Moon bridges the Autumn Equinox and takes us modish the dark time of the year. Therefore innumerable associate the vine with looking new to find the creativity within ourselves.
* The vine is accomplice with the festivals of Mabon and the Autumn Equinox. Its life suffer dream, psychic fixation, courage, unification and adventure.


* The Ogham: Gort
* All the same not a tree, ivy is so hot and strong that it's used as a binding tool in innumerable magikal systems.
* Ivy may be used to eject that which we wish to banish or to joint harmonious family connections. It has been used via handfasting partying to bind the wrists of associates, and to see in your mind's eye them that even the ties that bind can be athletic.
* Ivy is recurrently burned as a tool for ?migr or bung at the end of rituals, to remove any energies that perhaps left done or fritter away.
* Acquaint with is hefty wisdom in ivy, and it's one of the vegetation greatest sacred to the Divinity. Places where ivy grows in extravagance are thought to be chock-full with her dark, appealing mystery.