Monday 1 October 2012

Christianity Was An Epidemic Rather Than A Religion It Appealed To Fear Hysteria And Ignorance It Spread Across The Western World Not Because It Was True

~ Colin Wilson ~

Church in Morpeth NSW

I think the reasons why a majority of people dislike Christianity or any other fundamentalist religions are rather strange and a long way from the truth and the reality of why they perhaps should harbour this outlook of the churches. I find the rants that people have rather hilarious.

I am also against church based religion, not because I am a bad person. I dislike the lies told by churches! I abhor the fact that this farces is still being carried out in this day and age. A left over craze started by Emperor Constantine to control the people and make himself some money while he was at it.

Constantine gave Eusebius charge to pull together the Bible from some specially picked wisdom books held at Alexandria in 325AD. He did this to control the population because they were all getting too hard to rule and so fear was used to control. The wisdom schools were burned to the ground and vast amounts of ancient wisdom went up in smoke,

Images @ Eminpee Fotography
