Llewellyn Secretly Anti Pagan Golden Dawn Witch Hunt Revealed
It shocking news this week, Llewellyn author, Donald Michael Kraig, has been using the Llewellyn blog to spread misrepresentations defaming the Pagan-led Rosicruican Order of Alpha Omega. It is highly significant that the Alpha Omega is the only Golden Dawn order that teaches Pagan mysteries in addition to Golden Dawn. This is why our order uses the Greek letters Alpha and Omega as one of its primary symbols.While not mentioning our order by name, Donald Michael Kraig nonetheless makes it clear who he referring to (DEFAMATION "PER QUOD"). Subsequently, Llewellyn has censored all attempts to post any refutation whatsoever in the same venue. Over the past year Llewellyn has also failed to reply to emails protesting anti-Pagan defamation from Kraig on the Llewellyn blog. This is all the more shocking, considering that Kraig and Llewellyn each wield substantial influence in the Pagan community, and thus are held to a higher standard of conduct.Why is this bizarre behavior happening? It is only understandable in the context of the 20 year Witch Hunt against the pro-Pagan Alpha Omega by agents of the "CHRISTIANS ONLY" SRIA and the anti-Pagan OR+C. The AO has struggled tirelessly to preserve the rights of Pagans, Jews, Muslims, and Thelemites to Golden Dawn initiation, while the SRIA and OR+C secretly seized control of one Golden Dawn order after the other.DONALD MICHAEL KRAIGIn other breaking news, Donald Michael Kraig has been outed as belonging to a Golden Dawn order led by two founders and Grand Officers of the rabidly anti-Pagan "ORDER OF THE ROSE AND CROSS." These individuals are also high ranking members of SRIA. One even Supreme Maga of SRIA America! Shockingly, these anti-Pagan group leaders are not only Kraig's friends and GD bosses, but they are Llewellyn authors as well!This can be easily verified on Internet Archive of the original website of the segregationist "ORDER OF THE ROSE AND CROSS" HERE. Their extremely hate filled, anti-Pagan "MANIFESTO" has been "COVERED UP", but can still be seen HERE. Once the OR+C scandal broke, it rocked the Golden Dawn and esoteric community. The OR+C therefore attempted a cover-up, sanitizing the names of Llewellyn authors from the original list of OR+C founders and Grand Officers!Does Llewellyn's intimate connection - through Llewellyn authors - with the segregationist SRIA and the anti-Pagan OR+C explain why Llewellyn is allowing Kraig to openly defame the pro-Pagan Alpha Omega on the Llewellyn blog? Does this also explain why Llewellyn has censored all refutation and has not bothered to answer email protesting Kraig's behavior?ONE THING IS CERTAIN:"THE PAGAN COMMUNITY DESERVES TO BE FULLY INFORMED ABOUT SECRET CONNECTIONS WITH ANTI-PAGAN GROUPS OF BOTH DONALD MICHAEL KRAIG AND LLEWELLYN."The OR+C scandal involving two Llewellyn authors is compounded by the rampant anti-Paganism in the below cited article, "Golden Dawn or Gotterdamerung, "written by OR+C Grand Tutor and personal friend of these Llewellyn authors, R.A. Gilbert. Note that the ORC has attempted to sanitize this article from its website as well, but has been sloppy. Although the.pdf is no longer available on the OR+C server, the link to it still remains on the articles page, as follows:Anti-Pagan OR+C Grand Tutor, R.A. Gilbert"HOW CAN WE BEST PRESERVE THE WESTERN HERMETIC TRADITION FOR THE FUTURE? I TRULY BELIEVE THAT INITIATIC ORDERS ANALOGOUS TO THE GOLDEN DAWN ARE STILL NEEDED AND THAT THEIR ROLE IS CRUCIAL IN PRESERVING OUR SPECIFICALLY WESTERN ESOTERIC SPIRITUALITY. WE MUST ALSO RECOGNISE THAT THE TRADITION WHICH REPRESENTS THAT SPIRITUALITY FACES REAL THREATS, both from the growth of RELIGIOUS INDIFFERENCE and from the determined efforts of its SPIRITUAL ENEMIES to capitalise on such indifference, and to undermine the tradition by perverting its ethos and substituting darker and avowedly anti-Christian goals. If we are true to our Rosicrucian principles then we must recognise and strive against those THREATS." - R.A. Gilbert It is obvious, that Gilbert is here espousing an Anti-Pagan, segregationist view of Rosicrucianism. Gilbert makes direct reference to some mysterious "ANTI-CHRISTIAN" THREAT (READ PAGAN? JEWISH? MUSLIM?)."WHY ARE LLEWELLYN AUTHORS SECRETLY LEADERS OF SEGREGATIONIST, ANTI-PAGAN GROUPS?"In the same manner that Nazis in Germany did everything they could to eradicate Jews, Christian extremists have for Centuries likewise tried to eradicate Pagans. In fact, the Jewish Holocaust in Nazi Germany bears remarkable resemblance to the Pagan Holocaust at the hands of the Inquisition.THE JEWISH AND PAGAN HOLOCAUSTSSadly, the ugly face of Christian extremism has never disappeared. Whenever Christianity becomes a facade for Nazi style racism it becomes particularly dangerous, expecially when it takes on a Masonic veneer as in the case of the anti-Pagan, segregationist, "CHRISTIANS ONLY" SRIA and OR+C.Here in the United States, we are all too familiar with Christian racists using a masonic veneer. The Ku Klux Klan, for example, uses rituals written by Freemason, Albert Pike. Thus, the danger extremoist "CHRISTIANS ONLY" Rosicrucianism of the SRIA and OR+C is not to be underestimated. We Americans have witnessed first hand how dangerous such fanatical segregationists can truly be.Racist Christianity Unchecked!Intolerance masquerading as Christianity should not be taken lightly!Grand Wizard, KKK - Supreme Magus, SRIA Historically, we find a Black Cross in both the KKK and in German Nazism. Today we we find a similar Black Cross as the primary symbol of a host "BLACK CROSS ROSICRUCIAN" orders including the Christian extremist, SRIA (ANGLIA), SRIA (AMERICA) and the Anti-Pagan OR+C (ORDER OF THE ROSE AND CROSS), as well lurking behind Golden Dawn puppet orders already under their control. GERMAN NAZI BLACK CROSS - SRIA AMERICA BLACK CROSS"Two Llewellyn Authors are founders and leaders the anti-Pagan 'Order of the Rose and Cross"Let us now refute - point by point - the anti-Pagan defamation being spread by Kraig on the Llewellyn blog. This is the sort of refutation that Llewellyn has repeatedly censored on the Llewellyn blog while allowing Kraig to run amok.Donald Michael Kraig wrote:"If you are interested in the Golden Dawn, as I am, you will have seen a running blog war over the past few years, a war that has intensified over the past few months."Misrepresentation of the anti-Pagan SRIA Witch Hunt against the Alpha Omega as a "FLAME WAR" has been for nearly 20 years a propaganda "TALKING POINT" frequently used by SRIA/OR+C agents in the Golden Dawn community.There has not been any "RUNNING BLOG WAR" over the past few years as Kraig deliberately misrepresents. There has been only a Christian extremist Witch Hunt of defamation against the pro-Pagan Alpha Omega. Our order has merely refuted the propaganda talking points and exposed the "CHRISTIANS ONLY" extremists waging a veritable Inquisition against the pro-Pagan Alpha Omega. This Witch Hunt is thoroughly documentable in the archives of a bevy of blogs and fora operated by SRIA and OR+C agents in the Golden Dawn community. The really nasty stuff is reserved for a host of "ANONYMOUSLY" published blogs, routinely publicized on the aforementioned blogs and fora, as this week on Pat Zalewski's Yahoo group.Next Donald Michael Kraig wrote:"One person says "I'M TRYING TO MAKE PEACE" and constantly attacks others."This is another propaganda "TALKING POINT" frequently used by the anti-Pagan SRIA and OR+C in their Witch Hunt against the Alpha Omega.In reality, the Alpha Omega has tried over and over to make peace. We have launched one peace initiative after the other. We even recently invited Adepts from across the Golden Dawn community to share in the advanced Second Order magick recently released by the Secret Chiefs.What was the response from GD leaders controlled by the anti-Pagan SRIA and OR+C? First they threatened their members with expulsion if they had anything to do with the newly released Second Order teachings, then released a new book by OR+C founder and Grand Officer, Nick Farrell, brutally attacking the Alpha Omega, rewriting our history, and defaming our founder, S.L. MacGregor Mathers.This began a barrage of new attacks on the Alpha Omega by agents of the anti-Pagan SRIA and OR+C. Although we have merely cross-posted thier attacks to make a record of the truth available to the public, and refuted each and every talking point...Donald Michael Kraig has the nerve to claim that it is the Alpha Omega attacking the anti-Pagan SRIA and OR+C that have been persecuting our order for two full decades. Nonetheless, on the Llewellyn blog Kraig repeats the standard SRIA/OR+C talking point:"One person says "I'M TRYING TO MAKE PEACE" and constantly attacks others."Ha ha! And Donald Michael Krais says this with a straight face while pretending to be "objective"!Next Donald Michael Kraig wrote:"One person says the Secret Chiefs are a metaphor and is attacked by those who think they are real."Kraig has turned the truth on its head here once again. In reality, there have been many dozens of posts over the last 60 days attacking the physical nature of the Secret Chiefs of the Alpha Omega as well as the advanced Second Order magic they are sharing with the GD community through the Alpha Omega. This can be easily verified reading the comments section of this blog for articles published over the past two months. We have defended our order's reputation in the comments section of The Golden Dawn blog by cross-posting all of the defamation and refuting it here - so the truth is easy for all to see!In reality, the Pagan-led Alpha Omega has been under siege by GD operatives of the Christian extremist SRIA and the anti-Pagan OR+C for two full decades now!All they need to do is stop attacking us, and the Alpha Omega would have nothing left to cross-post and refute!There is no doubt, however, that these anti-Pagan extremists will continue to attack the Alpha Omega, as they will continue to falsely portray the Alpha Omega as the attacker!Here is an prediction that does not even require a psychic.Now that this present article is published, you will witness SRIA operatives all across Yahoo and the blogosphere claim that the Alpha Omega is attacking Kraig and Llewellyn, merely because we have cross-posted Kraigs attacks and refutated them, and have exposed the secret connections between both Kraig and Llewellyn with leaders of the aint-Pagan OR+C!Next Donald Michael Kraig wrote:"There is fighting over whether a new ritual is complete or partial... Recently, there have been attacks on people over the meaning of the number "4' on the front of a document! Really! That's it. There are insults and name calling over a number."Kraig is being dishonest in the extreme in this above quote. In fact, this quote raises serious questions about Kraig's character. Kraig is not at all objective in this matter as he pretends. In reality, it is the Chief of Kraig's Golden Dawn order who published Part 4 of our secret Alpha Omega 6=5 ritual. This Llewellyn author is also Supreme Maga of SRIA of co-founder and Grand Officer of the anti-Pagan OR+C.Why publish only Part 4? This was done to support other defamation spread by yet another founder and Grand Chief of the anti-Pagan OR+C, Nick Farrell, who had falsely claimed in his attack book that our founder, S.L. MacGregor Mathers has eliminated all magic from the Alpha Omega, taking it in a purely Masonic direction. They not only profaned our sacred initiation ritual. They even tried to misrepresent it, by publishing only the most masonic part of it!Here we see direct proof of the Witch Hunt against the Pagan mysteries of the Alpha Omega by Grand Chiefs of the anti-Pagan "Order of the Rose and Cross. We also see both Donald Michael Kraig and Llewellyn implicated in this attack on the Pagan-led through Kraig's secret membership in their order, and by Kraig's deliberately misrepresenting the attack on the Llewellyn blog.Kraig next mischaracterises our standing up to these anti-Pagan bullies as an "ATTACK" coming from the Alpha Omega! I suppose Kraig is referring to the scholarly essay recently published here by GH Frater Alpha Omega's Sincerus Renatus on his Gyllene Gryningen (GOLDEN DAWN) blog, entitled "Proof that the Profaned AO 6^0=5^0 ritual was only the 4th part of a larger Initition Ceremony."How on earth does Donald Michael Kraig construe this scholarly article to be a "ATTACK" on his anti-Pagan OR+C cohorts? Sincerus Renautus has raised numerous scholarly objections and is suggesting an alternative hypothesis!Is Kraig questioning the right of scholarly debate without being misrepresented as an "attack"? If so, Kraig is asking both the Pagan and the Golden Dawn communities to end all free academic speach!FINALLY, DONALD MICHAEL KRAIG WROTE:"Currently, there are several groups claiming to be the Golden Dawn. One has the legal right to use that name (AND GRANT THAT RIGHT TO OTHERS) in the U.S. A different group has the legal right to do that outside of the U.S."This too is extremely manipulative and dishonest. In reality, Kraig belongs to the Golden Dawn order that is the other party of this very trademark agreement - the GD order controlled by founders and Grand Officers of the Christian extremist SRIA and the anti-Pagan OR+C, which have been persecuting the pro-Pagan Alpha Omega now for decades!Here is the link to the actual trademark agreement, which Llewellyn first published, then quickly censored on the Llewellyn blog! Instead Llewellyn permits Donald Michael Kraig to to run amok - attacking the Pagan-led Alpha Omega with exactly the same propaganda "TALKING POINTS" that have been used over and over for decades by agents of the anti-Pagan OR+C and the Christian extremist SRIA!Donald Michael Kraig and Llewellyn must both cease and desist from publishing further propaganda "TALKING POINTS" defaming pro-Pagan orders - in this case identical "TALKING POINTS" used for two decades by agents of the anti-Pagan OR+C and the segregationist SRIA. Not mentioning any specific order in their attacks is not enough. Kraig's and Llewellyn's defamation still remains libel "per quod."In light of all the above, the question naturally arises and still remains to be answered:"ARE EITHER DONALD MICHAEL KRAIG OR LLEWELLYN SECRETLY ANTI-PAGAN?"Finally, the same Llewellyn authors, founders, and Grand Officers of the anti-Pagan "ORDER OF THE ROSE AND CROSS" were this year (DUE TO KRAIG'S INFLUENCE) invited to speak at PANTHEACON!The segregationist SRIA and the anti-Pagan OR+C have deeply infiltrated the Golden Dawn community, and have been manipulating it for two decades.Considering all of the aformentioned information, the question naturally arises how deeply anti-Pagan groups have infiltrated the Pagan community and to what extent they are already covertly manipulating it.ONE THING, AT LEAST, IS CERTAIN:PAGANS HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW about the threat posed by covert manipulation of the Pagan community by the anti-Pagan and Christian extremist groups that we have already unmasked manipulating the Golden Dawn community.Donald Michael Kraig, Llewellyn, and Pantheacon, at this juncture, each owe the Pagan community some straight answers to some very tough questions.BY DAVID GRIFFINLabels: dark black magic spells does love spell work love spell candle black magic for beginners return love spell loves spells love spell psychic book of shadows spells from the book of shadows astral projection tour